
Douglas V. Gibbs

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on "Hannity" and "Fox and Friends" on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks. Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator. Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.

Most Recent Articles by Douglas V. Gibbs:

Miss USA Contestant Defends Traditional Marriage

The question should not have been asked. But, the answer Miss California Carrie Prejean gave came from her heart, and was simply her speaking her mind freely. Miss Prejean during the Miss USA pageant believes her answer may have cost her the crown. The question was on gay marriage, and was given by the hateful entertainment blogger Perez Hilton. Her answer sparked controversy, but she says she's proud she stayed true to her beliefs and wouldn't change the response. Her response was, "I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other ... same sex marriage or opposite marriage. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman ... that's how I was raised."
- Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day 2009

We should be good stewards of the planet. If a logger clear-cuts, he ought to plant two trees in the place of each one he brings down. Motor oil should be disposed of properly, not poured into the gutter, or thrown in the trash. We should pursue clean energy sources like nuclear power by building more plants around the nation for the purpose of providing clean and efficient electricity. I recycle because I choose to, not because I am following some fad. I think it is reasonable to reuse materials when we can. If gunk is in the air, or in the water, we should take action to reduce the gunk. It is common sense.
- Thursday, April 23, 2009

Economic Crisis Myth

The Liberal Left was warned as far back as 2001 by Republicans that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were unstable, and that certain regulations needed to be put into place in order to prevent an eventual meltdown of the mortgage industry. The practice of providing loans to lower income families needed to be halted because eventually the ever-growing pile of bad money in the system would collapse the banking system, and place our economy in danger of recession. Barney Frank, and his leftist cronies, argued against that proclamation by the Republicans. Then, when the system failed, true to their unethical character, they blamed it on the Republicans, and the sheep out there in “voting land” believed every word of it. In fact, after Republicans told the Left that regulations needed to be put into place, and Democrats balked at the idea, the Liberals turned around after the chaos began and blamed the problem on deregulation. Even more amazing, is that their argument about deregulation was applied without them even understanding the Conservative views on deregulation. Every liberal I have talked to has proclaimed that Conservatives desire all regulations lifted. Honestly, when it comes to regulations, which ones should be in place, and which ones should be eliminated, depends on the industry and the situation. Conservatives believe that any regulations that restrict a private business to perform freely in the free market, or makes the business environment hostile for them, must be removed, otherwise, the business will pack up and take business elsewhere, or remain and struggle to grow. That is not to say, however, that businesses can freely engage in illegal practices that are not in the best interest of the consumer. Therefore, though there should be many less regulations against businesses in the American system, there should still be a number of them that remain in order to protect the consumer. Democrats disregard business models, and fail to understand that a robust private free market encourages growth in the economy. Their personal agendas are too important for them to consider the long-term consequences for their actions. Then, when the predicted outcome arrives, they conveniently forget that it was them, in the first place, that placed the economy on the footing for failure in the first place. The Democrat Party cried about affordable housing, demanding that banks continue to be mandated by government to provide loans to people who can’t afford them. It is unfair, they claimed, if everyone can’t get into a home. Some arguments even claimed that having strict lending standards that rejected loaning money to lower incomes for homes was racist. The eventual consequences for mandating such bad lending practices on the industry, and the rejection by the left to place regulations in the system that prevented bad loans from being initiated, were ignored by the Democrats, and even argued against. If you don’t recall the facts because the mainstream media has covered it up, and conveniently swept it all under a rug, here’s a reminder; thanks to my buddy Gawfer. Watch the video on his page Gawfer”>HERE, and listen carefully as Barney Frank proclaims that bad loans must continue to be provided, and that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are too stable to fail. He even argues against adding more regulation to the banking entities. As Obama’s policies that dictate we must try to spend our way out of this mess that the Democrats created materialize, and the people begin to revolt against such a horrid governmental direction with nationwide “tea parties,” the left is taking advantage of the situation to spread their Marxist ideals, and to take control of private industry. Amazingly, there are actually people out there that have fallen for their “spend our way out of this mess” mentality that is not only doomed to fail in the long run, but will create a worse economic mess down the road than we are in now. The most amazing part of the madness is the theory that a business can be too big to fail. AIG and the Big 3 automakers are prime examples of this maddening myth of “too big to fail” being used into scaring the American public into accepting governmental intrusion into the private sector. In fact, last night on the program Founding Truth, a liberal decided to call in and argue the point with me. It is amazing how little the left understands basic economics. AIG and the U.S. automakers, due to the practice of allowing their equity to assets ratio to drop low because of the use of, in the simplest terms, having a majority of their holdings in credit, lessened these companies’ ability to withstand economic shock should an economic crisis arise. Such an economic crisis did arise, thanks to the mortgage collapse, and as a result, with essentially negative equity on the books, these companies fell into trouble. With a low committment to capital preservation, and the necessity to allow non-profitable activities to continue due to government regulations requiring that these companies maintain those profit killing activities, it was only a matter of time before these “too big to fail” companies would be on the verge of failing. Conservatives have been arguing that the best thing we can do for the economy is to allow any failing corporation to fail. Allow them to file for bankruptcy, attempt restructuring if it is at all possible, or allow them to be broken up into smaller parts and for those parts to be bought by emerging businesses in the same industries. However, the Democrats conjured up their “too big to fail” argument, claiming that it was the government’s responsibility to pump taxpayer money into a failing business so that it can’t fail. Then the Democrats demonized the company for allowing themselves to approach failure, and in the case of AIG, forced the CEO to resign, and then used the excuse that taxpayers were now part owners of the corporations to condone capping the wages of remaining executives. If the company is a failure, and their failure is a part of the reason for the damage that has been done to the economy, why would the government then decide to save the failure so that it can continue to fail? The United States Government, under the control of the liberal left arm of the Democratic Party argues that AIG and the American automakers are indespensible to the U.S. economy. If they fail, argues the Left, we will suredly plummet into a chaotic economic mess worse than The Great Depression. With this argument, the Democrats persuaded a large chunk of the U.S. taxpayers that it is perfectly reasonable to throw good money after bad. Saving failed industries by throwing money into an entity that is burning through millions a year, and failing to turn a profit, is absolutely idiotic. Not allowing these companies to restructure adds to the madness. Through bankruptcy, with perhaps a miniscule amount of government guidance, these companies would be enabled to restructure. In this restructuring process worker compensation and benefits levels could be brought into line, reducing the costs while keeping them at a relatively competitive level. Companies, on their own, would then in turn cap unnecessary payouts and perks in order to keep the doors open. Note, retention bonuses to the best talent, in my opinion, is a necessary payout. Without the talent, the company is doomed. And these companies, then, would keep cutting expenses and eliminating unprofitable activities (including the ones mandated by the U.S. Government) until the companies are either restored to health, or are able to section off parts to be sold to other more healthier companies so that the production of such products may be maintained. This is how the industry adjusts. Free market systems see their fair share of successes and failures. Failures create opportunities for other business models on the rise. Bad paper and unprofitable activities are weeded out naturally, and only the strongest and most profitable practices survive. During such a restructuring, one of the most unprofitable practices, and damning activities that must be eliminated if companies are to be salvaged, is their relationship with the unions. The extraordinary compensation and benefits paid out to unionized workers has all but destroyed the auto industry, for example. Unions are no longer necessary. Laws on the books, and the need to provide superior products, encourage companies to treat employees fairly, and to pay them competitively. Too many companies without unionization of their labor force have contributed greatly to the economy, provided employment, and have compensated their workers with benefits not much lower than what is being provided by companies locked into damaging relationships with unions. The health of our economy is in the balance, and spending our nation into more debt, only for these failed industries to eventually fail anyway, is a bad move. The Obama Administration, and the Congressional Democrats, are placing this nation into a level of debt that we may not be able to pull out of if their idiotic practice of bailouts and government intrusion continue for much longer. Right now the market can be saved if we stop the madness. Waiting much longer may create a quagmire of epic proportions in our economy that may take generations to resolve, and a Great Depression to endure. We owe it to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to be politically involved, and to do what we can do to stop this maddening spiral by Obama into an economic model that Karl Marx, and the Communists that followed him, would be proud of.
- Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lunch With A Patriot

