
June, 2016

How cancer cells spread and squeeze through tiny blood vessels (video)

The spread of cancer from a tumor's original location to other parts of the body can play a major role in whether the disease turns deadly. Many steps in this process, called metastasis, remain murky. But now scientists are gaining new insights into how cancer cells might squeeze through and even divide within narrow blood vessels while travelling in the body. They report their study using microtubular nanomembranes in the journal ACS Nano.
By American Chemical Society - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - Full Story

Religious and specialty schools—not elite prep schools—dominate independent school lands

TORONTO—The majority of independent schools—schools which operate outside the public system—in Ontario have a religious or alternative teaching approach and don’t conform to the “elite” stereotype, finds a new national study of independent schools released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian policy think-tank.
By Fraser Institute - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - Full Story

EU’s God-given right to control the masses spreading to North America

If German Chancellor Angela Merkel could cast a vote in the U.S. presidential election, she’d cast it for PC Sister Hillary Clinton. Ditto for all clucking-like-free-range-hens EU MEPs, and assorted world ‘leaders’, who claim airtight rights and control over human masses as their so-called presidents and prime ministers.
By Judi McLeod - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - Full Story

Get Dirty in Rotorua, New Zealand

Rotorua, well known for its Maori cultural tourism and natural hot springs, is now earning a reputation for being a dirty, dirty destination (that’s great for your skin!) – with its brand new Rotorua Mud Festival!
By Travel New Zealand - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - Full Story

Ryan: Sign a free-trade deal with Britain as soon as they’re out of the EU

You might recall that one of the tactics tried by the Remain crowd prior to last week's Brexit vote was have Barack Obama - standing in the presence of British Prime Minister David Cameron - essentially threaten the UK with being sent to the "back of the queue" for purposes of getting any bilateral trade deal negotiated with the United States. Stay in the EU, Obama basically said, because we work out trade deals with transnational outfits and not with individual allies.
By Dan Calabrese - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - Full Story

The Worst Smear Site in America

The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center relentlessly promotes the Big Lie, wildly popular in the media, that conservative Americans are racists and the real threat to the nation rather than Islamic terrorists.
By Matthew Vadum - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - Full Story

The Elites Never Disappoint!

Brexit offers hope for freedom-loving people all over the ‘globe’! In a time of contracting power and wealth towards self-appointed elites and ‘royalty’, Brexit may be the 2016 ‘D-Day’ in the war of those who are outside of their oppressors’ exclusive aristocracy. But, even with this victory for freedom, the elites never disappoint. Now that they lost a major player and funder of the European Union (EU), the assault is on.
By A.J. Cameron - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story

Why Does Obama Hate Britain?

Coming to the end of the Obama administration, with the wreckage of its foreign policy all around us, the naïve conservatives running the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal are begging President Obama to offer “A New American Deal for Europe.”
By Cliff Kincaid - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story

A Socialist Les Miserables in Venezuela

A mob of starving people advanced on the presidential palace chanting, “We want food”. They were met by soldiers and police dispatched by the tyrant from his lavish palace decorated opulently with a golden sun, giant rock crystal mirrors, sparkling chandeliers and towering oil portraits.
By Daniel Greenfield - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story

Seeing the real EU Without its clothes on

Bwaaaaaaaaa! The screech of outrage coming from the pinpricked pompous European Union suffering its first setback in the more than 40 years of its lavish existence. Who would ever have thought that one sunny day real life would come along and let the air out of the EU's balloon; that the sheep would finally abandon the oppressive shepherd en masse?
By Judi McLeod - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story

Iran: The Land of Legalized Human Rights Violations

"It is better for the hands and feet of the subject be tied to prevent the subject from moving that may lead to the whip hitting banned parts of the body"... "Lashing must be carried out as subject is placed lying down on their stomach, with their clothes on, and the lashes are delivered on the back part of the body, instead of head, face and genitals" ... "The lashing must be carried out at a continuous rhythm" ... "[For women] the lashing is delivered with the utmost severity on the entire body, other than head, face and genitals"...
By Shahriar Kia - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story

California Again Having Electricity Shortage Issues

California is again having issues with adequate electricity and its customers are being told that summer blackouts may occur. Its utility scale generation is dependent primarily on natural gas and renewable generated electricity.
By Institute for Energy Research - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story

Donald Trump delivers the specifics we’ve been demanding in a massive trade policy speech

I've been arguing that Trump needed to abandon his "light on specifics" approach to the 2016 election for a while now. Whether you love him or hate him, his constant attacks were wearing thin precisely because he wasn't offering concrete positions to serve as a foundation for his rhetoric. Yes, there were details available on his website, but they were fairly limited in scope and he wasn't doing much to promote them on the stump.
By Robert Laurie - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story

Hillary: Savant of Washington Insider Corruption

One of my brothers concluded, “Being in Washington as long as she has, Hillary Clinton has to have learned something. Therefore, she is probably the most qualified to be president.” From his low-info voter perspective, his assumption sounds reasonable.
By Lloyd Marcus - Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - Full Story