
May, 2017

How Trump Hatred Is Designed to Save Iran

Under the Graham family, the previous owners of The Washington Post, it was always a liberal Democratic Party newspaper. Everyone knew that. Under Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, it has become a left-wing rag, running stories against the Trump administration that are so extreme as to be laughable. The paper’s descent is something to see, especially in regard to Iran’s aggressive and terroristic behavior in the Middle East.
By Cliff Kincaid - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Sick and tired of teddy bears and flowers

If like me, you’re sick and tired of teddy bears and flowers junking up public spaces because of yet another “man-caused disaster,” then you might be interested in the following:
By Klaus Rohrich - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

He Saw Catamounts A’Comin’

After a just-right, late May rain gave my father’s young cotton crop a much-needed soaking, halting fieldwork on his Mississippi Delta farm, my boyhood best friend and mentor, Jaybird, offered to take my cousin Hunter and me fishing.
By Jimmy Reed - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story


News consumers are now suffering through the practiced, hyperbolic, omnipresent outrage that follows revelations that presidential adviser Jared Kushner allegedly tried to create what the New York Times is calling "a secret channel between his father-in-law's transition team and Moscow to discuss the war in Syria and other issues."
By Matthew Vadum -- FrontPageMag- Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Questions We’re Often Asked: Berry-Bearing Shrubs

Garden getting beyond you? Perennials overflowing? Expense of annuals increasing like weeds? Could be time to call in the shrubs! Not all tower over that tallest gardener. Indeed, a selection are more on the abbreviated size. Flowers in season would be nice. But berries to brighten the off-season, bring winter colour would be even better.
By Wes Porter - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

What bone proteomics could reveal about the dead

Studying bones has helped scientists reconstruct what dinosaurs and other extinct creatures looked like. Taking this further, scientists recently started identifying proteins from bones to glean more information about remains.
By American Chemical Society - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Sandra Merritt Seeks Dismissal of Criminal Charges

SAN FRANCISCO - Sandra 'Susan' Merritt has filed a Motion to Dismiss asking the San Francisco Superior Court to dismiss the politically-motivated criminal complaint brought against her by the State of California, because it is legally deficient.
By Liberty Counsel - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Illegal immigrant students at Columbia demand free health care, housing, sensitivity training for st

If you illegally enter someone's house, refuse to leave, and hand them a list of 13 demands, a few things will happen. If you aren't immediately shot for breaking and entering, you'll be told to get the hell out. Then, your demands will be mocked, ridiculed, and refused. Finally, the police will be called and you'll be forcibly removed. You won't be coddled, indulged, or comforted. You'll be jettisoned with extreme prejudice.
By Robert Laurie - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Linda Sarsour and the progressive zeitgeist

In US academic tradition, university administrators choose commencement speakers they believe embody the zeitgeist of their institutions and as such, will be able to inspire graduating students to take that spirit with them into the world outside.
By Caroline Glick - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Jefferson Davis ‘Memorial Day’ Funeral Train

Don’t let the memory of our Southern men and women of the Old Confederacy ever die! The birthday of Jefferson Davis is June 3rd. Davis served as President of the Confederate States of America, United States Senator and Secretary of War under United States President Franklin Pierce.
By Calvin E. Johnson Jr. - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

The Murder of Seth Rich – A Basic Primer for Corporate Media Hostages

This weekend, my neighbor asked me what I knew about the murder of Seth Rich. Instead of answering him, I asked him what he knew about it, which admittedly was not much. He only heard about it from a drive-by media report and couldn’t understand why a shooting during an “attempted robbery” almost a year ago in Washington, DC was being discussed.
By Doug Hagmann - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Please Exit the Paris Climate Treaty

Dear Mr. President: Are you are still wondering whether to Exit Paris? Overseas and US officials, environmentalists and bureaucrats urge you to Remain. But you promised voters you would Exit. Please keep your promises.
By Paul Driessen & Mark J. Carr - Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - Full Story

Why Donald Trump Scares The “L” Out Of Liberal Media ...

It was Bob Dylan who put together the phrase, "... Money doesn't talk, it SWEARS." And that is about the first level up from the bottom-line reason behind most of the problems we have in the world today. At least, the reason for bulldozer-powerful LIES mowing down what is left of today's rapidly disintegrating civilization.
By Dave Merrick - Monday, May 29, 2017 - Full Story

Pour Hillary Back into the Chardonnay Bottle

Case you missed it, last Friday, after a prolonged post-election Sabbatical, Hillary Rodham Clinton emerged to give a commencement speech at her alma mater Wellesley College, located west of Boston – [the] birthplace of Clinton’s socialist / communist ideals. Back 48 years after her radical rendezvous with community organizer and renown U.S. hater Saul Alinsky, we got to see this loser disguised in a cap and gown, giving a s hate-simmered fiery address alluding to the controversies swirling around Donald Trump’s imperiled presidency, comparing it to Richard Nixon’s demise.
By Obie Usategui - Monday, May 29, 2017 - Full Story

A modest proposal: The death penalty for the White House leakers

Let's start with a few thoughts on drunk driving. If your state is anything like my state of Michigan, you frequently see public service announcements featuring uniformed police officers warning you that, if you drink and drive, you will do prison time, lose your driver's license, pay hefty fines and end up with a felony record that will make it impossible for you to get a job.
By Dan Calabrese - Monday, May 29, 2017 - Full Story