
Rare politician who speaks the truth and does not grovel to the public. Rick Santorum is just such a candidate

Politicians:  Will either Save or Doom America. It’s up to you!

I have a love / hate relationship with politicians. On one hand, I admire so the elected official who speaks his mind, answers questions directly and honestly, and leads rather than follows the voter. These men and woman who choose to dedicate their lives in public service have my complete respect and will absolutely be the saviors of our great Nation.
Conversely, the politician who panders to both sides of the political spectrum in an attempt to curry the voter, changes his / her points of view like an ocean breeze, annoys and hardens me and leaves a thick layer of cynicism on my exterior. Regrettably, in both parties, there are plenty of the latter and a very few of the former, who in my opinion, reside on the conservative side of the political neighborhood. I share my concern because I have seriously pondered entering the world of politics and running for local office. It would be a first for me, and considering my age, a bit out of character. I have yet to make up my mind but I am contemplating very seriously whether I can actually make a difference when I preach in the temple of public opinion via my omnipresent commentary. I harbor a healthy dose of skepticism as to whether I would make a good politician. I am not one who is reticent to divulge my opinion on a myriad of subjects: the debt, the deficit, illegal immigration, legal immigration, to note just a few subjects. I suspect I would probably vote in the minority on a Council or Board, if I felt a particular position compromised my moral compass. It would appear the successful politicians are the ones who “make the deals.”
Allow me to share a recent exchange with a citizen in the city in which I reside. This individual was absolutely passionate that fluoride in the city water supply was a toxin, a poison and was causing great harm to the population. She and her rather large group of adherents want the City Council to remove the fluoride from the public water system. I performed some due diligence research, spoke to not only my dentist, but also the American Dental Association. Both told me fluoride was completely safe and other than possibly discoloring my teeth, fluoride was not harmful and in fact, was helpful. I attained my 65th year, with all my teeth in place and I have matured into a relatively healthy individual. I related my common sense experience with this future constituent. In a dignified and respectful manner, I told her I did not share her view on the subject. Within 24 hours, I was deluged with several emails expressing her disgust and revulsion for my point of view and me personally. The attacks were and remain unrelenting from not only this person, but her league of like-minded ideologues. On other issues, the voter and I shared similar points of view on practically every facet across the political spectrum; we just disagreed on the issue of fluoride in the public water system. She told me she would never vote for me, followed with a few more expletives. This experience I share is not unique. Indeed, I could have misled her and told her I supported her position and therefore gain her favor, secure her vote, and then do what I wanted to do when I was elected. That would be dishonest. Not to be cynical, I observe many politicians, local to Federal, do mislead and are less than candid with their constituencies. I’m sure it wouldn’t surprise you that there are many politicians who lie, cheat, misrepresent, all in an effort to win your vote. Former California Republican candidate for Governor Meg Whitman would speak to both sides on the issue of illegal immigration. Whitman’s rhetoric would change relative to the audience she was addressing. In the morning, she would address conservatives and tell them of her support to cut off benefits and services to illegals. In the afternoon, she would address a Latino group and promise to continue to offer State aid for “undocumented workers. Whitman lost to Jerry Brown. I can’t tell you who is worse: a misrepresenting Republican or a destructive, business killing, out-of-control spending nanny Democrat. Indeed, they are both bad. Indeed they are both politicians. Recently, I received a flyer from a State Assembly candidate who claimed to be a Tea Party Patriot and asked to address that group in an effort to win their votes. I know factually, this person was no patriot and was simply a political opportunist. I sent out a widespread email advising voters in that community what I interpreted as a fraud perpetrated by this candidate. Time will tell if this imposter will win his election, but I am wagering the voters will figure it out and cast their vote for another candidate. On the national theatre, Santorum is suddenly starting to surge. Earlier, I referred to the kind of rare politician who speaks the truth and does not grovel to the public. Rick Santorum is just such a candidate. Time will reveal if he will emerge above Newt and Mitt. I would be remiss if in closing, I did not remind you of the very worst kind of politician; one is promises everything and delivers nothing. That candidate is one who speaks his plastic eloquence from a teleprompter rather than his heart. That aspirant is one who tells you what you want to hear and then governs as if he is deaf. Obama’s disdain for the voter is blindingly obvious. That candidate who represents the very worst of politicking to the public in a “do as I say, not as I do” behavior is Barack Hussein Obama. I believe the electorate has woken up to this hustler and will expel him from Office. America’s politician will either rescue our great Republic or doom her to a slow, agonizing death. The choice of politician is up to you.

Roger Gitlin -- Bio and Archives

Roger Gitlin is a California-credentialed teacher and sits on the steering committee for the Del Norte Tea Party Patriots in Crescent City, California. Roger also founded the Santa Clarita Valley Independent Minutemen. Roger Gitlin is running for Del Norte County, Supervisor District I in Crescent City, California.