
Greg Halvorson

Greg Halvorson is an island of conservative clarity in the liberal armpit of Portlandia, Oregon.  He regularly drives liberals berserk at The Conservative Hammer Facebook page. His Twitter handle is @GHalv.

Most Recent Articles by Greg Halvorson:

ObamaCare, the Supremes, and Catholic delusion

We’re now weeks, not months, away from the Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare. Looking back, I remember comments by Fidel Castro upon passage of the law. Until that time, we’d “lagged Cuba” and been denied the “right” to have technocrats control health insurance via “progressive” planning. We achieved “common sense.” The complaint, that “America is the only western nation that denies health care,” had been salved. No one anticipated that in due course the government would redefine the First Amendment, force religious hospitals to violate moral dictates, and spin opposition into hostility against women.
- Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Conservatopia: Rumination on Reality

The nation is tired, not mentally (though there is that), but tired - as in sick-and-tired - of anyone who shares an opinion at odds with another opinion being called a bigot, a racist, or worse. Racism exists, and always will in America, but the Left is soiling the subject. Those dedicated to remunerative anger - the Sharptons and Jacksons - are modern day rakes; and sadly many groups, blinkered to reality, march in lockstep with an obvious scam.
- Monday, May 21, 2012

Walker Trails in Wisconsin Recall

Wow, I don’t know where to begin. Sad - and somewhat panicked - having just read the latest Rasmussen, I feel the country slipping away. Scott Walker now trails - among likely voters! - in the Wisconsin governor recall referendum. Despite empowering school districts, creating a pro-job environment, and passing sensible reforms, he’s down five points (52-47) with the trend not his friend.
- Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Remembering Breitbart: a Roman Candle Star

Andrew Breitbart passed away last night. Breitbart, lightning and lodestar, was activism personified, a raging pioneer in the media revolution. Courageous, fearless, tireless.... He was these and more, an adjective train--irascible, irreverent, iconic, IN YOUR FACE.
- Thursday, March 1, 2012

Failure to Honor Washington: a Triumph of the Left

On this, what would have been George Washington’s 279th birthday week, Americans will go about their business, a free people, without acknowledging – nor celebrating – the man whose toil on their behalf was measureless. I say “free people,” sadly aware that we’re becoming less free, and that diminution of Washington symbolizes the push to “alter” history to make this so. This, of course, derives from the Left, which spreads tales – false ones – of racism amongst the Founders, and which last year had members of the NAACP hide the General from view. Indeed, they boxed him in, shielding the Offender, even as they praised the author of the line, “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”
- Monday, February 20, 2012

Bill Maher and Tim Tebow: Self-loathing vs. Grace

imageNow that Christmas is over and atheists can crawl back into their holes until Easter, Bill Maher’s now infamous “Tim Tebow Tweet” requires perspective. The tweet, posted on Christmas Eve day, read: Wow, Jesus just f**ked Tim Tebow! And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere in hell Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler "Hey, Buffalo's killing them." Maher was referring to the Buffalo Bills pounding the Denver Broncos, implying that Tebow ascribes touchdowns to God.
- Saturday, December 31, 2011

No Budget Senate to “streamline” appointments

What would you say if I told you that a Senate which hasn’t passed a budget in 800 days and seemingly does nothing but model ties and cut ribbons is about to “streamline” presidential appointments by abdicating authority to the executive branch?
- Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Uncle Sam “shows” Missouri farmer, issues $90,000 fine for selling rabbits

You can’t make this up. A Missouri man, presumably trying to make a living in the era of Hope and Change, has been fined more than twice the cost of a Chevy Volt for illegally selling rabbits. John Dollarhite says he didn’t know a federal license was required and, even if he had known, probably wouldn’t have foreseen the blindsiding of the 8th amendment by the Department of Agriculture. To wit:
- Thursday, June 2, 2011

Game On: Pawlenty calls for phase-out of ethanol subsidies

Tim Pawlenty is serious. I’ve been saying for awhile that a ticket with Pawlenty, a two-term governor from Minnesota, at the top, and a galvanizer – an Allen West or a Marco Rubio – at the bottom, can bring the White House to Republicans. Going forward, boldness is needed, and in Des Moines, Iowa, Pawlenty came through. In a speech entitled “A Time for Truth,” he kicked-off his campaign:
- Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Reagan Legacy: Osama bin Laden dead

Yes, it’s true…. As hard as it is to believe that Barack Obama didn’t single-handedly take out Osama bin Laden between black-tie galas and lining-up putts, there’s another iconic president we should thank: Ronald Reagan. When the Gipper took office, U.S. Special Forces and Tactical Unit Teams were under-funded, under-trained, under-manned and in disarray.... But, as Thomas Mcardle writes:
- Sunday, May 8, 2011

Muslim sensitivities?  What about AMERICAN sensitivities, Mr. President?