imageThe aroma of Italian home cooking filled the restaurant as Jack Marino and I sat down for a little lunch. Our meeting was planned so that we could meet in person for the first time, and so that we may discuss strategies for selling more copies of his movie, Forgotten Heroes. He brought me a new copy of the movie for me to buy, since I had given away my previous copy to someone who needed it more than me - a Vietnam Veteran. Thanking the Vietnam War Veterans was the primary motive behind the creation of the film. After realizing that Hollywood’s films about Vietnam Vets were designed to portray these warriors in a bad light, Jack Marino set out to create a film that thanked the Vietnam troops, and welcome them home. From that desire, he wrote, directed, and produced Forgotten Heroes. Jack Marino began his journey in Boston, where his love of movies led to an acting on the stage, specifically specializing in Shakespeare. Marino also was a movie buff, watching movies over and over, paying attention to the dynamics of the picture, the complexities of the productions, and memorizing the lines and acting strategies of the performers. Later, when directing his movies in Hollywood, a lot of his style emerged from him simply mimicking the greats of motion picture past. The film, Forgotten Heroes, incorporates all that he has learned throughout the years, and except for a small hiccup or two, watching the film you would not know that it is a low budget, independent film. The work is surprisingly professional, shot in a manner that captures the Vietnam War, and portrays our Vietnam Vets as they really were, heroes that never lost touch with their humanity. Hollywood royalty, however, rejected the film, despite accolades from critics, and the professionalism of the finished product. As the major distributors turned their backs on the film, Jack Marino’s fighting spirit took hold, and he vowed to get the movie out there to the public, even if it meant distributing it himself. The film, starring William Smith as a Russian General attempting to defect during the Vietnam conflict, packs action and humanity into a tight package. While leading the Russian defecter through the jungles of Cambodia, the United States Marines accompanying him, while originally untrusting and victims of their own stereotypes of Soviets, learn that their prize is more than just another communist. In addition to being a fantastic film, when you purchase Forgotten Heroes $5 of the purchase price is donated to the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial Fund. When you decide to buy a copy of the DVD, if you can, I suggest you buy more than one copy. Have a few as gifts to your friends and family, and one more copy to give to a Vietnam Veteran that will appreciate this fine theatrical work. The Movie is available at [url=http://www.forgottenheroesthemovie.com/]http://www.forgottenheroesthemovie.com/[/url]
- Sunday, April 19, 2009

