
Dr. Ashraf Ramelah

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah is founder and president of Voice of the Copts a human right organization with offices in USA and Italy - recently spoke at the first congress of SION in New York City on September 11, 2012.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ashraf Ramelah:

Identity erasure: Threat to Copts in Egypt

Westerners dealing with global jihad can heed a warning through examination of the struggles of one of the longest surviving and largest remaining Christian minority populations in a jihadi nation. We see that Islam in the majority is never satisfied until the minority is subsumed entirely by its religious-political system, which includes the Arab/Muslim heritage.
- Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Egyptian police become terrorists: Attack Christianity

Local police serving the Islamic deep state At 2 am on Friday, June 16 -- just 20 days after the Al Minya Coptic bus attack by terrorists from Libya--Christians of Bani Sweef province (Al Minya governorate) faced flagrant degradation of law and order when local police in the small town of Saft Al Kharsa broke into the Coptic Orthodox social services center and desecrated the building. The non-operational three-story center was already shut down by the government for no reason.
- Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Reflection on Al Minya’s bus attack: How massacre leads to Sharia law

The narrow, unpaved road snaking through the desert of Upper Egypt does one thing. It connects visitors from Al Minya, the capital city of the Al Minya governorate, to Bishop Samuel Monastery, a Coptic Orthodox institution. The road with no name was carved out for this purpose in the 12th century. Today, as in the ancient day, only Christians have use for this road. Not a soul dares this trip when the Winds of Kamasin whip up the sands from across the great desert in May and June. The air is unbreathable and the road disappears.
- Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Egypt: Bloodshed on Palm Sunday

Egypt’s Coptic Christians suffered another fatal attack on its churches during this morning’s (April 9) Palm Sunday celebrations. Many parishioners were killed and maimed in a dual-church attack during the Palm Sunday services.
- Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Open Letter To President-elect Donald Trump

Dear President-elect Donald Trump My name is Ashraf Ramelah, and I am an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian. I am the founder and president of Voice of the Copts, a non-profit human rights organization. Egyptian Copts, who are the largest Christian minority in the Middle East, are praying for your continued success. So are the Iraqi and Syrian Christians.
- Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jihadists strike again, 25 Copts die in Cairo church bombing

Members of the Voice of the Copts community offer sincere condolences to the Coptic families mourning today for the loss of loved ones as a result of Sunday’s (Dec 11) bombing of the Botrossia Church in Cairo that killed at least 25 people attending mass.
- Saturday, December 17, 2016

Coptic Pope muzzles US Copts in favor of Al-Sisi

Egyptian Copts in the diaspora of New York and New Jersey must decide to obey a call by Orthodox Pope Tawadros II of Egypt for a NYC rally at the UN General Assembly in support of President Al-Sisi’s speech on September 20. An official statement by the Coptic Church indicated that Bishop Beeman of Nakada and Qus and Bishop Yuanis of Assuit were sent to the US to arrange and promote Coptic crowd support prior to the president’s arrival.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Egyptian youths escape Sharia inferno

Mocking Islam or mocking the prophet of Islam spells doom. In Egypt you will be arrested, have home and property confiscated, and be coerced to “force emigrate” from your town. Then count on a five-year prison term. This was exactly the penalty for four Coptic Christian school boys, ages 14 through 17, and their teacher.
- Monday, September 12, 2016

Stealth war on American soil began with chaos of 9/11 terror

I grew up in an Islamic country within the Coptic Christian community of Egypt. On September 11, 2001 I was already a free man living between two nation-state democracies – Italy and the USA. I must admit I never looked back.
- Sunday, September 11, 2016

Open letter to the Egyptian president: If you can’t fulfil your promises step down!

President Al-Sisi: For the first time since your installation as president, Copts in the United States protested the persecution of Copts in Egypt. The protest in Washington, DC on August 2 against your regime was symbolic; no one really expects a response from the Obama administration. If the past is an indication, the American president is deaf to the cries of suffering Christians.
- Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bedouin law bows to Coptic courage

In the ongoing jihad against Egypt’s Coptic Christians one Bedouin tradition adopted by Islam keeps jihad in business. After every terrorist act, the victim is bullied into an “arbitration” hearing and the criminal courts are circumvented. No serious investigation is ever made nor any evidence gathered because the local government conducts the meeting of “reconciliation” without any need of the facts.
- Monday, July 18, 2016

Truth for Giulio Regeni

For over four months, the Egyptian government has refused to submit the documents requested by the Italian judicial authorities concerning the assassination of Giulio Regeni, an Italian citizen.
- Monday, July 11, 2016

Vatican ecumenism forsakes Egypt’s Christian minorities

Pope Francis, who is “building bridges to build peace” around the world, has naturally reached out to embrace Sunni Muslims. Last month, for the first time after years of Vatican silence, Pope Francis summoned to his private library in Rome grand imam Ahmed El-Tayeb of Cairo’s Al-Ahzar Mosque Institute.
- Thursday, June 16, 2016

Resisting blasphemy laws in Egypt: Islam against Islam

Egypt’s deep state is a bureaucratic theocracy. This network forms the infrastructure of the official government. It is accountable to the doctrines put forth by the powerful Islamic clerics of Al-Ahzar Institute. The religion of Islam, when merged with the state, can better exert Allah’s powerful hold over the individual. Only then can it fulfill its destiny. While controlling Egypt, Islam’s elite, in turn, have control over its whole world of believers. Their race for world domination begins in Egypt.
- Monday, February 1, 2016

Coptic Pope’s trip to Israel stirs hope to end ban on visits

When the subject is Israel, passions flare. In Egypt last week, a hornet’s nest of reactions surrounded Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II’s decision to go to Jerusalem upon the death of the Coptic Church’s second-in-command, Bishop Abraham, who was head of the Jerusalem and Near East Orthodox Diocese in Jerusalem since 1992. Respectful of the bishop’s last will and testament designating Jerusalem as his final resting place, Tawadros II led a delegation of clergy from Cairo to Israel.
- Sunday, December 6, 2015

Will the Sharia save Morsi?

Just three weeks ago the Egyptian court sentenced Egypt's former Muslim Brotherhood president, Mohammed Morsi, to the death penalty after evidence presented from Egyptian intelligence documents proved him guilty of spying for Qatar, Iran and Turkey. There are more than one hundred names on the list with him who are all convicted of the same crimes: murdering protesters, transferring top secret military documents to foreign countries, and burning the museum library which destroyed rare manuscripts and ancient artifacts.
- Thursday, June 11, 2015

Extend an invitation to President El Sisi of Egypt to address a joint session of Congress

The Honorable John Boehner Speaker United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Speaker Boehner, Please allow me to congratulate you on your tremendous success in having Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu address Congress. The world needs to hear the truth from our friend, Israel. For decades Israel has suffered terrorist aggression from neighboring states.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015