
June, 2019

From Out of Oregon: ‘Save the Environment—From Meddling Government Social Justice Warriors’

From Out of Oregon: 'Save the Environment--From Meddling Government Social Justice Warriors'The hundreds of loggers, farmers and ranchers who came off their farms and out of the forests and fields to circle Oregon's capitol in protest of their government's force-fed climate bill yesterday, didn't just take a classic stand for the Beaver State, but for all other states in the union. Their major protest proved for once and for all that you don't learn anything useful about The Environment sitting behind a desk in an air-conditioned government office, you can only learn it by working the land dawn 'til dusk.
By Judi McLeod - Friday, June 28, 2019 - Full Story

The Muslim Plot to Bomb a Black Church the Media Won’t Talk About

Mustafa Mousab Alowemer"The best news is when you call get ready for jihad," Mustafa Mousab Alowemer wrote in a public housing project in Pittsburgh. "I will spill my blood for the victory of my religion." Northview Heights, the low-income housing project, is 90% African-American. Or at least it was. Then a flood of Syrian Muslim refugees showed up. Obama had promised to admit 10,000 Syrian migrants in 2016. The terrorist who plotted a massacre at a black church was one of them.
By Daniel Greenfield - Friday, June 28, 2019 - Full Story

Making music from proteins (video)

Making music from proteins (video)Composers string notes of different pitch and duration together to create music. Similarly, cells join amino acids with different characteristics together to make proteins. Now, researchers have bridged these two seemingly disparate processes by translating protein sequences into musical compositions and then using artificial intelligence to convert the sounds into brand-new proteins. They report their results in ACS Nano. Watch how they did it here.
By American Chemical Society - Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

High hopes for new ADHD treatment device

High hopes for new ADHD treatment deviceAn Israeli startup has developed a new medical device to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). And it doesn’t require any drugs like Ritalin or Adderall. Haifa-based InnoSphere’s patented medical “cap” sits on top of the patient’s head. Small electrodes embedded in the cap deliver electrical charges to regions of the brain that are involved in ADHD behavior. The cap is worn for 20 minutes a day, for 15 days only.
By ISRAEL21c - Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

Pennsylvania Parents Prevail

Pennsylvania Parents PrevailSTATE COLLEGE, PA -- Parents of elementary school students in State College Area School District have finally received access to review sex-ed curriculum after efforts from Liberty Counsel and Pennsylvania Family Institute’s Independence Law Center on their behalf. Liberty Counsel was contacted by concerned parents who had made multiple requests to school officials for review of the entire Human Growth and Development/sex education curriculum,including all slides, presentations, multimedia presentations, sources, textbooks, and any other supplemental materials (including planned weblinks or videos) intended for use in the educational program. The school district was violating parental rights by presenting only some of the materials.
By Liberty Counsel - Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

Bombardier cashes out while taxpayers get stiffed

Bombardier cashes out while taxpayers get stiffedImagine pouring billions of dollars into a business and not being able to tell if you got anything back in return. That's the real-life story of Canadian taxpayers' relationship with Bombardier, the hapless Montreal-based aerospace company, which this week announced it was selling off it's money-losing regional jet business to Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for $550 million.
By Canadian Taxpayers Federation -- Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director- Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

Why the Liberals may as well scrap their carbon tax

Why the Liberals may as well scrap their carbon taxWhen future historians retrace the rise and fall of carbon taxes in Canada, they may well conclude that last week was the point at which policy's decline became irreversible. That's because it was the week when the Trudeau Liberals gave up insisting that a carbon tax is the best way to fight climate change. There's really no other way to interpret Environment Minister Catherine McKenna's pledge not to raise carbon taxes beyond 2022. The pledge came in response to a Parliamentary Budget Officer report, which concluded the federal carbon tax would have to rise from the planned $50 per tonne in 2022 to $102 per tonne by 2030 for Canada to meet its Paris Agreement emissions commitments.
By Canadian Taxpayers Federation -- Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director- Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

George Soros Continues to Collect District Attorneys

George Soros Continues to Collect District AttorneysThe Democrat primary in Virginia's Fairfax and Arlington Counties was great news for companies whose business model includes cleaning human poop off the sidewalk. The sanctimonious leftists in both counties just nominated new prosecutors who plan on increasing justice by ignoring crime. Thanks to almost $1 million contributed by George Soros, Parisa Dehghani-Tafti defeated the incumbent DA in Arlington and Steve Descano defeated the incumbent in Fairfax. Those two victories bring the total number of campaigns that Soros has tried to buy to at least 23.
By Michael R. Shannon - Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

