
The globalists’s and the mainstream media’s days are numbered

Propaganda and the mainstream media

Over 80 years ago, Joseph Geobbels taught us that the lie told 1000 times over becomes the truth as the Nazis developed sophisticated propaganda techniques to incite Germans and their fanatical collaborators and puppets to commit genocide against their enemies. This lesson was not lost on the Western corporate-controlled media many decades later which never had more ability to distort the truth, spin, censor, and outright lie at the speed of light.
Over 80 years ago, Joseph Geobbels taught us that the lie told 1000 times over becomes the truth as the Nazis developed sophisticated propaganda techniques to incite Germans and their fanatical collaborators and puppets to commit genocide against their enemies. This lesson was not lost on the Western corporate-controlled media many decades later which never had more ability to distort the truth, spin, censor, and outright lie at the speed of light. The upcoming US elections have demonstrated a desperation within the “elite” financial, business, and social circles of the West that the parasitic Ponzi party may soon be coming to an end as the US is crippled by its over 20 trillion dollars of debt which cannot be paid off because so many American jobs have been outsourced to other nations. Ordinary Americans are greatly suffering under the corporate, financial, and amoral hegemons/behemoths that seek to break down and ultimately totally control American society by replacing the nation state with the supranational “global” unelected police state. Their “leaders” are spending trillions of dollars on illegal wars all over the world without their consent, the pyramid scheme (built by virtual currency which is backed by nothing) run by Wall Street is readying for collapse, and their food is being poisoned with GMOs. Ordinary Americans are justly angry and many are seeking to “clean house” and replace the Washington establishment with true patriots but, in an effort to stultify this unstoppable momentum of change, the mainstream media have been acting bizarrely by blaming everything bad on Russia, focusing on Donald Trump’s human fallibility but suppressing and ignoring the mounting evidence of high crimes and treason by the Clinton crime family and its underlings. Of course, the Serbs and Serbian Americans have seen this all before over 20 years ago when the mainstream media demonized and censored them, distorted the truth of what was really going on during the Yugoslav civil wars, and outright lied to encourage the breakup of Yugoslavia at Serbia’s expense. The imperialist and “humanitarian” interventionist policies (based on lies promulgated by the mainstream media) started with the illegal Western-led destruction of Yugoslavia and war hawk interventionists such as Samantha Power and Victoria Nuland have merely grown more bold and maniacal as the Middle East and Eastern Ukraine are in flames and now Hillary Clinton is threatening to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria that may provoke WWIII. The level of immature hysteria propagated by Hillary Clinton, blaming everything on Russia and Julian Assange-the-messenger without looking in the mirror and acknowledging or apologizing for what has been exposed about her and her crime syndicate is breathtaking and something that Geobbels would be very proud of (distract, deflect, and deny).

Ray of Hope: Americans are learning daily of the astonishing level of corruption within their government

The only ray of hope here is that Americans are daily learning of the astonishing level of corruption within their government and many now realize just how much their media has sought to brainwash them. As a result, they are losing faith in their government and mainstream media. This will be the greatest casualty of the elections. It is my sincere hope that the mainstream media collapses in the West from lack of readership/viewership as few rational and free thinking people honestly believe anything said by them anymore. By seeking to continue sucking the lifeblood from ordinary citizens at all costs and trample on their constitutionally-guaranteed rights, the “elites” are sealing their doom as their efforts to brainwash (via the mainstream media) and control the plebians will backfire and cause a revolution which will not be televised. The mainstream media merely masks the machinations of governments under the guise of political correctness and the people are fed up! So, it will be very interesting to see if Goebbels will win this round for the globalists or if Americans will awaken to realize that they are being constantly lied to and will choose anyone other than Hillary Clinton, a horrible traitor to the American people. Regardless, the globalists’s and the mainstream media’s days are numbered.

Dr. Michael Pravica -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Michael Pravica has been an activist over the past 23 years on a variety of issues. He has over 500 letters and opinion pieces published all over the world and dozens of radio and television interviews to his credit.