
James Simpson

James Simpson is an economist, businessman and investigative journalist. His articles have been published at American Thinker, Accuracy in Media, Breitbart, PJ Media, Washington Times, WorldNetDaily and others. His regular column is DC Independent Examiner. Follow Jim on Twitter & Facebook

Most Recent Articles by James Simpson:

Hiding in plain sight: New Hampshire mosque preaches terrorism

A concerned New Englander recently arranged for the assessment of the Islamic Society of New Hampshire's (ISoNH) mosque in Manchester in that state. He had noticed a disproportionate number of military-age males visiting the mosque and heard from many local women who said they were frightened by the attitudes some of these men expressed toward them. The results of the man's research were more frightening.
- Thursday, September 7, 2017

Ripping off taxpayers to finance America's destruction

While being investigated for things that never happened and facing Antifa thugs and other lunatic leftists crawling out from under rocks nationwide while the true criminals in the Democratic Party get a free pass, the Trump administration has managed to accomplish, in these few short months, more than George W. Bush accomplished (i.e. things that actually helped America out) in his first term.
- Tuesday, June 27, 2017

When Evangelicals Become Useful Idiots for Islamism

Our culture looks to be coming apart at the seams. The June 14 attack on the GOP Congressional Baseball team is only an exclamation point in an increasingly hostile, increasingly violent, premeditated campaign by Democrats and other leftists to create an atmosphere of ungovernable anarchy. The Christian church has not escaped this agenda.
- Monday, June 26, 2017

American prisoner released by North Korea dies after torture in captivity

Our hearts go out to the family of Otto Frederick Warmbier, the young American detained by North Korea in January 2016, who died Monday, just six days following his release from North Korean captivity. He was returned to the U.S. in a coma, which apparently he had been in since his sentencing in March 2016. “It is our sad duty to report that our son, Otto Warmbier, has completed his journey home,” the family said in a statement.
- Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Major Muslim terrorist incident in London

Multiple terrorist attacks were carried out in London, England, this evening, reportedly by Muslim militants. At about 10 p.m. London time (5 p.m. Eastern) a speeding van jumped onto London Bridge’s sidewalk and mowed down somewhere between 5 and 20 people. According to the latest from the Sun, five men got out of the van and began attacking people with knives. Two or three have been killed by police. At least seven innocents may be dead and another 20 hurt.
- Sunday, June 4, 2017

Memorial Day prayer

This is the day we remember those who have fallen in battle, thereby making the supreme sacrifice in service to our great nation. Too many of us don’t fully recognize what this day symbolizes. So I am offering a Memorial Day prayer, both to give my thanks and hopefully help us all be a little more appreciative.
- Monday, May 29, 2017

Goddammit! Beyond fed up! Time for talk is OVER!

God forgive me. I was enjoying a rare respite from my work yesterday, when my senses were suddenly assaulted with the news of yet another terrorist slaughter — this time of at least 22, mostly young people and little children, at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. Here we go again!
- Wednesday, May 24, 2017

James Simpson: I am fed up!

Trump leaked classified information! He tweeted something stupid! He is offending our allies and encouraging our enemies! He is a threat to national security and must resign now! Such are the fanatical ravings coming from the Lords of the Press, the Democrat Party, and a rogues’ gallery of brain-dead Republicans.
- Sunday, May 21, 2017

HAMAS Charter redux: Can a leopard change its spots?

One of Israel’s key demands of Palestinians is that the Jewish state be recognized as legitimate. This month the Palestinian terrorist group HAMAS published a revised charter that purports to show the organization has moderated because it dropped the call for Israel’s destruction contained in its original 1988 charter.
- Monday, May 15, 2017

Paul Ryan and friends subverting healthcare reform and Trump

Donald Trump is being very poorly served by at least one of his most senior advisors, and it is not difficult to tell which one. Yesterday the president tweeted out a threat to members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, warning them that they had to get on board with his agenda or else.
- Friday, March 31, 2017

Why is swamp queen Jamie Gorelick advising Jared Kushner?

Recent headlines announced Ivanka Trump would obtain a coveted office in the West Wing of the White House. Breitbart reported on March 20 that, according to Ivanka's "ethics advisor," she "will not have an official title, but will get a West Wing office, government-issued communications devices and security clearance to access classified information." That is curious enough on its own.
- Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Flight 93 election: And what of it?

I recently consumed a column by Intercept writer Peter Maass titled “Dark essays by White House staffer are the intellectual source code of Trumpism.”
- Wednesday, March 15, 2017