
Mitch Wolfe

Mitch Wolfe, a graduate of Harvard University, is the author of "Trump: How He Captured The Trump White House", which he wrote and had published prior to the election. (available on Amazon.com)

Most Recent Articles by Mitch Wolfe:

The Shooting in the Quebec City Mosque

The police have now revised their previous public comments and have now named not two suspects, but one suspect, Alexandre Bissionnettte as the alleged shooter in the mosque who allegedly killed six Muslim men and injured others. I caution my left wing, anti-Trump friends. Hear me out before you wrongly leap to make a connection between Trump’s travel ban and this horrible tragedy.
- Tuesday, January 31, 2017

British PM May Puts Britain First- Goes Hard Brexit

Taking a cue from soon to be President Donald Trump, British Prime Minister Theresa May put the economic and financial interests of Britons ahead of its relations with their fellow Europeans.
- Thursday, January 19, 2017

My Long Term Democratic Women Friends Have Unfriended Me on Facebook- WTF?

This 18 month long and polarizing American election has been truly surreal+absurd. One of the truly strange effects of this election is that certain of my female friendships that had endured for decades--through good times and bad times; through career highs and career failures; through personal disappointment;through joy, happiness and the thrill of victory and personal achievement; through marriages, children, divorce, sickness and even death of loved ones or partners; basically, through life- the good, the very bad and the truly ugly--could not withstand this friggin' election.
- Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Lame Duck Obama In His Dying Days- Goes Low

By exploiting the unauthorized release of a secret CIA intelligence report on alleged hacking of Democratic emails and Republican emails for partisan purposes, Obama has proven once again what a mendacious and disreputable character he is. In my humble opinion, he is the most over-rated president in the last century.
- Tuesday, December 13, 2016

FBI didn’t recommend indictment against Hillary for breaching Espionage Act, because it would expose Obama

According to FBI files released on Friday, Obama on June 28, 2012 communicated by email using a fake name with Hillary's private unsecure email. And as such, they knowingly passed classified information between each other outside of secure proper government controls. As a result, they are both guilty of breaching the Espionage Act and both Obama and Hillary should be going to jail.
- Sunday, September 25, 2016

Canadian Lefty Anglophones Politically Assassinate French Quebec NDP Leader Mulcair

Holy frack!! The lefty lunatics have taken over the NDP asylum. This past week-end, the federal New Democratic Party held a convention, in Edmonton, Alberta (the home of Canada’s oil and gas industry), to debate and propose policies and to vote on the leadership of its French Quebec leader Thomas Mulcair.
- Monday, April 11, 2016

Rob Ford, Rest in Peace, Buddy

I am personally devastated by the sudden death of Rob Ford. About six months ago, I had dinner with Rob at a downtown Italian bistro. At that time Rob appeared happy and optimistic. He had lost some weight.
- Tuesday, March 22, 2016