
Robert L. Rosebrock

Robert Rosebrock is a U.S. Army Veteran, Vietnam-era and Director of the Old Veterans Guard. He can be reached at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Most Recent Articles by Robert L. Rosebrock:

More VA Crime and Corruption

More VA Crime and Corruption As though convicted and incarcerated VA bureaucrat Ralph Tillman's horrific crimes didn't affect the sanctity and safety of the Los Angeles VA land and the lives of war-injured Veterans enough with his personal signature being on all nine illegal VA "sharing agreements," the VA's Office of Inspector General (VA OIG) recently released their 120-page Report exposing the rampant crime and corruption that's taken place after Tillman resigned in disgrace.
- Monday, October 1, 2018

VA Must Impose Strict Sanctions Against Non-Veteran Occupants

VA Must Impose Strict Sanctions Against Non-Veteran Occupants Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: Yesterday, I attended the Los Angeles VA’s “Quarterly Veterans Town Hall Meeting” and the VA’s “leadership team” confirmed their incompetence, dysfunction and indifference toward the personal issues of our U.S. Military Veterans.
- Thursday, July 26, 2018

City of LA's Disrespect for American Flag and Veterans

City of LA's Disrespect for American Flag and Veterans Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans As we know, the City of Los Angeles immorally, unpatriotically and and illegally occupies 12 acres of Veterans VA property "rent free" for a public dog park.
- Wednesday, July 25, 2018

VA Trojan Horse Settlement: West Los Angeles Leasing Act of 2016

VA Trojan Horse Settlement: West Los Angeles Leasing Act of 2016Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans Yesterday, I attended a meeting at Patriotic Hall (an oxymoron) in downtown Los Angeles. It was to inform the public about the VA’s plan to give away Veterans land to a for-profit real estate developer “rent free” to supposedly build housing for a few Veterans sometime in the distant future.
- Thursday, July 12, 2018

VA’s “Free Stuff” Giveaway is Not for Veterans

VA’s Free Stuff Giveaway is Not for Veterans, Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: The Los Angeles VA continues with its version of socialistic “free stuff” giveaway -- to wealthy non-Veteran entities -- as tomorrow they will host a meeting in downtown LA to discuss leasing mega-million-dollar VA property to a principal developer for 75 years -- free of charge.
- Monday, July 9, 2018

Letter to LA City Councilman Mike Bonin

National Home for Disabled Soldiers Mike Bonin Los Angeles City Councilman, 11th District Councilman Bonin ... First, this is to remind you that I am resident within your 11th district and a U.S. Military Veteran. Correspondingly, I used to be on your constituent list until I openly complained about you finagling a privileged agreement with Ann Brown, executive director of the Los Angeles VA, to run Brentwood School's construction trucks through the VA property instead of through the neighboring communities.
- Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tomorrow -- Rain or Shine

Veterans Appreciation Day Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans Tomorrow -- Rain or Shine Veterans Appreciation Day - "Canada Free Press" Thanks to Canada Free Press for being the only media to announce tomorrow's celebration of the 130th Anniversary of the Deed of 1888 and the 10th Anniversary of the Old Veterans Guard and the Veterans Revolution to "Save Our Veterans Land" and to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."
- Saturday, March 10, 2018

Veterans Appreciation Day

Veterans Appreciation Day Sunday, March 11, 2018 1:00 – 4:00 PM 130th Anniversary of the Deed of 1888 10th Anniversary of the Veterans Revolution You are cordially invited to attend the 130th Anniversary Celebration of the Deed of 1888 for the Los Angeles National Veterans Home.
- Wednesday, March 7, 2018

JUDICIAL WATCH: VA Pays Big Bucks to Reimburse Business for Ending Illegal Contracts at L.A. Facility

JUDICIAL WATCH: VA Pays Big Bucks to Reimburse Business for Ending Illegal Contracts at L.A. Facility Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans Read below as Judicial Watch continues to expose even more corruption at the most corrupt VA in the nation, the Los Angeles VA. Veterans Park Conservancy, which is not a Veterans organization but a wealthy and powerful homeowner group, had a "sharing agreement" with the VA for a 16-acre parcel of land valued at more than a billion dollars -- "rent free."
- Saturday, March 3, 2018

Tiny Town Crimes vs Big VA Criminal

Tiny Town Crimes vs Big VA Criminal Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: Yesterday, I attended a hearing at the Los Angeles Federal Court for the formal guilty plea of VA bureaucrat Ralph Tillman at the Honorable Judge R. Gary Klausner's Courtroom. Judge Klausner is a Vietnam War Veteran and it was indeed a very professional and productive hearing.
- Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Drain VA Cesspool

Drain VA Cesspool New Leadership is definitely needed at the -- VA from the top on down! Things are getting worse at the Los Angeles VA under the Trump Administration and it's because he trusted a carry-over of the Obama Administration, while the VA is still part of the deep state that's working in opposition to President Trump.
- Sunday, February 11, 2018

VA Bureaucrat Ralph Tillman Will Spend Eight Years in Federal Prison

VA Bureaucrat Ralph Tillman Will Spend Eight Years in Federal Prison For nearly ten years, the Old Veterans Guard has been protesting the rampant crime and cronyism at the Los Angeles VA, the most corrupt VA in the nation. While this David vs Goliath battle against the second-largest bureaucracy in federal government often-times seemed unattainable, at long last Justice is being served on behalf of U.S. Military Veterans, particularly our war-injured homeless Veterans.
- Monday, January 15, 2018

Stop Oil Well Drilling on VA Property

Stop Oil Well Drilling on VA Property Re: Mess with coast? Not without a fight Mr. Lopez: I'll take you seriously when you take-on the VA bureaucrats / local politicians who support the active, illegal oil wells on Veterans' sacred land that are within a couple hundred yards of the Los Angeles VA Wadsworth Hospital where war-injured Veterans are trying to heal from defending our Nation.
- Monday, January 8, 2018

A plea for VA housing funds - Los Angeles Times

A plea for VA housing funds - Los Angeles Times Time for VA Secretary Shulkin to stop bowing down to and prioritizing the wealthy and powerful non-Veteran entities with privileged, low-rent real estate deals.
- Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Stop Public Dog Park on VA Land

Stop Public Dog Park on VA Land Re: Opposition to the Illegal dog park on Veterans VA land Ms. Turner: It's been brought to my attention by several people who attended last night's Brentwood Community Council meeting where you spoke and announced today is supposedly the last day to register either support or opposition regarding the City of Los Angeles's free public dog park, free public recreation center and free public parking lot on Veterans VA land.
- Friday, November 10, 2017

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti and his Defence of DACA

Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles Mr. Mayor: You declare: "The President's announcement to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a giant setback for America because all of our children should feel safe and accepted in a country that belongs to them."
- Monday, September 11, 2017