
Ray DiLorenzo

Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire). He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret).

Most Recent Articles by Ray DiLorenzo:

Uniparty Peace or Violence?

Uniparty Peace or Violence?Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable ~ John F. Kennedy Is violent or peaceful revolution on the horizon? The United States of America as the 'Great Experiment' in self-government is failing. While people slept, elites have been allowed to take over, not in governing, but in ruling. Elections are awash in fraud. Government institutions are seemingly impotent in applying checks and balances...corruption is overflowing. Our culture has been pushed to decline by a godless social ideology. The elite have taken an active part. They know the world is about to collapse or be changed, but they are prepared, lifeboats at the ready, while the common folk stare at the cold water nearing their feet.
- Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Globalist Scourge

The Globalist ScourgeBefore the term globalism became popular with those who claim to be smarter than we are, the world was a much happier place. America was America, Europe was Europe. The rest of the world was the rest of the world. People make choices. We expected and loved to vive la différence. It was not a perfect world and never will be as long as mankind has his/her way and God is left out of the picture. Is globalism inherently bad? No, not if it's about fair trade practices. Man has traded across borders for thousands of years. When it destroys whole industries at home, creates massive unemployment, degrades employment, causes dependency, it does become questionable. There's a shortage now of Children's Tylenol, Advil, and Motrin and a continuing shortage of baby formula, computer chips, and on and on. Our president begs for countries to supply us with more oil when we have enough oil reserves right here at home to be independent for hundreds of years. Our government is drowning in either incompetence or treason.
- Saturday, January 7, 2023

Doubt is the Weapon

Doubt is the WeaponThe world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost... ~ J.R.R. Tolkien What Democrats have done these last several years is so villainous, so corrupt, so deplorable as to be the most depraved criminal activity ever perpetrated on our country. That is no overstatement. If the United States was a racehorse, the fastest in the world, they have ceased feeding it, nurturing it. It has been left to diminish and weaken.
- Saturday, December 24, 2022

Theater of the Oppressed

Theater of the Oppressed
"The political Right is playing a game no longer played, by rules no longer relevant." ~ Ray DiLorenzo
What has descended on our country is what we predicted years ago. The Left is not interested in gaining acceptance for homosexuality or transgenderism, drug use, homelessness, illegal immigration, or even election fraud. It is APPROVAL they are demanding. Yes, even for election fraud.
- Saturday, December 17, 2022

The World in Turmoil

The World in TurmoilAnyone paying attention to the news knows there is great turmoil throughout the world. It is not just here in the USA. It has accelerated since the 2020 election and now seems to have a life of its own. Why is this happening, especially when it is self-inflicted? Instead of building, we are tearing down. Thousands of farms in Europe, especially in the Netherlands, are being told to sell off their property and discontinue food production...engineering famine. Energy costs are skyrocketing. Globalist fanatics are telling governments to kill off pet dogs and cats, even farm animals, to lesson the planet's carbon footprint, convincing people of their hoax that CO2 is causing environmental decay when it is actually the opposite.
- Friday, December 9, 2022

A Fight For Our Existence

A Fight For Our ExistenceThanksgiving reminds us of many things. It tells us of our history, our struggles, our achievements, our God. The Left, most represented by the Democrat Party, is trying desperately to erase our history and forge a new narrative...one of a negative account of capitalism's failure during the colonial period, and one of socialism, having saved a doomed colony in Massachusetts. The Left wants us to remember a false narrative about Thanksgiving. Like President Reagan said:
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
- Friday, December 2, 2022

What Democrats Think of America

What Democrats Think of AmericaWhat Democrats think of America is vividly reflected in the people and the policies they choose to support. Everywhere they 'serve' around the country they leave giant holes in competence, achievement, and most of all love of country. You can forgive anyone from any party who tries and fails, but too many Democrat public servants seem to be on extended vacation or working against our best interests. They almost always leave the state or country worse off than when they found it. When they don't get their way, the child inside them (which is always near the surface) spills out in a frantic act of indignation, almost never righteous.
- Friday, November 18, 2022

A Slow-Motion Nightmare

A Slow-Motion NightmareFor our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 Any of us that have been following events of the last several years have seen what we can only be described as nightmarish. The world has changed to such a degree in such a short time, it makes us wonder who or what is behind it. Related: Elections Have Consequences Part I | Part II | Part III
- Saturday, November 5, 2022

Warnings From Our Founders

Warnings From Our FoundersOur founders created a free nation not subject to dictators, committees, monarchs, 'royal' families with kings, queens, princes, princesses, and ladies in waiting whose only qualifications are in birth. Our country was, from the very beginning, created, and designed to be governed by its people with our rights guaranteed by God, not politicians. Attention Obama: It's called exceptionalism. We now have entered a time when government, abroad and especially here in the USA, is being taken over by an elite cabal of godless totalitarians, members of a government fraternity not unlike the monarchs of old. The only difference being their qualifications are not of birth but of wealth and association. They are chosen by the cabal, not the people.
- Saturday, November 5, 2022

The US is About to Run Out of Diesel fuel

The US is About to Run Out of Diesel fuelThe United States is only holding enough stockpiles of diesel nationwide that is expected to last for about three weeks or even less time, according to the Energy Information Agency (EIA). Hence, diesel prices are surging while the U.S. President Joe Biden's administration is scrambling to contain the challenge. Delivery trucks largely run on diesel fuel while this energy resource plays a crucial role in the logistics services industry across the globe. It's apparent that the U.S. economy is running out of steam. Even if the White House implements emergency measures to increase stockpiles, it's only a short-term stop gap that could result in catastrophic mid-to long-term consequences.(Fox)
- Monday, October 31, 2022

