
Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com

Most Recent Articles by Lloyd Marcus:

WWII Vet Remembers Bob Hope

The good that Bob Hope and Shirley Temple did lives far beyond their years. Waiting in the car for what felt like forever, Mary texted me that she was in the Walmart check out line but it would be awhile before she checked out with our groceries. I decided to go back into the store.
- Monday, September 17, 2018

Young Enemies Within Movement

Young Enemies Within Movement For decades we have allowed the American left (public education, Hollywood, Democrat party and fake news media) to indoctrinate our children; teaching them that America sucks and is the greatest source of pain and suffering for people both here and abroad. We're still allowing leftists to mold and shape our kids into their anti-Christian radical progressive image as early as preschool.
- Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Kelli Ward U.S. Senate Battle Heats Up Literally in Arizona

Kelli Ward U.S. Senate Battle Heats Up Literally in Arizona Were we insane waving signs on an Arizona street corner in 116 degree heat? No, we are patriots. Hello America. Mary and I are in Arizona. Our Conservative Campaign Committee team was joined by local patriots to wave signs for Dr Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate Arizona.
- Saturday, August 11, 2018

Snoop Dogg's Career Thrives, Billy Willy's Dies

Snoop Dogg's Career Thrives, Billy Willy's Dies When an ad for the second season of the Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg show appeared on my TV, it annoyed me. On the surface, one could think, “Who cares?” But folks, allowing Snoop Dogg to happy-go-lucky move forward with his career confirms the American left's and Deep State's racism and hypocrisy. It also says these deranged haters are committed to undermining Trump's agenda and removing him from office by any means necessary.
- Saturday, August 4, 2018

The American Left's Selective Outrage

The American Left's Selective Outrage Repeatedly pointing out the American left's obvious dishonesty, hypocrisy and selective outrage seems pointless. And yet, I feel compelled to do so.
- Sunday, July 29, 2018

Celebrating Our 41st Wedding Anniversary

Celebrating Our 41st Wedding Anniversary I did not realize it at the time that 46 years ago God gave me an incredible gift. He gave me Mary. My marriage was on the rocks. We were living in Edgewater apartments in Essex, Maryland. On my way to the parking lot, a cute blonde hippie neighbor asked my help. She had locked herself out of her apartment and asked if I could climb through her window and open the door. I could have been offended that this white girl assumed me, a black guy, knew how to break into her apartment. As I said, she was cute.
- Monday, July 23, 2018

Trump Outfoxed Them Again

Trump Outfoxed Them Again Trump is wise for not falling into democrats', fake news media and the Deep state's trap of saying Russia tampered with our election. Russia has tried to impact our elections forever. While 12 Russians were indicted in the Russia collusion investigation, no Americans were indicted. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein stated that Russian tampering had no impact on the outcome of our presidential election. In other words, Trump won fair and square.
- Sunday, July 22, 2018

Democrats Spend Heavy on Lie-Filled Ads Early

Democrats Spend Heavy on Lie-Filled Ads Early In the house and senate races, Democrats are stealthily pouring tons of money early to demonize Republican candidates before our supporters become engaged. Once our candidate has been branded the spawn-of-Satan before campaigning really begins, it is extremely challenging to change voter's perception of them.
- Wednesday, July 18, 2018

We Cannot Allow Strzokians Back into Power

We Cannot Allow Strzokians Back into Power Peter Strzok's arrogance displayed at the Congressional Oversight Committee hearing on TV was infuriating. With their superior noses high in the air, Mr Strzok and the democrats behaviorally said f*** you to the Republicans, the law and We the People. It was disgraceful watching Mr Strzok and his democrat posse insult our intelligence by claiming, despite overwhelming evidence, FBI agent Mr Strzok had no bias against Trump.
- Saturday, July 14, 2018

