
March, 2019

Hating Trump The Biggest Money Maker of all Time

Hating Trump The Biggest Money Maker of all TimeHating Trump—better than all Get Rich Quick Schemes— has become the biggest money maker of our time. Once a loss of talent or scripts sidelines has-been entertainment industry stars, they can find new media spotlight by hating Donald Trump and his supporters, while their fans are out knocking MAGA caps off teenagers and pensioners.
By Judi McLeod - Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

Border in Extreme Crisis:  SHUT IT DOWN!

Border in Extreme Crisis: SHUT IT DOWN!We have almost reached the point of no return for our country. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan delivered the following urgent plea this week: "On Monday and Tuesday, CBP started the day with over 12,000 migrants in our custody. As of this morning, that number was 13,400. A high number for us is 4,000. A crisis level is 6,000…13,000 is unprecedented!" The USBP is overwhelmed—which appears to be just what the leaders of this ongoing invasion planned—while Congress sits back and still refuses to do anything to stop it! Mexico has given us nothing but lip service and has allowed the invasion towards the US borders to continue without lifting a finger. And, have no doubts folks…this IS an invasion.
By Sher Zieve - Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

No—Muslim Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell—We are Not Ashamed of Christian Prayers!

No--Muslim Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell--We are Not Ashamed of Christian Prayers!In the Pennsylvania capitol at Harrisburg, on her first day in office, Rep. Movita Johnson--Harrell, a Muslim woman, threw a hissy fit at her political comrades in the house for the leading prayer offered and read by GOP Rep. Stephanie Borowicz. Some in the Democratic Party agreed that Christian prayers are Islamophobic and gave tacit support to Movita’s whining.
By Rev. Michael Bresciani - Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

Eric Holder: America Never Great

Eric Holder: America Never GreatAmerica has never been “great” and those who embrace the Trump campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, are racists, sexists, and homophobes, disgraced former Attorney General Eric Holder told his ideological comrades at MSNBC in an interview this week.
By Matthew Vadum -- Front Page Mag- Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

The World’s Largest Oil Company And Petrochemical Company Merge

The World's Largest Oil Company And Petrochemical Company MergeThe long awaited Saudi Aramco acquisition of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) is finally here. With a statement to the press, Aramco CEO Amin Nasser reported that Aramco has acquired a 70 percent stake in SABIC, with an estimated value of $69.1 billion. Aramco's CEO Nasser reiterated that the "deal is a major step in accelerating Saudi Aramco's transformative downstream growth strategy".
By Oilprice.com -- Cyril Widdershoven - Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

Mueller Report Shows Big Government Unsafe at Any Speed

Mueller Report Shows Big Government Unsafe at Any SpeedThe Mueller Nothing Burger Report vindicated President Trump, but our attention now must turn to investigating the last days of the Obama Administration. Targets of the Special Counsel were persecuted by aggressive prosecutorial practices designed to win capitulations. Mueller team members threatened “suspects” with separate investigations of family members and others risked being buried by legal briefs from lawyers who possessed unlimited government budgets.
By Daniel Wiseman - Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

Jussie Smollett Did The Curtain Call For The Closing Night Of The Mueller Fiasco

Jussie Smollett Did The Curtain Call For The Closing Night Of The Mueller Fiasco The Chicago police chief was the target of an interview today with his mayor, Rahm Emanuel, about the glaring obviousness of Jussie Smollett's visible bastardization and disregard for our laws and our spirit of fairness. The Chief was righteously outraged at the turn that had been taken in the Chicago prosecutor's allowing Smollett to walk in the face of such screaming evidence which entirely demanded prosecution and punishment. Even Rahm Emanuel, who is not what I would call any pillar of virtue, had to distance himself in expressing his disgust at the carelessness with which the hate-crime-faking actor managed to escape justice. I will be watching attentively as they more closely examine the influences that helped Chicago's district attorney to arrive at her shabby decision to dismiss such a mountain of self-explanatory, incriminating facts.
By Dave Merrick - Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

