
Herb of the Year for 2017 is Coriander

Questions We're Often Asked: Coriander<

Herb of the Year for 2017 is Coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Herb Day falls on Sunday, 30th April--great times then to celebrate this zesty herb. Until recently best known in the West at least for its seeds as an essential for curries and chilli sauces along with some soups and stews, the foliage, known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, is gathering fresh disciples by the day as an essential addition to many an exotic dish.
However, the 'coriander' greens of Latin America and Southeast Asian cuisine are different herbs altogether. Mexican Coriander (Eryngium foetidum), native to Central America, is now cultivated in Southeast Asia. Unlike traditional coriander, it withstands humid tropical conditions. Rau Ram, or Vietnamese Coriander (Persicaria odorata) is a fresh take on the herb. Unlike traditional cilantro, Rau Ram is a "cut-and-come-again" candidate for the herb patch, producing flavoursome foliage throughout the season. Failing to find seeds on racks at the local garden centre, check out richters.com with the warning they feature much more to tempt both novice and experienced gardener.

Wes Porter -- Bio and Archives

Wes Porter is a horticultural consultant and writer based in Toronto. Wes has over 40 years of experience in both temperate and tropical horticulture from three continents.