
Move America Forward

Move America Forward, Supporting our troops and their missions in the war on terror

Most Recent Articles by Move America Forward:

Pro-Troop Groups Mourn Loss of Polish President

Sacramento, Calif. – The nation’s largest pro-troop organization supporting the war on terrorism, Move America Forward, was deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Polish President Lech Kacynksi, his wife Maria, and a number of high level staff, including senior military officials. The Polish officials were killed in a plane crash, currently thought to be caused by pilot error, in Russia.
- Sunday, April 11, 2010

Leftist Activist Cindy Sheehan Attacks Drone Manufacturers

Sacramento, Calif. – The anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan who famously camped outside President Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch is leading a protest against a small manufacturing company in Oregon that makes unarmed, unmanned drone surveillance aircraft for the U.S. military. The pro-troop group Move America Forward is working with local military and community groups to support the company and the troops fighting the war on terror, especially those who are helped by technology.
- Friday, April 9, 2010

Nuclear Statement Puts Politics before Security

Sacramento, Calif. – President Obama’s nuclear arms policy, unveiled today at a speech in Prague, pleases his far-left base but does little to improve national security, says Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization.
- Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blast in Moscow reminds nations that Jihad remains a global threat

Sacramento, Calif. – Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots-pro-troop organization, reacted to the news of multiple terrorist bombings in Moscow subways early Monday. The group expressed disgust at the act, offered condolences to the victim’s families, as well as a stern warning for nations bowing out of the war on terror.
- Monday, March 29, 2010

Iraqi elections signal success for troops in Iraq

Sacramento, Calif. – Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troops organization praised American troops on the day of the Iraqi elections. “The fact that our troops were largely able to stay out of today’s elections in Iraq is a testament to their success in turning that country around and training Iraqi security forces to take their country’s security into their own hands.” said Danny Gonzalez, Director of Communications for the organization.
- Monday, March 8, 2010

Pro-Troop Group Demands Charges Against Navy Seals Be Dropped

Sacramento, Calif. – Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization, has demanded the United States Defense Department cease in the prosecution of three Navy SEALs charged with abusing a terrorist in custody.
- Friday, March 5, 2010

Pro-Troop Organization Says It’s Time to Pull Out of Haiti

Sacramento, Calif. – “It is time to get the United States military out of Haiti and back home,” said Danny Gonzalez, Director of Communications for Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots, pro-troop organization. “If President Barack Obama is eager to get U.S. troops disengaged from foreign assignments, this is a much better place to start than in the war against terrorism.”
- Thursday, March 4, 2010

Save $311 million in Federal Budget reject Obama plan to purchase Illinois prison

Sacramento, Calif. – Move America Forward has forwarded a plan to President Barack Obama and Members of Congress that would save taxpayers money and keep Americans safer – eliminate from Obama’s Budget proposal the purchase of an Illinois prison to house terrorists and the idea of trying terrorists in the United States.
- Tuesday, February 2, 2010

White House backs down on terrorist trials in New York

Sacramento, Calif. – Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization, applauds the White House for backing down on holding the trial of 9/11 terrorist mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City.
- Friday, January 29, 2010

Obama tries to take credit for success in Iraq despite opposition to troop surge

Sacramento, Calif. – Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization took offense last night as President Obama tried to take credit for the success of the Iraq War when he was a bitter opponent of the successful troop surge implemented by President George W. Bush. Obama proclaimed “I promised I would end this war, and that is what I am doing as President. “
- Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama heading to Massachusetts

Albert Mohler's sidekick Russel Moore denounced the Obama Effigy as "Satanic". Was this theologian as outspoken in condemning similar outrageous attacks against other political figures such as President Bush and Sarah Palin? More importantly, would he now care to speak out against the Founding Fathers for similar protests against King George during the Revolutionary War, or is this form of protest only immoral when directed against a Black person?
- Friday, January 15, 2010

Pro troop group tells council of American Islamic relations to “be honest” about airport security

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. – The nation’s largest pro-troop organization, Move America Forward, fired back at one of the country’s most visible Muslim organizations, CAIR, on Tuesday. Taking issue with the Council of American-Islamic Relations officials who appeared on cable news networks claiming that new airport security measures amounted to racial and religious profiling targeted Muslims.
- Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Move America Forward Calls on Obama to halt all Gitmo transfers

Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization that supports our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is calling on Obama to immediately halt all plans for transfer of GITMO detainees pending a full review of the prisoners there and the Administration’s assessment of the danger posed by each one.
- Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Al Qaeda co-conspirators in Chistmas Detroit airline bombing were released from Gitmo

Move America Forward, the nation's largest grassroots pro-troop organization, has learned that two of the four co-conspirators who helped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had actually been detained by the U.S. at Guantanamo Bay and released in 2007 to Saudi Arabia where they underwent a Saudi "rehabilitation" program designed to cure them of their radical ideology.
- Monday, December 28, 2009

Pro-Troop Group Reacts to Obama’s Speech Attacks Timetable for Afghanistan Withdrawal

Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization had mixed reactions to Obama’s speech to West Point students on Tuesday. The president outlined a strategy for the War in Afghanistan with very few changes, failed to address the restrictive rules of engagement, but did give Generals more troops, although not to the level of what was requested.
- Wednesday, December 2, 2009

9/11 Families and Gold Star Families Sign Open Letter Condemning Terror Trials in NYC.

Sacramento, CA – The pro-troop group Move America Forward published an open letter, written and endorsed by a group of 9/11 families and military Gold Star families, condemning the Obama Administration’s decision to bring terrorists to trial in New York City. The group has posted the letter on their website (MoveAmericaForward.com) and is encouraging others that agree with them, to sign on and make their opposition heard.
- Friday, November 20, 2009

Pro-Troop Group Blasts Senate Democrats

Sacramento, CA – Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization , said members of the U.S. Senate are putting politics over their country by changing positions to support President Obama’s desire to close Guantanamo Bay and bring terrorists onto U.S. soil.
- Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pro-Troop Group Warns: Fort Hood Murders Show Lethal Results of Political Correctness

SACRAMENTO, CA - Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop, grassroots organization, today criticized the culture of political correctness that allowed this tragedy to happen and mass media’s quick defense of Nidal Hasan’s Fort Hood attacks as just a soldier’s frustration, ignoring the obvious questions about his faith and ties to radical Islam.
- Thursday, November 12, 2009