
David Martin

David Martin is the former moderator for St. Michaels Radio which is the one radio program of our time specializing in Catholic prophecy. He has also authored numerous articles on the Church and the Papacy which have appeared on various blogs and websites. David presently resides in Los Angeles, California where for thirty years he has coordinated a Catholic ministry. He is a daily communicant in his parish church and strongly supports Benedict XVI’s aspiration to see the Traditional Latin Mass returned to every Catholic parish of the world.

Most Recent Articles by David Martin:

Paul VI: Saint or Sinner?

Paul VI: Saint or Sinner?On October 14, 2018, Pope Francis canonized Pope Paul VI a saint, yet Paul VI denounced some of the very things that Francis today blesses, Communion in the hand to mention one. Does Francis truly stand with Pope Paul? It appears that his canonization was only a political maneuver to try to "canonize" the Vatican II revolution, which the Church today generally attributes to Paul VI, but did Paul VI agree with this revolution?
- Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus: A Globalist Scare Crusade

Coronavirus: A Globalist Scare CrusadeIt appears that what we are seeing with the Coronavirus pandemic is a globalist plot to destabilize and spread fear. The increasing reports of bishops and priests imposing Communion in the hand on account of Coronavirus speaks of conspiracy. 45,000 people die from the flu each year in America, this having been the case for the past several years, yet there was no pandemic crisis, and now less than 20 deaths of the elderly from Coronavirus in our country suddenly transforms the praxis of Catholics rooted in 2000 years of tradition!
- Monday, March 9, 2020

New Humanism Advocates "Freedom" from God

Why is Francis colluding with globalistsAs has been reported in the Catholic press, Pope Francis is calling upon the leaders of world religions and globalist agencies, as well as leaders in the world of politics, economics, science and education to be at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, for the signing of a Global Education Pact aimed at bringing about a "new humanism."  In a videotaped message on September 12, 2019, in which the pope first announced his initiative, he said: "A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism."
- Saturday, February 29, 2020

New Humanism Advocates that we be Free from God

New Humanism Advocates that we be Free from GodWhile Catholics throughout the world are doing penance this Ash Wednesday to repair for the many sins of our time, let these acts of penance also be in reparation for Pope Francis' Global Education Pact for a New Humanism, since it promises to wreak havoc throughout the universal Church.
- Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Did Benedict XVI Really Deny Co-Authoring a New Book in Defense of Priestly Celibacy? 

Did Benedict XVI Really Deny Co-Authoring a New Book in Defense of Priestly Celibacy?The news broke Monday concerning a new book co-authored by Cardinal Robert Sarah and Benedict XVI, titled From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy, and the Crisis of the Catholic Church, in which the former pontiff staunchly defends priestly celibacy.  Among other things, Benedict says in the book that the renunciation of all things is a criterion for entering the priesthood, pointing out that from the first century "men could only receive the sacrament of Holy Orders if they had committed themselves to sexual abstinence."
- Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Archbishop Viganò: Pope is Subjecting Church to "Powerful Forces" that want "a World Government"

Archbishop Viganò: Pope is Subjecting Church to Powerful Forces that want a World GovernmentThis is perhaps the most pastoral statement on Pope Francis ever published by a Catholic bishop. According to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Church's divine mission to reach out and save souls has been betrayed by the present pontificate. Consider this excerpt from the Archbishop's statement. "With the declaration he [Pope Francis] signed in Abu Dhabi, in which he states that 'The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom,' and by his constant deviant condemnations of so-called 'proselytism,' Francis has not only mortified every missionary impulse but has indeed rejected the mandate given by Christ to all the Apostles: 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you'" (Mt 28:18-20).
- Friday, November 22, 2019

Vatican Endorses U.N. Pro-Abortion “Sustainable Development” Agenda

Vatican Endorses U.N. Pro-Abortion “Sustainable Development” Agenda

Though Rome has kept a low profile, an event took place the day after the close of the  Amazonian Synod that has solidified the Vatican’s pact with the United Nations. 

On October 28, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences partnered with U.N. pro-abortion advocates to pledge fidelity to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) championed by socialist rebels like George Soros and Jeffrey Sachs. Diane Montagna of LifeSiteNews reports on November 6.