Shaped by Hook or by Crook

Brentwood School pampering kids of A-listers on Veterans´ property won't make headlines.While mainstream media emoted, branding college admission bribery a "scandal", members of an as large as disillusioned family of Joe Shmoe collectively shrugged deplorable shoulders. Not only is corruption a common "social rite", but it's well known that a potential disclosure of nepotism will affect only a 'B' list.
By Joanna Rosamond - Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

Israel’s Alice ushers in a new era of electric planes

Israel’s Alice ushers in a new era of electric planesThink electric cars are all the rage? How very old-fashioned. At this week’s Paris Air Show, Israeli company Eviation Aircraft unveiled its electric plane, an emission-free, quiet mode of transportation that could greatly benefit the environment. The streamlined plane, called Alice, can seat nine passengers and is planned to cruise at a speed of 260 knots for a range of up to 650 miles. The all-electric vehicle is meant to reduce operating costs stemming from fuel and oil usage.
By ISRAEL21c - Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

Judicial Watch Sues CIA for Inspector General’s Report on Mena, Arkansas, Airport Drug, Arms S

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the CIA seeking the CIA Inspector General’s November 1996 report related to a drug-running, arms smuggling and intelligence operation involving Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport in Arkansas. The airfield in Mena was alleged to have been used in the 1980s by the CIA during the Reagan administration to smuggle arms to rebels in Nicaragua. A central figure in the operation was Barry Seal, a pilot and drug smuggler for Pablo Escobar’s Medellin cartel who became an undercover agent and informant for the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
By Judicial Watch - Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Full Story

Justice DEMOCRAT AOC Denying Immigrant Children Their Beds

Justice DEMOCRAT AOC Denying Immigrant Children Their BedsDon’t know whether the Info Wars photo of the $600 watch allegedly worn by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is for real, but if it is, it would be the only “real” thing about her. In the tsunami of of things said and written about the now omnipresent AOC, most people don’t know, or have already forgotten, that the Voice of the Green New Deal is not a real member of the House of Representatives, she is the hands-down winner of a 10,000-member casting call, arranged by Socialist Bernie Sanders.
By Judi McLeod - Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - Full Story


OBAMA JUDGE INVENTS SANCTUARY COURTHOUSESAll courthouses in Massachusetts have become ICE-free zones because a zealous left-wing Obama judge took it upon herself to forbid immigration officers from detaining suspected illegal aliens on judicial soil. This lawless order is reportedly the first judicial fiat in the United States to block immigration arrests across an entire state, according to The Epoch Times. Massachusetts happens to be the home of state Judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph, who was charged earlier this year under federal law for helping an illegal alien evade an ICE agent in her courthouse.
By Matthew Vadum -- Front Page Mag- Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - Full Story

The Humanitarian Hoax of Planned Parenthood

The Humanitarian Hoax of Planned ParenthoodThe Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. Planned Parenthood began in 1916 as the American Birth Control League when Margaret Sanger and her two sisters opened the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, NY. They distributed birth control, birth control advice, and birth control information.
By Linda Goudsmit - Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - Full Story

Surviving The 2020 Presidential Election Campaign 101

Surviving The 2020 Presidential Election Campaign 101The main strategy of the ‘progressives’ during the 2020 presidential election campaign is to dispirit Hillary’s deplorables. The mantra of the day, backed by polls, seems to be ‘President Donald Trump doesn’t have a chance; no point voting for him’. To avoid becoming dispirited by what will be be wall-to-wall, one-sided media coverage of the 2020 presidential election campaign, stick to this simple rule of thumb: God 1st, family and country 2nd and third, and politics only when absolutely necessary.
By Judi McLeod - Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - Full Story

The Democrats Promote “Welfare” Instead of Promoting the “General Welfare”

The Democrats Promote Welfare Instead of Promoting the General WelfareThe phrase “promote the general welfare” is stated in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. It could be interpreted as a basis for such legislation that promotes health, safety, morality, peace, and overall well-being of the people. With that in mind, isn't it ironic that the Democrats continually push for giving “welfare benefits” to illegal aliens, but never seem to push for looking out for the “general welfare” of the American citizen?
By Chuck Lehmann - Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - Full Story

The U.S. Is Awash in Oil

The U.S. Is Awash in OilSource: Wall Street Journal The United States became the world's largest producer of oil last year and the world's largest producer of natural gas in 2009. Texas, North Dakota, and Wyoming are setting oil production records, along other U.S. states due to hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling that allow shale basins to be drilled and the oil released into production. Most of the wells producing oil today are being drilled horizontally in shale basins rather than vertically, as the first oil wells were drilled.
By Institute for Energy Research - Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - Full Story