
June, 2020

The Communist Control Face Mask

The Communist Control Face MaskFour months into the corona manufactured pandemic, blue states are still enforcing draconian measures to wear masks everywhere in public for your own good lest be seen as a danger to society, public enemy number one, and to the well-being of those around you.
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh - Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

Video: U.S. Should Sanction All Members of China’s Communist Party

American Thought Leaders: Elmer Yuen, CEO of Golden Bridge Technology IncHow can the U.S. effectively hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its abuses, from the coronavirus coverup to its encroachments on Hong Kong? Why is the Chinese leadership choosing to impose the National Security Law on Hong Kong even though it will likely hurt China’s economy?
By Epoch Times -- Jan Jekielek- Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

COVID-19 Exposes The Real Cost Of Fake News 

COVID-19 Exposes The Real Cost Of Fake NewsWe've been forced to pay drastic economic and social costs to battle the existential threat COVID-19 is perceived to be. It has cost the world trillions of dollars and the loss of myriad civil liberties, so it makes sense for societies to ensure the price paid was worth it and if not, to demand extreme accountability in return. Fact is, COVID-19 was destined to be Fake News from the start, the question was how  large a fake would it prove to be? Given the coronaviruses' "novel" designation, early COVID-19 models must have been heavy on assumptions and light on factual data. They could only spit out wild guesses and, as it turns out, they guessed poorly. Regardless, the guesses proved more than good enough for government work. 
By Mark Gray - Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

The Thin Blue Line 

The Thin Blue LineThere are good cops and there are bad cops. There are good doctors and there are bad doctors. The 24/7 fake news media insists that the mob is tearing down statues, smashing windows, looting, and burning down cities because a bad cop killed a man. I don't think so. 
By Linda Goudsmit - Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

Jewish People reclaiming sovereignty in biblical heartland after 3000 years

Jewish People reclaiming sovereignty in biblical heartland after 3000 yearsThe United Nations is disgracefully trying to prevent a miracle happening 100 years after the world first gave its historic imprimatur to an impossible dream becoming a possible reality:  The restoration of Jewish sovereignty in 1697km² of the Jewish People's biblical heartland in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) The defeat of the 400 years-old Ottoman Empire in World War I revived the Jewish People's 3000 years-old dream of regaining nationhood in their ancient homeland--which had extended across both banks of the River Jordan where the twelve tribes of Israel had finally settled 40 years after their exodus from Egypt.
By David Singer - Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

Hundreds of Streets and Schools are Named After a Black Nationalist Ally of the KKK

Boston and Dallas have one each. New York City has not one, but two Malcolm X boulevards, along with a playground. Washington D.C. has Malcolm X Avenue. The Los Angeles City Council renamed the intersection near the Bilal Islamic Center, Malcolm X Way. These are a few of the hundreds of streets, schools, and assorted other civic infrastructure named after the black supremacist leader who worked together with the KKK and the American Nazi Party.
By Daniel Greenfield - Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

‘Touchy-Feely Joe’, Liberal Media’s Choice for Your Next President

'Touchy-Feely Joe', Liberal Media's Choice for Your Next PresidentIf we can maintain enough clear vision to see past the garbage the nation is being fed by the liberal media tv and newsprint shysters, we should be able to clearly see that we are being sold some serious lies as the most critical 2020 elections are approaching. One of the biggest and most distressing of those lies is Joe Biden. Just as Tucker Carlson indicated a few nights ago, the Democrats have no other choice but Biden. And, at the same time, he is precisely what they were hoping to find. He really is just a shell of a man. It's obvious that the only mind he has left is whatever is pumped to him through his teleprompters. And, the people who are supposed to be reporting our news to us impartially are talking this guy up as though he is truly the spotless rocket scientist his campaigners bill him as. He is a babbling idiot.
By Dave Merrick - Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

How Apples Work for Your Waist

As this long period of isolation eases, are you noticing your friends and neighbours have put on weight around their middles? How unfortunate it is if the coronavirus crisis piles on additional chronic health problems for individuals and society due to weight gain, or what has come to be known as metabolic syndrome.
By W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones - Monday, June 29, 2020 - Full Story

Fear and Greed!

