
August, 2015

Trump vs. Ramos Bout

You know what, I thought my frenzy point for irking with madness had just about reached its limits of confinement when I saw Barack Obama eagerly shaking the bloodied hands of Cuban dictators Fidel and Raul Castro – the entire charade followed by the idiot John Kerry’s ceremony raising the American flag at the just re-opened Cuban embassy in Havana, not much after the jackass [Kerry] had virtually given Iran a free pass to becoming a nuke state, while Iranians lolled to the chants of “death to America”
By Obie Usategui - Sunday, August 30, 2015 - Full Story

Liberalism Created the WDBJ Killer

Barack Obama won’t be saying, “If I had a psycho son, he’d look like Vester Lee.” But he might as well. Because Vester Lee Flanagan II, the bigoted maniac who murdered the WDBJ reporter and cameraman Wednesday on live TV, was a philosophical offspring of the Left.
By Selwyn Duke - Sunday, August 30, 2015 - Full Story

A Proposal for the Muslim Refugees Clamoring to Enter Europe

Every night on a dozen or more West European television channels, (Americans, by and large are still unaware of this chaos because of the geographic separation of a continent), the news programs bring into people’s homes, heart wrenching pictures of tens of thousands of destitute refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and other Muslim majority regions in Africa, about 98% of whom are Muslims, clamoring to enter Europe.
By Dr. Norman Berdichevsky - Sunday, August 30, 2015 - Full Story

Boehner is typical of Jackass GOP Leaders

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! This week at a Colorado fundraiser House Speaker John Boehner stunned donors when he referred to Texas Senator Ted Cruz as a “jackass.” During remarks at the event for Congressman Scott Tipton, Boehner said he was grateful that Cruz was often campaigning for President, which kept that “jackass” away from Capitol Hill.
By Jeff Crouere - Saturday, August 29, 2015 - Full Story