
Melania Trump and others who believe in the Providence that surrounds President Donald Trump, hold onto their Faith in the Almighty

Prayer far more powerful than Hocus Pocus

The progressive left had an unholy cow when First Lady Melania Trump opened her husband’s rally in Melbourne, Florida the weekend before last with the Lord’s Prayer. “Leftists on social media tore into First Lady Melania Trump, mocking her accent and religion and branding her everything from a hostage to a # – all for the secular offense of reciting “The Lord’s Prayer.” (Fox News, Feb. 19, 2017)
“Melania Trump began President Trump’s rally Saturday in Florida by delivering the prayer, which Christians – many of whom recite the prayer in church each week – believe was first said by Jesus Christ. The crowd at Orlando-Melbourne Airport received the prayer enthusiastically. Left-leaning social media users were a different story, however.
Melania starts the dictatorship rally with the Lord's Prayer? NOT EVERY AMERICAN IS CHRISTIAN!!!! Country over party. pic.twitter.com/CX9MxvP915 — Jaime Primak (@JaimePrimak) February 19, 2017
@splattne wrote: “Melania prays (reads) the Our Father. Makes Jesus turn in his grave. Oh wait…”
Melania prays (reads) the Our Father. Makes Jesus turn in his grave. Oh wait... — Stefan Plattner (@splattne) February 19, 2017
“Several Twitter users harkened to the controversy over Melania Trump plagiarizing a section of her Republican National Convention speech from a previous speech given by former First Lady Michelle Obama.
At least this time Melania plagerized the Lord's Prayer from the Bible instead of Michelle Obama. #TrumpRally — Michael Blackman (@ParaComedian09) February 19, 2017
“President Trump didn’t escape unscathed, either. “Trump is still there, so Melania’s prayer didn’t work,” @GerryDuggan wrote.
Millions of priests state in the intro to the Lord’s Prayer at Holy Mass wherever it is celebrated worldwide:…”We dare to say”. The First Lady was accused of plagiarizing a prayer authored by Jesus for everyone to pray. The same people who savaged her for saying the Lord’s Prayer would be apoplectic if they happened upon a picture of Melania on her 2005 wedding day with Donald Trump, which show clearly the Rosary intertwined on her right hand throughout the ceremony at the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida,. Seething witches of the world who called on “Spell to Bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him” beginning on on February 24, and continuing every midnight of the month when he crescent moon is waning, are up against a power from which it is impossible to emerge victorious. (ExtraNewsFeed, Feb. 16, 2017) Against the Lord’s Prayer and the Blessed Rosary, tarot cards, tiny orange candles, unflattering pictures of Donald Trump and other hocus pocus would last less long than one of God Almighty’s snowflakes. For All of the visceral hatred stirred up in the words of so-called “magic spells” fizzle into nothingness compared to the power of fervent prayer.

“When President Donald Trump addresses a joint session of Congress for the first time Tuesday night, he is expected to set out a wide-ranging agenda for his first term in office, including stronger immigration enforcement. But before he takes the podium, his choice of guests — and the guests of the congressional Democrats — will already have sent a message about the competing visions of America their parties are staking out. (McClatchy Feb. 28, 2017) “Half of President Donald Trump’s six guests are family members of those killed by undocumented immigrants, while several of the guests invited by Democratic representatives include Muslim-Americans, immigrants and the undocumented students commonly referred to as Dreamers.” The advocates of a “Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him” will be out in full force, right there in Congress. But they have only their hatred to hold onto, while Melania Trump and others who believe in the Providence that surrounds President Donald Trump, hold onto their Faith in the Almighty.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.