
Dennis Jamison

Dennis Jamison reinvented his life after working for a multi-billion dollar division of Johnson & Johnson for several years. Currently retired from West Valley College in California, where he taught for nearly 10 years, he now writes articles on history and American freedom for various online publications. Formerly a contributor to the Communities at the Washington Times and Fairfax Free Citizen, his more current articles appear in Canada Free Press and Communities Digital News. During the 2016 presidential primaries, he was the leader of a network of writers, bloggers, and editors who promoted the candidacy of Dr. Ben Carson. Jamison founded "We the People" - Patriots, Pilgrims, Prophets Writers’ Network and the Citizen Sentinels Network. Both are volunteer groups for grassroots citizen-journalists and activists intent on promoting and preserving the inviolable God-given freedoms rooted in the founding documents. Jamison also co-founded RedAmericaConsulting to identify, counsel, and support citizen-candidates, who may not have much campaign money, but whose beliefs and deeds reflect the role of public servants rather than power-hungry politicians. ​

Most Recent Articles by Dennis Jamison:

Abraham Lincoln - Still a Great Leader to those who love the Republic!

Abraham Lincoln - Still a Great Leader to those who love the Republic!Today, some patriotic American people who still care about the Republic may remember that it is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. However, many may not even want to remember his birthday based on their own bias or prejudice. Abraham Lincoln is seemingly still as controversial in our time as he was in his own. The state governments that consider Lincoln as a president to be honored over President’s Day weekend, confuse the purpose of the federal holiday known as 'President’s Day'. However, though some state governments honor Lincoln in such a way, there are others in the old southern states that refuse to honor Lincoln in such a way on President’s Day. The pain of the Civil War endures even into this millennium.
- Sunday, February 13, 2022

May the Spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Inspire a New Voting Rights Movement

May the Spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. Inspire a New Voting Rights MovementIn the wake of the day to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., there are indications of a swelling political tsunami of increasing popular demands for election integrity that may dwarf the historical fight for voting rights during the years of the Civil Rights Movement. Many political pundits cannot ignore the looming showdown that is shaping up over fair and honest elections in the “Land of the Free” in 2022. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had recently stated that his Party will protect America from the violent attempts to undermine a “free and fair election” as was witnessed on January 6, 2021. He indicated that only serious structural reforms would be able to protect American democracy from such an existential threat. Such a threat, in his view, would require dramatic action and he intended to undo the planned GOP filibuster over his precious voting rights bill by Martin Luther King Day.
- Monday, January 17, 2022

The Right to Life Entwined With the Bill of Rights

The Right to Life Entwined With the Bill of RightsToday is Bill of Rights day, but it is likely that it will glide by most Americans as they rush to and fro in  their daily routines. It arrives in the wake of the death and destruction of killer tornadoes that ripped through six states across the Midwest and the South last Friday night into Saturday morning. It is likely that it will not be noticed in comparison to the challenges of struggling to survive in a very dangerous environment in 2021.
- Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Reflecting on Three of the Most Tragic Assaults on the United States of America

December 7 1941: A date which will live in infamyEighty years ago, on a sleepy Sunday morning a few minutes before 8am, all hell broke loose at the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Contemporary military historians usually agree that the surprise bombing and torpedo assault on U.S. planes and ships on December 7, 1941, was one of the most successful in the history of warfare. Today is a day of remembrance-- the day of infamy as Franklin Delano Roosevelt said--the day Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Imperial Military of the Empire of Japan. The government had initiated the attack and was proud of the incredible success.
- Tuesday, December 7, 2021

To Honor our Veterans is to Honor Freedom Itself

CFP Photoshop by Brian Thompson: To Honor our Veterans is to Honor Freedom ItselfToday is “Veteran’s Day,” and it arrives this year at a time in which our nation is sorely divided from within, and at a time in which the United States military is being divided from within. Truly, it is a tragic and a seriously dangerous situation. Unfortunately, the American merrymakers and naive nitwits, viewed by many common people throughout the world as wealthy, self-indulgent fools, may be so self-absorbed in their well-insulated, cocoon-like existence, or their self-secured social bubbles, that they may have no sense of what is happening in our nation right now. Yet, this day is not about them. However, the day to honor our veterans is accompanied by a stench of corruption from our civilian ‘leaders.’
- Thursday, November 11, 2021

Socialists are out of touch with America:  Wokism, Social Justice Warrior are wearing out their welcome

Socialists are out of touch with America:  Wokism, Social Justice Warrior are wearing out their welcome On November 2nd, several states across the nation held regular elections, and in some of them, there were sparks of hope that the evil of a Leviathan of a political criminal cabal has not taken over the nation completely. At least, there is still hope for a Free Republic to endure a bit longer. On the evening of November 2nd, the National League Atlanta Braves won the World Series against the American Houston Astros. It was symbolic on a deeper, more cosmic level that the Atlanta ball players will bring the coveted World Series trophy to Atlanta, despite how the woke  Major League Baseball elites moved the All-Star Game out of Atlanta to "protest" the election laws that the state of Georgia had passed earlier this year. 
- Thursday, November 4, 2021