Popularity, Power, Passion

In reality, it is impossible to truly understand the mentality of those caught up in the cesspool of politics, or the trappings of leftward liberalism. Because they are so filled with misinformation, lies, and unexpected twists that sometimes I don’t even think that they truly understand what they believe, the game they play has directed this nation into a dangerous heading into perilous waters.
- Sunday, April 19, 2009

HR 45 Barack Obama’s Gun Control

There are many myths about guns floating around out there that are perpetuated by the Liberal Left. Contrary to their opinion, must gun violence is not caused by automatic weapons, increased gun control does not cut down on crime, and the federal government does not have the right to limit gun ownership in any way, shape, or form. HR 45, also known as the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sales Act of 2009, is a gun control bill by the Democrats that is in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution. In short, the bill would make it illegal to own a firearm unless it is registered, you are fingerprinted, you supply a current Driver’s License, you supply your social security number, you submit to a physical and mental evaluation at any time of their choosing, and you report and pay a fee for any change of ownership.
- Thursday, April 16, 2009

Political Shadow Gallery

When you have mice in the attic, but only a couple, usually it is not a big concern. You set out a trap or two, and hope you catch one. If you never hear them, and they never make an appearance, you pretend they aren’t there. You ignore their existence.
- Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Fruits of the Spirit

Interestingly, after seeing the cover of Newsweek proclaiming this is no longer a Christian nation, I read an article in my local newspaper today that said two-thirds of Americans are planning on attending church services this Easter. That’s a lot of people who are basically supposed to be abandoning Christianity, if you believe Newsweek.
- Monday, April 13, 2009

U.S. Warships Approach Somali Pirates

imageThree U.S. warships are now in the area where Somali Pirates, after attacking and being repelled from U.S. merchant ship Maersk Alabama, which was ironically in the area to deliver humanitarian aid to the shattered East African Coast, are floating in a life raft with their lone hostage, Captain Richard Phillips. The pirates holding the captain hundreds of miles off the Somali Coast in the Indian Ocean have demanded $2 million for his release and a guarantee of their own safety
- Sunday, April 12, 2009

Couric To Win Award For Palin Interview

In a word, preposterous. The question I have is if she is getting this award for journalistic excellence, or for fulfilling her role in the liberal political agenda machine? The interview did, in fact, have a huge impact on the election. She achieved the result the Democrat's desired.
- Friday, April 10, 2009

Pittsburgh Shooting Blamed On Conservatism

Some members of the Liberal Community have come to the conclusion that Conservative Bloggers and Radio Talkers caused the Pittsburgh shooting that claimed the lives of three police officers. Glenn Beck, in fact, is being directly blamed for this tragedy by The Daily KOS, and the Atlantic. Liberal talkers like Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, and the writing stylings of the Daily KOS, are proclaiming conservatives are inciting violence, and are to be fully blamed for the shootings in Pittsburgh. Of course, we must remember that these are the same kinds of folks that said "Conservatism" also caused Timothy McVeigh to set off the bomb, too.
- Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rick Wagoner, You’re Fired!

At President Barack Obama's behest General Motor's CEO, Rick Wagoner, tendered a surprise resignation. Wagoner resigned after 31 years with GM. However, in the mainstream media, and among the larger Internet news agencies, it is being suggested that this was not a voluntary resignation. The U.S. Government, under the direction of President Barack Obama, forced out Wagoner as CEO of General Motors. His crime? Failure to return GM to profitability. The deal? Resign as a condition for General Motors to receive more bailout money from the federal government. It's like signing a pact with the devil.
- Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Death of Liberty

A few snowflakes does not make a snowstorm. A few puddles does not mean there will be massive flooding. But, unfortunately, a few bad apples can ruin a barrel. On the same token, if you see the tip of the iceberg, it may be possible there is a whole lot more from where that came from.
- Monday, March 30, 2009

America the Bankrupt

The American Century Dictionary defines Bankrupt as "Legally declared insolvent." Insolvent is defined as "Unable to pay one's debts."
- Monday, March 23, 2009