

Preventing National Suicide, Restoring the Republic and Avoiding Another Revolutionary War

In Parts 1 and 2 of my Bitter Truth Trilogy of essays, and in keeping with the title of this Part 3, I discussed the irrefutable fact that our nation is currently trapped in a crisis of virtually Biblical proportions and described the essential need for all rational Americans, of good will and conscience, to immediately begin to martial their forces to overcome this epic national tragedy and thereby avoid committing national suicide. I suggest we begin this process by asking God to forgive us of our individual and collective sins, because we will have no chance to overcome all of the formidable obstacles facing us, without his help and blessings.
In order to effectively describe the true nature of this monumentally dire situation and by way of an exceptionally apt metaphor, I would simply suggest you recall that famous, climactic scene from the most recent film version of The Ten Commandments. You remember, the scene where Moses has just descended from Mt. Sinai, with the famous“ tablets “ in hand and encounters his once devoted flock, in total disarray. My fellow Americans, we’ve finally reached the “ tipping point “ in our nation’s history and, unfortunately, it’s time for each and every citizen to pick sides. Ultimately, you can align yourself with the golden calf named Obama and his followers or ……..; I think you get the general idea and I suggest that you choose your side wisely. In any event, it’s patently obvious that never in our country’s history have we been led and governed by a more immoral, loathsome, dishonest, divisive, treacherous, evil and toxic group of individuals, than those who march under the wide Progressive banner, now primarily represented by the leaders in our national Democratic Party. The list of pejoratives that apply to these odious individuals and the nature of their mission, is almost endless and they have inflicted an incalculably immense amount of harm and damage on our nation and its citizenry. These Democrats represent the very antithesis of what our Founding Fathers envisioned as virtuous political leaders. I submit that no rational person could now possibly believe these individuals or their mission are in any way good or beneficial for America and its future. Since our nation is in a state of extremis and although the damage may already be irreparable, we must still fully commit to a process of political, social and cultural triage and begin this process with a total repudiation of all such Progressives and their warped, distorted , immoral and utterly bankrupt political philosophy, at every level of government in America, in the upcoming mid- term elections of 2010, followed up with an equally ferocious blow against any such remaining Progressive incumbents in the elections of 2012. These dangerous folks ( the form of “ cancer “ and/or human versions of “ WMD “, referred to in Parts 1-2) must be dispossessed of their elective or appointed offices as rapidly as possible, if we’re going to have any chance to restore the true promise of America.
As an objective observer, I am convinced that if we’re unable to initiate an immediate course correction for our national ship of state, in these two absolutely crucial national election cycles, a revolutionary fervor will overcome America and many true patriots will be compelled to engage in a pre-emptive form of self-defense, against Progressive tyranny, in a manner very similar to that undertaken by our Founding Fathers, in the 1770s. Please remember Thomas Jefferson’s famous words about the need to refresh the “ Tree of Liberty “ from time-to-time and vote accordingly. We’re very fortunate that the best cure for our national form of mental and spiritual cancer known as Progressivism, will not require the use of bullets or bombs but only frequent doses of the Truth, together with the collective repentance of our sins. I can only hope and pray that the first alternative, via the ballot box, provides us with the ultimate solution to this crisis. The list of corrective and restorative actions that must commence immediately after the elections of 2010, is virtually endless but I would suggest that we immediately begin a full frontal ( but totally peaceful ) assault on the three segments of society, described in Part 2, that have actively been living a lie and which have utterly betrayed their sacred missions to America: the inaptly named MSM, the official propaganda arm of the Democratic Party; the Progressive educators, administrators, school board officials and teachers’ union leaders and their mindless supplicants, who have an indoctrinational stranglehold on our system of public education, and; those leaders of various religious organizations who have chosen to turn their backs on God. This is indeed a battle for the hearts and minds of all Americans and the future of our nation. In a concomitant fashion and in light of the fact that numerous pieces of federal legislation, which have been passed and signed into law by politicians who have betrayed their oaths of office, trashed the Constitution, ignored the wishes of their constituents and abandoned the principles relating to the separation of powers, all need to be considered as illegitimate in nature, I suggest we also turn our attention to the following urgent initiatives:
  1. In an effort to restore some semblance of fiscal sanity, the new Congress must immediately act to repeal all of the legislation relating to the so-called Stimulus Bill and Obamacare. When those efforts are inevitably vetoed by the radical leftist in the White House and, if the votes in Congress are insufficient to overcome his veto, all of these same programs must immediately be defunded by the House. With respect specifically to essential healthcare reform, it can be accomplished in a far more rational, fiscally responsible, humane and compassionate manner. Progressives are as unsustainable as their woefully misguided legislation.
