
The Blaze

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Most Recent Articles by The Blaze:

Watch: Brutal brawl erupts between black bloc anarchists and 'Back the Blue' supporters in Washington

There were violent clashes in Washington's capital on Saturday during a "Back the Blue" rally when black bloc anarchists held their own counterprotest. The Olympia Police Department released a notice: "Large group of opposing protesters started near the Capitol and are now moving through downtown Olympia. Near City Hall. The groups have dispersed into smaller groups and are moving throughout the area. Officers are monitoring to ensure things are peaceful from here forward."
- Monday, December 7, 2020

Watch: Chris Wallace snaps when HHS secretary doesn't refer to Joe Biden as the 'president-elect'

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace quickly corrected Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar Sunday when the Trump administration member refused to refer to Joe Biden as the "president-elect." As President Donald Trump continues to battle his apparent election loss in court, most Republican lawmakers have refused to acknowledge Biden as the president-elect. In fact, according to the Washington Post, only 27 congressional Republicans have acknowledged Biden as the winner of the election. That means nearly 90% of Republican lawmakers have not said who won the election.
- Monday, December 7, 2020

Glenn SNAPS Over Dem Corruption: ‘It’s Not OVER!’

Glenn SNAPS Over Dem Corruption: ‘It’s Not OVER!’Glenn has had enough of exposing scandal after scandal, just for everyone to look the other way: Benghazi, Hillary Clinton's emails, Joe and Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine and China...the list goes on, but no consequences are ever paid. So while the mainstream media has called the election for Joe Biden, and insists no one can question it, Glenn gives a rallying cry to conservatives. Many of the over 71 million people who voted for President Trump are split between frustration and an urge to do something. The multiple allegations of election fraud are largely out of our hands, and Donald Trump's legal team must be allowed to go through the process to ensure our voting systems are fair. But that doesn't mean we have to sit on our hands.
- Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tucker Carlson takes shot at fellow Fox News host for cutting away from WH press sec Kayleigh McEnany

Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to take a shot at his Fox News colleague Neil Cavuto on Monday after Cavuto controversially cut away from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. What's the background? During a press conference on Monday, McEnany, appearing alongside Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, suggested the outcome of the election was marred by "fraud" and "illegal voting."
- Tuesday, November 10, 2020