
July, 2018

Nothing new: Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, ‘let’s raise taxes to pay for all this free-but-not-free’

Maxine Waters, Ocasio-Cortez Democrats love to portray Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as something new. She’s not just a socialist, she’s the “young fresh face of her party.” She’s the “future” of the Democratic movement. She’s the great left-wing hope that will fill the coffers, excite voters, dethrone moderates, and usher in a new, glorious, era of not-quite-Marxism-but-really-Marxism.
By Robert Laurie - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

$32 Trillion—‘That’s trillion with a T.’—The Associated Press notices how expensive single payer

Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Socialism. Embracing it is America’s hot new left-wing trend. Most people aren’t dumb enough to buy in, but it does have a foothold on the coasts. Despite the abject unworkability of their ideas, folks like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have gained a following that continues to grow. True, it’s an ideology that’s currently unelectable in the rest of the country but, if we’d like to keep it that way, we’d better know what we’re up against.
By Robert Laurie - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

SAF, Defense Distributed Sue New Jersey A.G., Los Angeles City Atty.

SAF, Defense Distributed Sue New Jersey A.G., Los Angeles City Atty BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation and Defense Distributed took the necessary action of filing a federal lawsuit on Sunday against the New Jersey Attorney General and Los Angeles City Attorney, accusing them of “unconstitutional prior restraint” by attempting to prevent online sharing of 3-D firearms printing technology despite a Justice Department settlement of a lawsuit several days ago.
By Second Amendment Foundation - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

Southwest Pacific Islands Defying Sea Rise Alarmists

Southwest Pacific Islands Defying Sea Rise Alarmists Despite a rapid local sea level rise nearly 3 times the global mean (1.8 mm/yr), 15 of 28 studied atoll islands in the southwest Pacific increased in shoreline area during 2005 to 2015, according to a new study. For the 3 islands that experienced extreme shoreline erosion, with one atoll island even 'disappearing', a category 5 cyclone was identified as the most likely casual factor. Consequently, the authors concluded that 'the dramatic impacts of climate change felt on coastlines and people across the Pacific are still anecdotal.' 1
By Jack Dini - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

DOJ Religious Liberty Announcement

DOJ Religious Liberty Announcement WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Trump administration has created a Religious Liberty Task Force, led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in order to further the Department of Justice's (DOJ) work to protect and promote religious liberty as established in the Religious Liberty Memorandum and the Implementation Memorandum.
By Liberty Counsel - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

The Violent Totalitarians

The Violent Totalitarians We are constantly subjected to preaching from the self-righteous left – the Democrats, the “mainstream” media, the “education” system and the mindless Marxbots it produces – about ending violence in America. They mount their moral high horses and look down on us, the deplorable, bitter clingers, and demand an end to the right-wing inspired violence that they claim white America commits on our minorities and oh-so-innocent leftists on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the facts don’t even come close to this leftist-generated narrative.
By Michael Oberndorf, RPA - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

Abortion Waiting Period in FL

Abortion Waiting Period in FL TALLAHASSEE, FL - Liberty Counsel has filed an amicus brief in Gainesville Woman Carev. State of Florida, arguing in favor of a 24-hour waiting period on behalf of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds).
By Liberty Counsel - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

Harleycans—(on the vroom side)

Harleycans In my (much) younger years and on another continent, I was interested in motorbikes, like any other young male then. I even got my biking-license, requiring an actual "field test" (in the city) with all kinds of turns, etc. Of course, that was entirely separate from getting my car-driving license.
By Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

Socialism is bankrupt

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Venezuela in Shambles Most people who are buying into the “free stuff” narrative don’t know what socialism is, or what it can do long-term. The narrative sounds good, but it has never worked in the history of mankind.
By Herman Cain - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

Only Fake Jews Are Afraid of a Jewish State

Only Fake Jews Are Afraid of a Jewish State The Palestinian Authority’s basic law and draft constitution states that “Palestine” is an “Arab” entity, that “Islam is the official religion”, that “Islamic Sharia” is the basis for its law and Arabic is its official language. Unlike Israel’s nation-state bill which defines the Jewish State as Jewish, there’s been no criticism of this PLO document. And the media has not labeled it as divisive or controversial.
By Daniel Greenfield - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

Prostate Cancer; Updated Advice for the PSA Test

Prostate Cancer; Updated Advice for the PSA TestWhat’s a man to do? Equally important, what’s a doctor to advise when the PSA test is reported elevated? Or should men even be screened for this test? During the last 10 years there’s been considerable flip-lopping about it. Now a large study from the United Kingdom, reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association has new recommendations about PSA testing.
By W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones - Monday, July 30, 2018 - Full Story

Twitter, Facebook and the war against logic

Twitter, Facebook and the war against logic It really isn't any surprise that social media giants are taking heat this last week for the ill thought-out actions of constraining free speech on their platforms. Taking punitive action against individuals under the guise of saving users the pain of glimpsing an offensive meme, comment or video, Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube has been deleting, locking and hiding content of targeted accounts.
By A. Dru Kristenev - Sunday, July 29, 2018 - Full Story

Interesting Times

Interesting Times, Trump It is said that there’s an old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”, wherein “interesting” appears to be sarcastically ironic. Well, folks, I can’t speak for anyone else, but as I look around each day, I cannot help but conclude that we are, indeed, living in “interesting times”.
By Michael Oberndorf, RPA - Sunday, July 29, 2018 - Full Story


BuntAs a Little League baseball player, when I stepped to the plate, bunting was the last thing on my mind. Instead I focused on slugging the ball over the outfield fence. A bunt, I thought, was an insult to my Louisville Slugger bat.
By Jimmy Reed - Sunday, July 29, 2018 - Full Story