
Marco's new BFF's

Pssst… Sen. Rubio, Remember Me?

Dear Sen. Rubio: Remember me? I was part of the Tea Party grassroots movement and one of your BFF's during your campaign to become my Senator. Of course, as any middle or high school girl knows, BFF's rotate in and out depending on their usefulness. Apparently I've outlived my usefulness, at least until your next campaign. I'm sure my aversion to becoming a gang member also played a part in your no longer "hearting" me.
I worked extremely hard on your behalf. I made hundreds of phone calls, I walked not only my neighborhood, but surrounding neighborhoods, I put out signs, I convinced skeptics you were sincere, but most of all I believed in you. I did all this to send you to D.C. to stand up to the progressive left and the GOP RINOS. How did you repay my faith in you? You joined a gang comprised of the very people I sent you to fight against to push amnesty for over 11 million illegal alien lawbreakers. I'm honest enough to admit I was duped. You have new BFF's and I have egg on my face. You have teamed up with not only the most radical I-hate-America President this country has ever known, but Chucky "we'll never do amnesty again" (circa 1986) Schumer; Robert "I didn't have sex with that underage girl" Menendez; John "If we do succeed, and I think we will, it will be a testimonial to Ted Kennedy's effort years ago that laid the groundwork for this agreement" McCain; Jeff "I've co-sponsored five amnesties, including being the chief original sponsor with my good buddy, Rep. Gutierrez, for the infamous STRIVE amnesty" Flake. Senator, if I had wanted to send another clone of these Senators to Washington, I would have voted for Charlie "I'm a Republican, no, I'm an Independent, no, I'm really a Democrat" Crist.
During a 2009 interview you made the following statements; "I'm strongly against amnesty" and "Nothing will make it harder to enforce existing laws than to reward people who broke them". Senator, I took you at your word, but I'm beginning to wonder exactly what your word is worth. There is no way to reconcile your emphatic statement in 2009 with your push for amnesty with your new found friends. The video can be found here: My unease with you actually started to manifest itself with your vote in favor of the NDAA bill. In response to the many times I voiced my objection to that vote, I was told your vote reflected your extreme fear of Terrorism and defense of this country. Really? That myth was put to rest when you chose to vote to confirm John Kerry and John Brennan. To bolster your trust in John Brennan comes this story from the Washington Post whereby an agent tied to of all things the horror of waterboarding was passed over for the position of Head of Clandestine Service. Of course, the fine upstanding Senator from California, Diane Feinstein, showed who is really in charge by calling Brennan to express her concern over the possibility that someone so closely linked to the interrogation program would be put in position to lead the agency's spying service. At the same time Mr. Brennan is busy destroying the CIA, your pick for Secretary of State, John Kerry, is busily handing out my tax dollars to those good guys, the Muslim Brotherhood. Would you like a do over on your vote, Senator? So, now having taken care of the State Department and the CIA to bolster the fight against terrorism, you turn your attention to the plight of the poor criminals who swarmed across our border. Never mind they broke the very immigration law you said needed to be enforced. We now must reward them for flaunting our laws by granting them amnesty. Please stop trying to spin me by telling me it's not amnesty. From the Merriam Webster Dictionary comes this definition of Amnesty: the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals. Please pay attention to the operative word: pardon. That's exactly what your "non-amnesty" bill does, grants pardons to the illegals in this country. Never mind your bill creates a huge new Federal bureaucracy relinquishing most of the power to enforce it to "Big Sis" Napolitano. After all, you profess to be a conservative for limited government. There's that problem taking you at your word again. Never mind your bill establishes a new slush fund that will redistribute my taxes to groups such as Acorn (no, they haven't gone away) and LaRazza. Heck, we all know they are fine upstanding organizations who only have my best interests at heart. What's a little corruption and voter fraud among friends? Never mind we have already established a cradle to grave entitlement society in this country. Your bill further extends that generosity to not only the "people of the shadows", but all the family members the amnesty provides for. As pointed out in the new report from Heritage on the cost of the Gang of 8 amnesty plan, taxpayers can expect to pick up the tab for at least $6.3 trillion in benefits for your newly legalized citizens and their families. Oh, wait, your Mythbusters Website says they won't get Federal benefits. The only thing Mythical on that website are your facts. In case you haven't had the opportunity to read the Heritage report, go here. Senator, you have asked for ideas to make your bill better. Here's mine, BURN IT! As the ashes cool, how about we try the following:
  • Build that fence we were promised in 1986.
  • Enforce our current immigration law.
  • Immediately cut off taxpayer funded welfare and education for illegals.
  • End the practice of sanctuary cities.
  • End chain migration practices.
  • End the anchor baby citizenship.
  • And, horror of horrors, bring them out of the shadows and send them home.
Finally, Senator, please don't contact me when you are once again campaigning. I'll be too busy looking for a new BFF. As the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Paula Helton -- Bio and Archives

Editor’s Note: Paula Helton Passed away on December 27, 2014.  She will be greatly missed
Paula Helton A Great Patriot.