Elections Have Consequences

Elections Have ConsequencesThe 2020 Election results, however doubtful in millions of voters' eyes, have had such dire consequences that it even shocks me. Our president is mentally disabled, poorly hidden from the public during his campaign, and is now unable to competently perform his duties. We are left with dark figures in smoke-filled rooms with other loyalties. Our vice-president is just merely a body in a pants suit, incompetent, having nothing to say that even remotely comes across as articulate. She's assigned to be 'Border Czar', yet smiles and walks away to have another joint. Cabinet positions may as well be vacant, for they do almost nothing. The Executive Branch is merely a façade. Men in important positions in our government report to work in dresses and high heels. We've become the laughing stock of the world.
- Saturday, October 22, 2022

We are at war, for God, our families, our country, our way of life

We are at war, for God, our families, our country, our way of lifeAs of this writing the Nov. elections are 17 days away. There will never be a more important midterm election in your lifetime. It is vital that we all know and understand the issues and what is at stake. Today's Democrat Party is controlled by, what Tulsi Gabbard described as, 'fanatical idealogues'. They racialize every issue and politicize what they can't racialize. They are hostile to people of faith, and demean what they don't understand. They actively work against our Constitution.
- Friday, October 21, 2022

Have You Had Enough?

Have You Had Enough?
"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst." ~ Aristotle
I insist I am not crazy. But, much of the world is. It is twisted beyond recognition. Politicians, our government institutions, the medical profession, multi-national corporations, almost everything having to do with education, the entertainment industry, even our military leaders.
- Saturday, October 8, 2022

God, Family, Country

God, Family, CountryThe world is upside down. Everything the United States and Western Civilization has stood for these past thousands of years, God, Family, Country is being tossed into a bin like so much garbage. And we are now reaping a harvest of calamity. Contrary to what the globalists may complain about, Western Civilization has given the world the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Industrial Revolution, the Scientific Revolution, the hunger for knowledge, Representative Democracy and Capitalism. It is our capitalist system and our God-given rights that have given much of the world a standard of living unparalleled anywhere. Where it is not practiced, people live without in tyranny. It is Western culture that is responsible for individualism, free speech, and the Great Commission to spread the knowledge of God to the world.
- Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Era of the Bonehead

The Era of the BoneheadHas competence and wisdom gone out of style? Is it lost forever? Is Biden the personification of what America has become? Have we entered the era of the inept, the Era of the Bonehead? You ask a random college student who we fought to gain our independence and they just stare at you, or they say something stupid like...Spain? And the teachers want a raise.
- Sunday, October 2, 2022

Who Are The Real Fascists?

Who Are The Real Fascists?
The left's vision is not only a vision of the world, but also a vision of themselves, as superior beings pursuing superior ends. In the United States, however, this vision conflicts with a Constitution that begins, "We the People…" -- Thomas Sowell
Since few of us know what Fascism really is, it became appropriate to define fascism and see where it is in America today.  It is more than me good, you bad.
- Sunday, September 25, 2022

It's Not About Trump

It's Not About Trump
"Make no mistake: They're not after me, they are after you; your guns, your Christian values, your freedom. I'm just in their way."--Donald Trump
Did you ever wonder how it was possible for Trump to accomplish what he did in such a short time...low gas prices, low unemployment, especially for minorities, home ownership across the board at an all-time high, a renewed international respect for America, energy independence, a return of manufacturing, a rebuilt military, actual border security? Even China and North Korea took several steps back.
- Saturday, September 17, 2022

Think The Unthinkable

Think The UnthinkableAs a baby boomer, I was reared by parents that respected authority. They were parents of The Great Depression. My grandparents saw the Brooklyn Bridge being completed (or as my Italian grandmother would say...Brookalino) and were grateful and proud to be new Americans. They knew adversity and heartbreak. They laughed and they cried having lost two of their six children from disease, their eldest daughter to the Spanish Flu at 19, their youngest son from kidney disease at 14, their father (the grandfather I never knew) from an accident on their farm in Northern New Jersey. They taught us to respect authority, and we did, but, like many of our generation, with a healthy skepticism. Maybe because we were so much more educated (we weren't pre-occupied with putting food on the table). We knew of our founding fathers, demanding and fighting to the death, for what they were denied...our God-given natural rights to freedom, self-defense, personal property, free speech, shaping our own future.
- Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Real Threat to Democracy--The Emerging Democrat Police State

The Real Threat to Democracy, The Emerging Democrat Police StateSupreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia made headlines nationwide on February 3, 2014, after bluntly telling law students at the University of Hawaii that internment camps to detain Americans would eventually return. Acknowledging that the infamous Supreme Court-approved internment of Japanese-Americans in wretched camps during World War II was wrong, the conservative-leaning justice followed up by adding that “you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again.” In “times of war,” Scalia said, citing a Latin expression attributed to Cicero, “the laws fall silent.”
- Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Revolution

The Revolution"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." -- Barack Obama, 2008 Campaign Preface: Barack Obama, the underhanded insurrectionist that he is, called for a loyal army that could go against the civilian population...a Civilian National Security Force. Did the Democrats just fund it?...87,000 new armed IRS agents?
- Saturday, August 27, 2022