- Monday, November 11, 2019

Poster of Topless Woman Breast-Feeding a Weasel used to Publicize Amazon Synod in Rome

Poster of Topless Woman Breast-Feeding a Weasel used to Publicize Amazon Synod in RomeA poster of a topless indigenous woman breast-feeding a weasel is among the many graphics being used to publicize the infamous Amazonian Synod presently underway in Rome. LifeSiteNews videographer Jim Hale was able to obtain this footage while documenting the Synod in Rome. Disgusting as it is, there is more to this than meets the eye. It derives from Pope Francis' eco-encyclical Laudato Si, which underscores the synod. What they're saying is that everything in creation is "interconnected," that we are "related" to the animals, and it uses this degraded imagery to make the point.
- Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cardinal Burke Cites Amazon Synod as a "Direct Attack" on Christ

Cardinal Burke Cites Amazon Synod as a Direct Attack on ChristCardinal Raymond Burke has come out and blasted the upcoming Amazonian Synod as a direct attack on Jesus Christ. The synod is scheduled to convene this month in Rome from the 6th to the 27th. In an interview published Sept. 27 in First Things, the 71-year-old cardinal told reporter Sohrab Ahmari, "The working document of the Pan-Amazonian synod is a direct attack on the Lordship of Christ. It says to people, ‘You already have the answers, and Christ is just one among many sources of answers.’ This is apostasy!"
- Friday, October 4, 2019

Vatican Backs Court Decision to Deny Cardinal Pell's Appeal against Child Abuse Charges

Vatican Backs Court Decision to Deny Cardinal Pell's Appeal against Child Abuse ChargesCatholics the world over were aghast to learn today that the appeal by George Cardinal Pell against his conviction of child sexual abuse was denied by the Australian court. Worse yet, the Vatican endorsed the court decision to deny Pell. This unfortunate news about who many believe to be the innocent and commendable Cardinal Pell immediately calls to mind Christ's words: "Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you. " (Matthew 5: 11,12)
- Thursday, August 22, 2019

Benedict XVI Never Said Francis is the Only Pope

Benedict XVI Never Said Francis is the Only PopeIt was reported last week that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had allegedly said in an interview that Pope Francis is the only reigning pope at this time. The interview was published in the Italian weekly Corriere della Sera, and taken up by the Vatican News Service. Italian journalist Massimo Franco, who interviewed Benedict XVI on June 23, had published only a few direct quotes in his five-page article about the meeting. According to Catholic News Agency (CNA), Benedict said that Francis is the only Roman pontiff.
- Friday, July 5, 2019

Viganò: Pope Francis is Lying about McCarrick

Viganò: Pope Francis is Lying about McCarrickArchbishop Viganò informed Pope Francis of ex-cardinal McCarrick's homosexual predation upon the pope's inquiry into it. Now Francis says he never knew anything about McCarrick's immoral activity. Vigano alleges that Francis is lying.
- Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Vatican outraged that anti-immigration leader commends Italy to Mary

Matteo Salvini also commended his country, its citizens, and himself to the Immaculate Heart of MaryVatican leaders including Pope Francis are outraged at Italy's deputy premier and interior minister Matteo Salvini for having commended his country, its citizens, and himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the face of the growing Islamic insurgency. Francis refuses to meet with Salvini because of his strong opposition to the EU's open border immigration policy.
- Thursday, May 23, 2019

The LGBT Political Campaign Behind Pope Francis' Election

The LGBT Political Campaign Behind Pope Francis' ElectionWith theologians and bishops aghast over what some are calling 'the most terrible schism the world has ever seen,' it behooves the Catholic hierarchy to take a closer look at the 2013 papal election since it appears to have raised to the Chair of Peter "a man, not canonically elected." To recap, on the eve of the 2013 conclave, Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga who was one of the key kingmakers for the papal election was busily on the phone with cardinal electors from the Honduran embassy in Rome. His frenzied phone effort was the tail end of an intense lobbying campaign to secure votes for the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as pope.
- Sunday, May 12, 2019

Viganò: Rome Has No "Genuine Willingness" to Stop Clerical Sex Abuse

McCarrick LaicizationArchbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United states, has publicly expressed his misgivings about the upcoming Vatican summit on clerical sexual-abuse this February 21-25. In a brief essay issued in response to an invitation to participate in a National Catholic Register symposium on the upcoming summit, he says, "I am praying intensely for the success of the February summit" but laments that there is "no sign of a genuine willingness to attend to the real causes of the present situation."
- Monday, February 18, 2019

To the President: Speak Out Against the Reproductive Health Act

To the President: Speak Out Against the Reproductive Health ActMr. President: On January 22, 2019, the 46th Anniversary of Wade. vs. Roe, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law the historic "Reproductive Health Act," which guarantees women the "fundamental right" to have an abortion until the birth of the baby, for any reason, and with all criminal aspects eradicated from the books.
- Monday, February 4, 2019

Francis: It's better to be atheist than a daily church-goer

Francis: It's better to be atheist than a daily church-goer Pope Francis who has often said that we should never judge has unleashed one of his most brutal judgments against regular church-goers. During his General Audience of January 2, he condemned Catholics who go to church every day but who "go on hating" their fellow man. He said it “is better” that they not go.
- Friday, January 4, 2019

Another Nod to Sin

Another Nod to Sin It appears that the Youth Sin-Nod 2018 has turned out to be another Nod to Sin. A pope wearing a rainbow cross? It's no wonder that the LGBT community is doing somersaults.
- Friday, October 19, 2018