Egypt and Israel: From Peace between Leaders and Armies to Peace between Peoples

Egypt and Israel: From Peace between Leaders and Armies to Peace between PeoplesMarch 2019 marks the fortieth anniversary of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. This signed agreement affirmed peace as the strategic choice of both countries, and in turn distanced them from the danger of war. Over the years, the peace has survived challenges and upheavals, and provided tightened security cooperation around shared interests. However, relations between leaderships and security establishment are not enough, and the time has come to deepen the roots of peace between the two peoples. Reinforcing the civilian layer of the peace will benefit all parties: Israel will gain a closer bilateral axis with Egypt and deeper regional cooperation; and Egypt will reap the economic and technological fruits of cooperation with Israel. Although emotional and political barriers still exist on both sides, particularly in Egypt, there are signs of greater openness among the Egyptian public to relationships with Israel.
By INSS -- Ofir Winter, Udi Dekel- Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

Fill up your gas tank: the carbon tax kicks in Monday

Fill up your gas tank: the carbon tax kicks in MondayREGINA, SK: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is reminding Manitobans to fill up their fuel tanks this weekend because the carbon tax will be added to the price at the pump starting Monday.
By Canadian Taxpayers Federation -- Todd MacKay, CTF Prairie Director- Friday, March 29, 2019 - Full Story

The Mirage of a “Rational Green Deal” Comment on Holman Jenkins Jr.

The Mirage of a There are few editorialists that many of us enjoy more than Holman W. Jenkins Jr. His twice-weekly "Business World" columns in the Wall Street Journal speak truth to power, including on the top-tier issue of energy and climate. His March 16, 2019, piece, Is There a Green Rational Deal?, presents a government-activist alternative to the Green New Deal's "fantastically expensive plan to fix precisely nothing." But Jenkins errs in reaching for a silver bullet where, indeed, the fix is unnecessary, speculative, expensive, and not doable. And he defaults on the clear policy winner: free-market, wealth-is-health adaptation.
By Institute for Energy Research - Thursday, March 28, 2019 - Full Story

Dangerous Assault on Women

Dangerous Assault on WomenWASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of the U.S. House have introduced H.R. 5, known as the so-called “Equality Act,” which is an assault on women and girls’ safety, privacy, and athletic endeavors.
By Liberty Counsel - Thursday, March 28, 2019 - Full Story

Federal Politics: As Liberal support bleeds to other parties, CPC vote stays solid

Federal Politics: As Liberal support bleeds to other parties, CPC vote stays solidMarch 28, 2019 – Two months of scandal have eroded support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party, opening up a nine-point lead among Canadian voters who say they would vote for the Conservative Party of Canada if an election were held tomorrow. This, according to a new analysis of public opinion polling data by the non-profit Angus Reid Institute. The data was donated to ARI by Angus Reid Global Public Affairs.
By Angus Reid Institute - Thursday, March 28, 2019 - Full Story

Fill up your gas tank! The Trudeau carbon tax hits Ontario on Monday

Fill up your gas tank! The Trudeau carbon tax hits Ontario on MondayOTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation today urged residents of Ontario to ensure they fill up their cars this weekend – because the new federal carbon tax will be added to the price at the pump starting Monday.
By Canadian Taxpayers Federation -- Christine Van Geyn, CTF Ontario Director- Thursday, March 28, 2019 - Full Story

A Coup Wrapped in a Hoax Inside a Vendetta

A Coup Wrapped in a Hoax Inside a VendettaAfter 675 days of investigation, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and 500 witness interviews here are a few things that never happened in the time-consuming, money-wasting, slanderous attempt to erase the results of the 2016 election known as the Mueller investigation:
By Dr. Robert R. Owens - Thursday, March 28, 2019 - Full Story

No Taxpayer Dollars for Abortions

WASHINGTON, D.C.--Secretary of State Pompeo announced today that the U.S. State Department will enforce, to the broadest extent possible, regulations under the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance program that protects U.S. foreign aid funding from being used to pay for or promote abortion overseas. While the State Department will continue to refuse to provide assistance to foreign nongovernmental organizations that "perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning," the State Department will also refuse to provide assistance to foreign nongovernmental organizations that give to other foreign groups in the global abortion industry.
By Liberty Counsel - Thursday, March 28, 2019 - Full Story