Columbus and Historical Flaws from his Enemies

Columbus and Historical Flaws from his EnemiesColumbus Day falls on Monday, October 11 this year. However, now only a few brave citizens dare to resist the progressive-revisionist attack on Christopher Columbus that has become more of a mindless, self-destructive descent into devaluation of historical events and individuals who created history. Long before Critical Race Theory was formally put forth as an alternative to historical fact, progressive-revisionists were nibbling away at truth and regurgitating incomplete chunks of history or outright lies regarding reality. People can be lied to, and without knowing they would be lied to by any academic 'authorities' or professors of history, they would not even know they were lied to, and they would believe the lies and narratives of liars. Critical Race Theory was spawned from the thought of Karl Marx who also sought to deliberately distort history. 
- Monday, October 11, 2021

The U.S. Constitution vs. the Ghost of Osama bin Laden

The U.S. Constitution vs. the Ghost of Osama bin LadenWas the tragedy of the fall of Afghanistan this year greater than the combined tragedies of 9/11? In the aftermath of the fall of Afghanistan, there is a bitter, stinging irony of wasted lives, wasted time, and wasted resources. All of those from around the world who died on 9/11 and all of the collateral death and damage from that insidious attack seemed to be mocked on the day our ”government of the people” arranged to exit the war ravaged nation. The bumbling, painfully protracted exit, and our betrayal of friends and associates in that nation is a betrayal of freedom itself. Our “leaders,” no matter how they attempt to paint the withdrawal, essentially sentences even more innocents to die at the hands of the same fundamentalist extremists that harbored al Qaeda in 2001.
- Friday, September 17, 2021

Reflections on the Long March of Socialism: Labor Day, 1894 to 2021

History of socialist ties to Labor DayThere are diverse views on the Labor Day holiday, but not many Americans today know the turbulent and violent foundation of this federal holiday. Labor Day was not just created as a nice idea by labor union officials to honor the efforts of laborers; it was born from the heat and intense political friction of the summer of 1894. And in 2020, the fruition of over 100 years of plotting, toil, and strife paid off in one of the greatest thefts in history -- and they got away with it.  
- Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Independence Day 2021 - God-Given Rights vs. Government-Mandates

Independence Day 2021 - God-Given Rights vs. Government-MandatesIndependence Day throughout the nation this year will certainly not just involve superficial and trivial celebrations focused primarily on fireworks. Last year, America was under siege from the BLM rioters and the Antifa anarchists destroying innocent people’s properties and even taking their lives. Additionally, the population was struggling with the reaction to the plandemic. And the poisonous political posturing in an election year only exacerbated the problems citizens had to endure in 2020.
- Sunday, July 4, 2021

Independence Day and holding to the sacred, self-evident truths

Independence Day and holding to the sacred, self-evident truthsOn July 4, 2015, I posted an article entitled: “Independence Day and being a true American”. It was a long time before the real intensity of the 2016 presidential campaign. In looking back upon 2015, one realizes that America has changed so radically in just a six-year period. At the time, I was very involved in promoting and protecting candidate Ben Carson. In the article, it is apparent that there was an awareness of a serious battle in the United States. In 2015, prior to Independence Day, nine innocent Christians were brutally murdered at the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, in South Carolina. It shocked Christians and other good-hearted people across the nation.
- Saturday, July 3, 2021

More Power to Pastor Artur Pawlowski

More Power to Pastor Artur PawlowskiA video of Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s dramatic ordering of several police officers out of his church on April 3 of this year went viral all over the civilized world. He was preparing for the Passover service that Sunday, as a Public Health Inspector and several police officers came right into his church without being invited and without a warrant. He shouted that the Gestapo and Nazis were not welcome in his church. He succeeded in defending the house of worship in that time. However, on May 11, on the drive home from church, several Calgary Police cars pulled over the automobile he was riding in on a busy highway and he was summarily arrested. The video of that incident went viral too, and it made headlines throughout the world.
- Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Common Citizens of California Fighting for Free and Honest Elections

Common Citizens of California Fighting for Free and Honest ElectionsIn mid-May, I posted an article about California’s “Recall Mania,” in reflection upon the recall effort to give Gavin Newsom a non-essential job. It is truly amazing that Americans even have the option to “throw the bums out,” either in an election or a recall effort like the one that had succeeded recently in California. The article referred to recall efforts that seemed to be springing up like wildfires all over California. This is a form of Democracy in action -- when the elected official has not fulfilled whatever campaign promises that were made, or if there is demonstrable incompetence, or evidence of criminal activities of political figures, “reverse elections” can spontaneously erupt.
- Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Standard of Measurement To Assess Leaders’ Words Should be the Bill of Rights