  2. All federal agencies and departments need to be completely reviewed, reorganized and/or eliminated, as necessary. Comprehensive audits of all such organizations need to be conducted and rigorous “ sunset “ requirements need to be formally imposed, across the board. Federal budgetary expenditures need to be reset at pre-Obama levels and maintained at a minimally increasing annual rate for all federal agencies, except for the federal defense budget and absolutely essential social programs, that may be partially spared from the budget cutting axe. In any event, all wasteful expenditures must be identified and eliminated. We must also disband all public employee unions and their charters.
  3. All Congresspersons need to formally recommit to their almost sacred duty to honor their oaths of office and ensure that any actions they undertake, now and in the future, will fall under a Constitutionally permissible standard. I fear our current President is a hopelessly lost cause with respect to this essential element of national reformation. Any members of Congress and this administration, who have betrayed their oaths of office ( from either party ) will eventually need to be held accountable for their perfidy; our Founding Fathers would have probably sent them to the gallows, but I would settle for appropriate sentences in federal prisons.
  4. We must immediately restore the Bush era tax cuts and then start the difficult process of eliminating the incomprehensibly complex existing federal tax code and replacing it with something very simple, concise and effective. I personally would prefer a form of minimal flat tax, affecting all forms of income, that allows for very few if any exemptions, but also recognizes that a number of our citizens, who are truly needy, will continue to require a compassionate level of tax relief. However, the fact that almost fifty percent of our citizens don’t pay any federal income tax is an absolute travesty. If you don’t have any “ skin in the game “, it’s obviously problematic for you and your nation.
  5. We must eliminate the sinister inheritance ( “ Death “ ) tax. Although I fully agree with the Biblical admonishments concerning wealthy individuals and their potentially arduous pathways to heaven and believe that it is indeed obscene if they don’t voluntarily and compassionately share their wealth with others, I also believe it’s equally obscene to allow governmental bureaucrats to wastefully redistribute their wealth, after any such wealthy individual’s demise.
  6. To immediately improve our educational system, any ongoing federal or state funding of k-12 public or private educational institutions must be done on a “ voucher “ basis, to allow for the ultimate form of school choice. Each school’s set of administrators and instructors will then be held fully accountable by the parents who will now have the ability to actually select the best school for their child. This competitive approach will also allow us to destroy those teachers’ unions led by Progressives, who never had the best interests of our children in their hearts or mission; talk about some wicked people.
  7. We must do all in our power and in our prayers, to encourage the members of the Supreme Court to overturn the truly diabolical Roe v Wade decision and allow the various states to address this abortion rights ( and abomination to God ) issue, on a legislative basis. Ever notice how the Progressives in our society routinely treat both ends of the human life cycle, our seniors and the unborn, with an equal amount of disdain and contempt? I do have confidence that most of our states will do the right thing.
  8. We must totally reform the greatest Ponzi scheme in human history, known as Social Security, together with Medicare and Medicaid, on a fiscally responsible but truly effective, humane and compassionate basis.
  9. To deal with the exceptionally adverse impact of uncontrolled immigration on our nation and its fiscal and cultural health , we must immediately shut down our borders and institute a comprehensive new system of immigration controls and enforcement mechanisms, that are closely aligned with our country’s best interests.
  10. While we must continue to explore and develop our onshore fossil fuel energy resources on a vigorous basis, we also need to develop alternative sources of energy, by refocusing and concentrating the vast majority of our related efforts, on nuclear energy.
  11. We must also totally reform or completely defund the United Nations, the epitome of a Progressively inspired non-governmental agency, that hasn’t had our nation’s best interests at heart for many decades.
  12. All remaining “ sanctuary “ cities and the blue states that remain under the control of the maladroit Progressives, after the elections in 2010 and 2012, will need to be boycotted, until their electorates regain their collective common sense and wisdom.
  13. The pervasive system of voter fraud, that has infected every national election for many years, must be stamped out in no uncertain terms. Any form of individual or group related misconduct in this arena, will need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
  14. We must continue to provide our armed forces with all of the equipment, ordnance and support required to overcome any enemy, including radical Islam, that threatens our nation’s security and citizenry.
  15. We should also fumigate the halls of Congress, immediately following the 2010 and 2012 elections and the entire White House , after the elections of 2012, to detoxify the infectious and poisonous atmosphere created and left behind by our Progressives.
Thus, in a nutshell my fellow citizens, we must throw these Progressive bums out of office on a permanent basis and replace them with as many true conservatives as possible, while restoring our faith and allegiance to the principles contained in both our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. May God continue to bestow his blessings upon our divinely inspired nation and our moral mission to restore the Republic. B. Reynolds can be reached at: wtr.ex.animo@gmail.com

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