If Alberta truly seeks to separate, it must employ more than fear – the desire to leave the deficiencies of Canada’s confederation. It must employ greed - the desire to attain something of much higher value. The prizes for separation are numerous and spectacular. Consider Switzerland. It too is landlocked. It lacks Alberta’s massive resource and agricultural wealth. Yet it’s per-capital GNP is US$83k or 60% more than Alberta’s per-capita GNP of US$52k. Imagine what prosperity would ensue if Alberta was run Swiss-style.
By Action Alberta -- John Budreski - Sunday, June 28, 2020 - Full Story

How the Democrats are Well on Their Way To Stealing Election 2020

How the Democrats are Well on Their Way To Stealing Election 2020The fear mongering of democrats.com laid bare: “In the midst of a deadly pandemic, no one should be forced to risk their life to exercise their Constitutional right to vote." The question should be how does votedem.org know that “the deadly pandemic” will still be among us on Nov. 3, 2020?
By Judi McLeod - Sunday, June 28, 2020 - Full Story

Stranger Joins College Student Singing National Anthem—Anthem Goes Viral

Madisen Hallberg was creating a video for her virtual graduation from Portland State University in Oregon. Because she’s a singer, she decided to sing the national anthem in a park while a cameraman filmed her. As she began to sing, a stranger walking by asked if he could join.
By News on the Net -- Self Govern- Sunday, June 28, 2020 - Full Story

Pelosi and Schiff to Impeach Dead Presidents

Pelosi and Schiff to Impeach Dead Presidents-- Satire When the Speaker of the House wants to announce something momentous, her first call goes to Hugh Betcha, Ace Reporter of the Mighty Canada Free Press. Hugh, winner of the coveted Rachael Maddow “Conservative Reporter I Hate Most 2020 Award” and a man respected by both sides of the aisle in Foggy Bottom, was only too happy to oblige. Within two hours of her call, the reporter flew his private jet from Wynstone, South Dakota to Washington D.C. and was pressed into service by the Speaker who was removing paintings from the halls of Congress. “Here, grab this,” Pelosi told him as she handed down a portrait of a former Speaker of the House from atop a ladder. Hugh obliged.
By William Kevin Stoos - Saturday, June 27, 2020 - Full Story

A Black Man’s Letter to Black Lives Matter

Allen West, A Black Man’s Letter to Black Lives MatterIn the aftermath of the George Floyd incident, everyone seems to want to have a conversation about race in America. Just recently, presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, asserted that if you couldn’t decide whether to vote for him or President Trump, “you ain’t black.” ”So, let me clarify something: I was born in February 1961 in a “Blacks only” hospital, Hughes Spalding, in Atlanta, Georgia. I was raised by a proud Black man, Herman West Sr. and woman, Elizabeth Thomas West in the historic Old Fourth Ward neighborhood in Atlanta. My Mom and Dad are buried, together, in Marietta National Cemetery because of their service to our Nation.
By Allen West - Saturday, June 27, 2020 - Full Story

Churches Follow State Health Guidelines Even Though No Longer Bound By Law

Churches Follow State Health Guidelines Even Though No Longer Bound By LawOn the pretext it was necessary to save the masses from a raging pandemic, governments who want to rule in a Godless world, got away with shuttering churches worldwide. For just over three months, people of faith, whose collection basket contributions kept Houses of Worship up and running, have been denied service. Bishops and clerics—who offered zero resistance on behalf of their flocks—are far more pious in defence of church shutdowns than they ever were in their homilies:
By Judi McLeod - Saturday, June 27, 2020 - Full Story

Soylent Green is people; COVID-19 is old people

In the 1973 film, a NY police detective discovers the vastly overcrowded, poverty-stricken population of the city---who are being sustained on processed government food, called Soylent---are now eating humans who have died. That's what Soylent Green is made of. As I covered in my article two days ago, open-source press reports reveal the "excess mortality" of 2020 is largely the result of elderly people dying in nursing homes.
By Jon Rappoport - Saturday, June 27, 2020 - Full Story