The Standard of Measurement To Assess Leaders’ Words Should be the Bill of Rights Today the GOP appears to be an organization in a tremendous state of upheaval. The “Democratic” Party should be renamed the “Autocratic” Party. And, any establishment political party should be scrutinized very carefully in this post 11/3/20 period. Just as there was a political seismic shift after 9/11/2001, there has been a serious political seismic shift in the United States after the “Great Steal” in 2020. With most intelligent “regular rank and file people” no longer tolerant of the lies and pacifying narratives of the slick political operatives, the political landscape has radically shifted from fear of the COVID “plandemic,” to anger over using it as an excuse to undermines the people’s freedoms, to a growing awareness of the nation being run by a criminal political cabal.
- Thursday, June 10, 2021

Remembering D-Day Illuminates the Relevance of Memorial Day

Remembering D-Day Illuminates the Relevance of Memorial DayAs Americans just celebrated Memorial Day last week, many memories were conjured up of the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives to advance the cause of Freedom. Truly, the original purpose of Memorial Day, initially intended as a day to honor the brave boys and men who fought to preserve the Republic during the Civil War, remains intact even in 2021. However, one of the most solemn days those from the older generations remember is D-Day because the advancement of Freedom came at such a great cost on such a single day. It is so very right that those of the “greatest generation” who served their country in World War II, should be remembered for sacrificing their lives so that Freedom could survive.
- Sunday, June 6, 2021

Memorial Day: Remembering The Preciousness of Freedom

Memorial Day: Remembering The Preciousness of FreedomMemorial Day, in some ways, like the topic of death itself, has a tendency to conjure up issues people would rather not discuss. It is so much easier to do some backyard barbeque with family and friends (especially now that we know the COVID lockdowns are not based on medical rationale but on political manipulation). Sadly, in the backyard gatherings, or even planned public events, the deeper topic concerning those who sacrificed their lives for a higher purpose, is not fully addressed. It may be on people’s minds, in the deeper recesses of their thoughts, but talking about the willing sacrifice of one’s life for one’s nation, or for the greater cause of freedom, is not often a topic easily dealt with in a casual manner.
- Monday, May 31, 2021

Appreciation or Emasculation of the U.S. Armed Forces?

Appreciation or Emasculation of the U.S. Armed Forces?This past Saturday, American citizens were supposed to honor our men and women in the Armed Services. It is not clear whether much national sentiment was spent on those men and women in service to their country. However, even more egregious than no real remembrance is the insidious destruction of our United States’ military from within by a Marxist instigated “purge” the Biden Administration is orchestrating against patriotic or conservative individuals in our military. So, on a day when America was supposed to be honoring our military, the current Administration is making a concerted effort to weaken it. These are serious times, and the Leftist/Progressives in the federal government are seemingly aligned across the spectrum with defunding the police to emasculating our military forces. Who stands to lose? American citizens stand to lose big time.
- Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Home Grown, Grassroots, Organic Californian “Recall Mania”

Home Grown, Grassroots, Organic Californian 'Recall Mania'Near the end of March, at the end of an article entitled: “Recall Newsom; Recall All Democrat Dictators,” I made a serious proposition that “Those in each state who love freedom can recall their own tyrants!” Well. it seems that prior to that, Californians all over the state had already started their own initiatives at what political consultant, Steve Frank, calls “Recall Mania.” Frank is the editor and publisher of California Political Review, and he has written a number of articles on the seemingly organic efforts all over California to recall bad actors in government positions at various levels. Also, the effort is not just limited to conservatives, but the Democrats are jumping on board the “Recall Mania” that Frank has identified.
- Thursday, May 13, 2021

Holding the Line on the Recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom

Holding the Line on the Recall of Gov. Gavin NewsomOn Monday, the California Secretary of State, Dr. Shirley Weber, admitted that “the requisite number of valid signatures has been reported to our office to initiate the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom.” The link in that sentence takes readers to the county-by-county breakdown of the recall signature tallies, which totals 1,626,042. That is in itself a victory for the grassroots citizen effort, which Newsom attributed to white supremacist groups and “...folks that are literally part of the 3% militia group -- right-wing group -- that are part of the principal proponents of this effort."
- Thursday, April 29, 2021

Justice For All - Who Commit Crimes Against the People!

Justice For All -  Who Commit Crimes Against the People!The old guard Democrat leadership seems quite pleased with the verdict in the wrongful death of George Floyd. They weighed in on a number of occasions to affect the outcome of the deliberation of the jurors, which in other countries, could be considered “tampering” with the jury. Democrats publicly weighed in on the deliberations, especially from Maxine Waters urging of the protestors to be more violent if the correct outcome could not be derived. California’s most vocal violence-promoting Representatives travelled to Minnesota’s riot-plagued Brooklyn Center and made a personal appeal for protestors to get even “more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin would be acquitted. It was a blatant incitement of violent mob intimidation or terrorism.
- Thursday, April 22, 2021