
Canadian News, Politics

Four out of five Canadians oppose MP pay hike Canadian Taxpayers Federation | March 27, 2023
“The government shouldn’t be making life more expensive with tax hikes when Canadians can’t afford gas or groceries,” Terrazzano said. “MPs don’t deserve pay raises when their tax hikes make life unaffordable.”

Trudeau must pay the hotel expense back Canadian Taxpayers Federation | March 24, 2023
“Trudeau knew he was going to lose in court and be forced to tell taxpayers the truth, that’s why he’s trying to bury the story just as Biden comes to town,” Terrazzano said. “Trudeau needs to pay taxpayers back”

MPs vote against alcohol tax hike Canadian Taxpayers Federation | March 24, 2023
“Trudeau must listen to Canadians and MPs and cancel this undemocratic tax hike that will increase the cost of living when Canadians are struggling to stretch our paycheques,” Terrazzano said

The Opposition Conservatives would benefit

It’s disgusting that such a weak buffoon like Trudeau would extend a supposed hand of aid with so many implied strings attached. Then again, if anyone knows the power of strings it’s a puppet, and Trudeau most assuredly is that

Stress Testing the Federal Fiscal Anchor

Pastor Derek Reimer says he feels God called him to 'expose' and stand against drag queen events for children

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff, opposition MPs believe Telford can shine some light on what the government knew about the interference and in what time frame

Watch now for the latest analysis on what is happening in Canadian doctors' offices and discover Dr. Saba's core strategies for building a Culture of Life

Fiscal and monetary policies our governments have pursued over the past three years are starting to backfire

The Cost of Business Subsidies in Canada

The CTF testified at the House of Commons and Senate finance committees to outline a plan to balance the budget

Canadians have watched the political theater for long enough. Is it time for the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to resign

Prime Ministers and Government Spending: 2023 Edition

MPs and senators can stop Trudeau’s quest for censorship by demanding that the government accept the Senate’s amendments

Women and Progress: Women's Economic Rights—Moving Closer to Gender Equality?

Ottawa’s net-zero plans will leave us bankrupt, hungry and freezing in the dark for no environmental benefit

Justin Trudeau lied to all of us News on the Net | March 4, 2023
We need a confidence vote now

This school board is filled with cowards. They turned their back on the welfare of an entire school so as to not offend some Marxist liberals with big mouths

Rouleau followed the Chief Justice as Champion of the Overdog

Polling Canadians on Taxes for the Average Family

Canada's opposition steps up push for public inquiry on Chinese meddling

The Justin Trudeau School of Thought News on the Net | March 1, 2023
Justin's Memory Test: ....You're Racist!

Major tax hikes one month away Canadian Taxpayers Federation | March 1, 2023
Politicians don’t deserve a pay raise when they make life unaffordable with tax hikes and runaway spending

Starting July 1, each transgender employee receives a health benefit of up to $75,000 for “gender affirmation” procedures, such as sex reassignment surgeries

Ontario Premiers and Provincial Government Spending

if you think that’s weird, you’re the extremist

Canadian trucker asking for stay of criminal charges for violation of his Charter rights Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms | February 24, 2023
It is imperative for Canadians to have the right and freedom to peacefully oppose government mandates without facing punishment, including arrest and criminal charges

Aging, Capital Investment and Standards of Living

CBC handed out $51 million in bonuses and raises during the pandemic. And you paid for all of it.