Conservative Campaign Committee Launches Operation Montana

Conservative Campaign Committee Launches Operation Montana If I sound a bit punchy, it is because my wife Mary and I got to the hotel late after flying into Montana. We're here to work with the Conservative Campaign Committee team to help Republican Matt Rosendale defeat the democrat for the U.S. Senate seat.
- Thursday, July 12, 2018

Happy Independence Day: Our forgotten founding

Happy Independence Day The American left loved it when Obama proclaimed early in his presidency that we are no longer a Christian nation. While actively seducing illegals to invade our country, Obama strove to deport and seal our borders from the God of the Bible. Obama was the most biblically hostile president in U.S. History.
- Sunday, July 1, 2018

Leftists' Hypocrisy Just Keeps on Comin'

Leftists' Hypocrisy Peter Fonda called for pedophiles to rape Trump's 12 year old son. Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters called for mob violence against Conservatives and Republicans wherever they are seen in public. Kathy Griffin symbolically performed a bloody beheading of Trump. Snoop Dogg symbolically shot Trump in the head. Madonna expressed her desire to blow up the White House.
- Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Case for America's Goodness

A Case for America's Goodness Memorial Day, I caught an interview with WWII veteran, Edgar Harrell who survived the torpedoing of the USS Indianapolis. Sinking in 12 minutes, 300 boys died on the ship. Nine hundred went into the water.
- Monday, June 18, 2018

Don: Legacy of a Great Dad

Happy Father Day! Awakening this Father's Day, I thought of my late father-in-law Don. I am reaping the benefits of his legacy. Researchers say a girl's relationship with her father is extremely important. My wife Mary and her two sisters adored Don, their dad.
- Sunday, June 17, 2018

Bourdain: Casualty of Leftist Mindset

Bourdain: Casualty of Leftist Mindset My fashionista wife Mary told me the famous purse designer Kate Spade shockingly committed suicide. Upon hearing about the tragic suicide of Anthony Bourdain, this scripture came to mind. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”(Mark 8:36) Bourdain was famous, worth $16 million.
- Monday, June 11, 2018

Dad's Funeral: Final Notes Regarding A Civil Rights Pioneer

Dad's Funeral: Final Notes Regarding A Civil Rights PioneerThe funeral of my dad, Dr Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, was June 7, 2018. My sister told everyone she was wearing a yellow dress to Dad's funeral because we wanted it to be a celebration of Dad's extraordinary life and homecoming. Yellow represents bright sunshine. She also chose it to represent God's “Son”. My sister's idea caught on like wildfire. Surprisingly, several women showed up at Dad's funeral wearing yellow. I was only able to gather a handful of the lovely ladies for a photo.
- Saturday, June 9, 2018

Life with Father, A Dying Breed

Life with Father, A Dying Breed In 1952, I was five years old when I walked into the kitchen of our 6th floor apartment in the Baltimore government projects. Dad stood as Mom sat at the table with a spoon in her hand tapping on a glass. Mom was preparing Dad to take the test to become one of Baltimore City's first black firefighters.
- Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Passing of Rev Dr Lloyd E Marcus

The Passing of Rev Dr Lloyd E Marcus My dad, Dr Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, passed away at age 90 June 1, 2018. The day before Dad died, my 4 younger siblings and I gathered around his bed; told him we love him; told him he did a great job raising us and told him we would be okay. It was awesome.
- Monday, June 4, 2018

Memorial Day Parade in Trump Country USA

A year ago, Mary and I moved from Florida to Paw Paw, West Virginia (population 500) to be near our parents. Saturday was our first Paw Paw Memorial Day parade; patriotic Americana at its best. Both sides of Main street were adorned with flags – Old Glory proudly flying high waving in the breeze. The refreshing sound of Paw Paw school marching band's excellent rendition of “America the Beautiful” filled the air. Remember the New York school principal who banned “God Bless the USA” on one occasion and “Stand Up for the Red, White and Blue” on another? A leftist judge upheld a California school banning students from wearing American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo. Administrators claimed American flag shirts would inflame the passions of Latino students celebrating their Mexican holiday.
- Monday, May 28, 2018