Honestly, I haven’t been this addled since the early morning hours after my first pint of vodka. But as the O-administration spins, we can at least be confident that it’s clueless to the core. The decision to not release images of Osama bin Laden dead is one made by a president more concerned about the sentiments of our enemy than American citizens. “Reach out” goes the thinking. Don’t “inflame Muslim passions.” Though if Islam is peaceful, as is reiterated ad nauseum, why choose appeasement over proof of success?
- Friday, May 6, 2011

Soldiers Without Boots: defeating the Left through social media

"I will cut the deficit in half in my first two years." ~Barack Obama Friends, all of us, in an era of progressive mindlessness, must speak loudly and often in defense of the truth. My Facebook page, Soldiers Without Boots, is 100% dedicated to defeating progressives through the use of social media. Below are page "statuses," composed by me, above articles presented there. A fire of Freedom, it hits the Left where it's vulnerable: on every issue and topic there is!
- Sunday, May 1, 2011

Listing of lizard may shut down Texas oil

imageYou can’t make this up. First, a Spotted Owl destroyed the timber industry of the Pacific Northwest, then a minnow turned the most productive agricultural land in the world into a dustbowl, and now, as energy prices spike and the economy sputters, they’re going after Texas with a scurrilous reptile. Specifically, the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard. That’s the latest more-important-than-people critter being used to lock-up resources in the name of planet Earth. The drilling moratorium didn’t cause enough pain, so onto the Endangered Species Act - known at the Sierra Club as “Ol’ Reliable” - to make certain Texas has lizard-filled poverty.
- Wednesday, April 27, 2011

From Hope and Change to Duck and Hide: Obama swings left

Is this guy for real? The transmogrification of Barack Obama, who when he's not getting down with Jay-Z is out spewing clap-trap on the Fantasy Tour, has mired him squarely in the political gutter. Anyone who's been to the pump lately - or for that matter, a Benghazi rocket battle - has to know that he lacks leadership, is a community organizer, and practices a philosophy which forwards deception.
- Sunday, April 24, 2011

Climate refugees fail to materialize for UN

Question—if an international organization falls in the forest does it make a sound? File it under “manufactured crisis,” but back in 2005, long before Climate-gate and a succession of brutal winters, the United Nations warned that “catastrophic climate change” would displace millions in the developing world. Global warming had to be addressed – NOW! – because failure to do so would force populations from once habitable land to scattered corners of Gaia.
- Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oprah cold-shoulders “Obama 2012”

Wow…. Have the scales fallen from Oprah’s eyes? Pop Eater is reporting that the famously rotund Obamabot will not be supporting him in 2012, as he bids to complete the “transformation” of America. The Oprah Winfrey Network, a joint venture with Discovery Communications, is rating worse than the channel it replaced, and according to the source:
- Saturday, April 9, 2011

Prosser vs. Kloppenburg: Wisconsin Supreme Court battle royale

They don’t get much bigger. On April 5 - this Tuesday - Wisconsinites will go to the polls to determine the balance of the State Supreme Court and, ultimately, the fate of the Wisconsin taxpayer. Currently, the court breaks 4-3, conservative/liberal, but with the election of Joanne Kloppenburg, the challenger to incumbent Dave Prosser, this will change.
- Monday, April 4, 2011

Pelosi and Dems cash-in on Wisconsin

Call me a glutton for punishment, but in order to keep an eye on the moonbat crowd, I receive e-mails from Nancy Pelosi. Every time there’s a “crisis,” she’s there, cranking the spigot for cash, cash, cash. When Jared Loughner unloaded in Tucson, dollar-signs filled her orbitals. And, yes, the rise of “extremists” in Wisconsin - the one that puts its public employee collective bargaining in line with… gasp!... Maryland’s - has roused her again.
- Monday, March 14, 2011

Failure to honor Washington: a triumph of the Left

On this, what would have been George Washington’s 278th birthday, Americans will go about their business, a free people, without acknowledging – nor celebrating – the man whose toil on their behalf was measureless. I say “free people,” sadly aware that we’re becoming less free, and that diminution of Washington symbolizes the design to “alter” history to make this so.
- Tuesday, February 22, 2011