
Christian Newswire

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Most Recent Articles by Christian Newswire:

Kim Davis is Still a Political Prisoner: Only the Location of the Prison has Changed

GRAYSON, Ky., Sept. 8, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a crafty political "football" maneuver, Judge David Bunning caved to the moral outrage springing up from Kentucky and across the land. He wisely released Kim Davis from jail. His unjust ruling and false imprisonment of Davis created a national controversy. Judge Bunning maliciously incarcerated Davis for remaining faithful to the US Constitution, the Kentucky State Constitution, her oath of office, and the rule of law.
- Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thomas More Society Defends David Daleiden as He Uncovers Abortion Industry's Sale of Fetal Body Parts

SAN FRANCISCO -- Thomas More Society attorneys are helping to defend David Daleiden, the investigative journalist who produced the Planned Parenthood exposé videos, against civil RICO charges which are pending before the federal district court in San Francisco. The not-for-profit national public interest law firm has filed an Anti-SLAPP motion on behalf of Daleiden and his affiliated entities, the Center for Medical Progress and Biomax Procurement Services LLC, in that ongoing proceeding.
- Friday, August 28, 2015

Over 300 Planned Parenthood Protests to Take Place Simultaneously in 47 States August 22

CHICAGO, -- On Saturday, August 22 public protests of Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion clinics and facilities will take place all over the United States. Thousands are expected to attend these protests with the purpose of creating awareness of the barbaric practice of abortion and the sale of aborted baby body parts -- a scandal that has erupted in recent weeks due to undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress. Currently, there are over 300 cities in 47 states and 5 countries represented in the nationwide protest.
- Thursday, August 20, 2015

Las Vegas Pro-Life Student Sues High School for First Amendment Violation

LAS VEGAS, -- Today Thomas More Society attorneys filed a lawsuit against West Career and Technical Academy and the Clark County School District on behalf of a student who was denied the right to start a pro-life club. The lawsuit asserts that school administrators violated student Angelique Clark's free speech rights by denying her application to form a Students for Life group at the Las Vegas high school.
- Thursday, August 13, 2015

Imagine Someone Stealing Your Baby's Parts

WASHINGTON, -- Today the Center for Medical Progress released the sixth video exposing Planned Parenthood's participation in the trafficking of fetal parts. This video is actually the second installment in the CMP's Human Capital documentary series.
- Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Christian Refugees from Pakistan Cry for Help

BANGKOK, Thailand, -- More than half the 14 million refugees and asylum-seekers under the mandate of the United Nations refugee agency world-wide do not actually live in the camps they are associated with. A growing number live illegally in cities and towns around the world. Across Asia alone, from India to the Pacific islands, there are about half a million such "urban refugees" according to the UN agency. Christian Freedom International has documented the plight of Christian refugees from Pakistan in a newly released video.
- Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Coptic Solidarity Supports Global Repeal of Blasphemy Laws

WASHINGTON, -- Coptic Solidarity launches an advocacy campaign in support of House Resolution 290 which calls for the global repeal of blasphemy laws. Representative Joe Pitts (R-PA) introduced the bill on behalf of himself and Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D - CA) on June 2nd.
- Thursday, August 6, 2015

Take a Stand' to Fund Life & Defund Planned Parenthood

EASTCHESTER, N.Y., -- As millions of Americans are utterly disgusted and reeling from the appalling videos that have shocked our entire nation, thousands and thousands of concerned Americans have discovered a simple and effective way to assist women and save the lives of unborn children from the tragedy of abortion: they have purchased a "Choose Life" License Plate for all their vehicles.
- Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Advocacy Group for Victims Killed by Illegals Calls for National Boycott of San Francisco

HOUSTON, -- Maria Espinoza, National Coordinator of The Remembrance Project, an organization founded to remember and advocate for the victims killed by illegal aliens, called today for a national boycott of the city of San Francisco in the wake of the wanton murder of 32-year old Kathryn Steinle by a five-times deported illegal alien who was released from custody under San Francisco's "sanctuary city" policy. "Sanctuary cities" are cities that refuse to cooperate with U.S. immigration law enforcement agencies.
- Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Exposed -- Planned Parenthood Sells Dead Baby Parts on a Massive Scale

NAPA. Calif., -- Today the Life Legal Defense Foundations was finally able to reveal its support of a two-year undercover operation proving that Planned Parenthood routinely peddles the organs and tissues of babies aborted in its self-proclaimed "health centers." This systematic profiteering is known to and approved by officers at the abortion giant's highest levels of authority. Planned Parenthood will even alter the abortion method in order to guarantee the tissues most sought after -- regardless of what might be best for the aborting mother.
- Tuesday, July 14, 2015

'We Will Not Obey Unjust Law... ...No Court Will Stop Us from Upholding our Christian Values'

HENDERSON, Nev., -- Rev. Bill Owens, President and founder of the Coalition of African American Pastors, Dr. Steve Hotze, President of Campaign for Texas Families; and David Pickup, LMFT of the Children's Center for Healthy Gender and Sexuality, are holding a press conference to call upon millions of Christians and people of faith within all of America's businesses, professions, churches and states congresses to prepare for mass civil disobedience in regard to the recent U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on homosexual marriage. We are calling on Christians and people of faith in all areas of society, especially those in leadership positions, to refuse to obey unjust laws that have legalized same-sex unions, and to join our movement that will take back our Constitution and our rights.
- Monday, July 13, 2015

Pro-Life Teachers, Parents, Students to Picket NEA Teacher Convention in Orlando July 1

ORLANDO, -- "Pro-Life teachers, parents, and students from throughout the greater Orlando area will conduct a peaceful Awareness Campaign of picketing and literature distribution as 10,000 delegates arrive for the National Education Association's annual convention. The demonstration will take place outside of the Orange County Convention Center on Wednesday, July 1 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM," announces Bob Pawson, Director of Pro-Life Educators of America.
- Monday, June 29, 2015

Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood in Abortion Clinic Zoning Case

ELGIN, Ill., -- The Illinois Appellate Court, Second Judicial District, has overturned a lower court's dismissal of a zoning and fraud lawsuit brought by the Thomas More Society on behalf of Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood and several neighbors.
- Tuesday, June 23, 2015