
More interested in the destruction of the U.S. economy

Raining Oil, Mysterious Crop Ailments on the Gulf Coast and the Death of the Republic.

There are increasing reports of people reporting both oil sheens on rain water pools along the gulf coast and wide spread reports of mysterious crop ailments inland most notably in Mississippi and Louisiana. Are these possibly related to the Oil Spill in the Gulf?
First of all the oil reservoir from which this spill is emanating is under enormous pressure and elevated temperature due to its depth. In any oil reservoir there is equilibrium between the oil and the gas dissolved in it. Once the pressure is dropped the gas starts bubbling out, just like when you pop the top off your cold beer this Sunday afternoon. As this oil reaches the subsea wellhead it is cooled by the colder mile deep gulf water which slows down the evolution of gas. But as it rises the lowering pressure will again increase the evolution of gas and lighter hydrocarbons. When it reaches the hotter surface of the gulf it is still not in equilibrium but evaporating various hydrocarbons as it lays there heated by the sun every day. The rate of evaporation of hydrocarbon compounds and water at a given pressure and temperature is proportional to the area being evaporated and inversely proportional to the relative humidity of the air or concentration of compounds already evaporated.

COREXIT®: "The solution to pollution is dilution"

The combination of COREXIT® and oil on the surface of the gulf spreads the oil out over a wider area in keeping with he old oil field adage "The solution to pollution is dilution". This dispersal increases the surface area available to evaporation and will allow Hydrocarbons and COREXIT® to be evaporated off the gulf far more easily than if it was just more dense oil slicks. The evaporated hydrocarbon, COREXIT® and water vapor become the thunder clouds that roll in off the gulf during the summer. The highly ionized environment of the thunderheads electrical discharges will result in the breaking of the various electron bonds that keep these compounds in their original form and allows them to recombine in a whole plethora of compounds some far more dangerous, not that substances like Benzene and Toluene aren’t toxic enough in their own right. Components in COREXIT® Sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate Sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs. Sorbitan, tri-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs Butanedioic acid, 2-sulfo-, 1,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt (1:1) Propanol, 1-(2-butoxy-1-methylethoxy) Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light Ethanol, 2-butoxy Note not in COREXIT®9500 2-Propanediol Hydrocarbon compounds typically available for evaporation in descending orders of concentration: Methane Ethane Propane Butane Cyclohexane Dimethyl Cyclopentane Benzene Toulene Xylene Plus others The cycle consists of the evaporation (Preheating in petrochemical terms) from the gulf of all these compounds plus water vapor, destructive ionization into free radicals in the thunderhead (Cracking in petrochemical terms) followed by sequences of cooling and heating in the convection cycle of the microclimate of the thunderhead (Distillation and Reflux in petrochemical terms) rapid cooling (Condensation in petrochemical terms) of resultant compounds into a toxic soup of water droplets. These chilled water droplets and in some cases hail then drop on the gulf coast to form pools of water on our streets and fields and leave water droplets on our crops. As these water droplets evaporate in the sun after the storm not only does the water droplet act like a magnifying glass causing local heating of the plants leaves, but as the water evaporates the compounds formed in the thunderhead increase in concentration in the disappearing water droplet until those highly concentrated compounds are all that are left and causes a damage spot on the plant in question.

COREXIT® should have never been used. Skimmers and tankers were offered immediately and rejected by the federal government

The COREXIT® should have never been used and the true tragedy is that skimmers and tankers were offered immediately and rejected by the federal government. They would have eliminated over 90% of the oil and it would have never reached the beaches, and more importantly the air. Despite being banned in Europe COREXIT® is more toxic and less effective than some other dispersants EPA tested, yet was the dispersant of choice for some reason; were there lobbying influences promoting its use? While people like Gov. Jindal and Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser are on the front lines and trenches of this war to stem the tide of oil in the Gulf it is becoming increasingly obvious that the various agencies of Federal Govermin (spelling intentional) are actively working to undermine these efforts:

Ken Salazar Secretary of the Interior is more focused on destruction of the US economy

Ken Salazar Secretary of the Interior is more focused on destruction of the US economy via forging documents and rejecting a Judges injunction regarding the drilling moratorium and shutting down all oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico than helping to alleviate the immediate effects of the spill.

The EPA is more focused on the destruction of the US economy

The EPA is more focused on the destruction of the US economy by regulating CO2’ allowing COREXIT® to be used to exasperate the ecological effects of the spill and continually thwarting local efforts to build berms and contain the oil, than helping to alleviate the immediate effects of the spill.

Congress and the Senate are more interested in the destruction of the US economy

Congress and the Senate are more interested in the destruction of the US economy, via sneaking all manner of legislation through their respective houses (Amnesty for illegal aliens, State hood for Puerto Rico, suing Arizona for upholding federal law, ad infinitum nauseam) and recreating the Salem witch trials of the companies actively involved in the spill cleanup than actually helping to alleviate the effects of the spill.

The Executive Branch are more interested in the destruction of the US economy

The Executive Branch are more interested in the destruction of the US economy while rearranging the deck chairs of the titanic to McCartney’s music, secretly controlling the ongoing acornesque census taking, rejecting foreign offers for help, ensuring their benefactor George Soros wins big on Petrobras, propagandizing the spill to pass Cap and Trade, while their trigger finger is itching to be on the kill button for the internet to stop the people from reading the truth, rather than actually helping to alleviate the effects of the spill. While the toxicity of the Gulf Increases with every passing day in the sea, on the beaches and in the air, never before in the American Republic's history has Washington been such a toxic soup of free radicals more intent on carrying out their own Marxist socialist agenda and shredding the constitution than contributing to the efforts of those genuinely trying to preserve this country. Qui molitur insidias in patriam, id facit quod insanusnauta perforans navem in qua vehitur. "He who betrays his country is like the insane sailor who bores a hole in the ship that carries him"

J Desmond McGrath -- Bio and Archives

J Desmond McGrath is a Canadian Engineer (BSc Petroleum Engineering-Honors Montana Tech) who has been living and working in Louisiana since 2002.