
Eddie Pedersen

Eddie Pedersen is a 58 year old California Resident. Lifetime Conservative Republican. Hobbies are Hunting Fishing and Bicycling

Most Recent Articles by Eddie Pedersen:

Kurds Are Surging – America Is Not

The Kurds are surging in Iraq again. Kurdish fighters are successfully attacking both the Islamic state and other terrorist factions in Syria and Iraq; as we saw with the Kurdish capture of many Iraqi villages two days ago. The recent Kurdish push in Iraq occurs in spite of Turkey’s President Erdogan and his counterproductive air campaign against Kurdish fighters.
- Friday, August 28, 2015

The American family – Know where you're lucky

Know where you're lucky. That’s a good phrase for those of us who still have a family these days. With so many horrors in the world, maybe we should be taking a better look at where we are right now. The American family unit is an outstanding place to be. The completed well adjusted American family unit is in many ways a nirvana unto itself. America is the result of its Constitutional genius, we exist in stark contrast to other areas of the world today.
- Sunday, August 23, 2015

Donald Trump – Reforming America’s 2016 Presidential Election Narrative

The average American political bystander asks why is Donald Trump being attacked with such vigor? The Democrat party and the left fears and attacks 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump because the left loses voters every time the general population sees and/or hears Trump speak the truth while displaying his love of American excellence; for instance, if Donald Trump puts truth to power and professes his support for the principles and practices of our founders.
- Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Liberal Practices before Patriotic Principles - Donald Trump’s quest to save America

Donald Trump and the Stolen Lives QuiltIn recent days we have seen the meteoric rise of Donald Trump. We hear vitriolic, guttural attacks emanating from the left, all hurled towards Trump for daring to put truth to power, as our founding fathers would have insisted on doing themselves. Also unhappy are standard GOP elite backed candidates, who are upset with Trump because of his ability to resonate with millions of disaffected U.S. voters. Trump’s redefining the issues, reshaping must win issues in such a way that the truth is now exposed in America’s political daylight. Issues that were once off limits cloaked in political double speak are now front and center and sucking the wind out of old-school GOP-backed campaign sails; and at the same time scaring the daylights out of Democrats whose methods and practices are now exposed for all to see. Despite withering political salvo after salvo being fired at Donald Trump, the Trump phenomena continues to grow. In an even more amazing twist to this story, America’s electorate have also jumped in with both feet, protesting right along side Donald Trump, and it's having an incredible effect on American politics.
- Monday, July 13, 2015

Fog of War - Obama’s Trojan horse emergent

Yesterday American Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and General Martin Dempsey revealed millions of tax payer dollars yielded America only 60 Syrian anti Assad fighters. Thusly conservatives worldwide feel vindicated by left wing press articles that seem to echo nearly every warning conservatives have been prognosticating for months. We see articles that contain a somber almost cryptic infomercial quality to them. Bad news for Obama needs to be brief and hypnotic, so the masses get bored and move on. Understandably everyone in the left wing media is angry and upset.
- Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Reality versus Fantasy - Obama’s Proxy War In Syria

The Kurdish people are fighting our terrorist enemies and losing their lives in the process, and it's not just men, 30% of Kurdish fighters are now female fighters, who can never be captured alive. Think about that the next time you can't find a shopping cart at the local grocery store. Think about it when you're grilling hot dogs and burgers this Fourth of July, or when you hear the national anthem this weekend. These men and women fight in your place. Think about what you have done for them. Of course Turkey is making a bundle off of this Syrian proxy war, monies from the USA and concerned European nations are pouring into Turkish President Erdogan’s hands, and Ankara’s political big wigs don’t want the cash to stop flowing. But for now, the Kurds have warned Erdogan to stay the hell out of their Syrian affairs, because they are too busy killing the real terrorists to be bothered with Erdogan’s vendetta against Assad. And the Kurds should get away with saying it too. Not surprisingly, Turkey is upset because the Kurds are expanding their grip on the border, therefore they are able to secure and shut down supply routes from Turkey to the alleged freedom fighters in Syria, while strengthening Kurdish power in Syria.
- Thursday, July 2, 2015

One Selfie Too Many – The Rise of the Danish People’s Party

Looks like Denmark’s tea party faction, the Danish People’s party (Dansk Folkkparti) has re emerged in great strength on the backs of social disappointment voters, angry over spending socialist funds on known terrorists, fumbled immigration, and the usual list of issues ranging from social services through trade, on to death and taxes. What Denmark’s national election reveals is that Denmark’s voter support for the Danish People’s party, dumped what we in the USA would deem to be a liberal, Helle Thorning Schmidt for Lars Lokke Rasmussen, which is like trading out what was in effect a Hillary light, for a Rick Perry-style long-serving U.S. conservative.
- Friday, June 19, 2015

Hillary, What Are You Hiding?

But seriously, folks, in spite of our not being able to find her list of accomplishments, we can start to sleuth into her dalliances with one Saul Alinsky, a Chicago based community organizer who dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to Lucifer, Hillary was a major devotee of Alinsky, she wrote a thesis on Alinsky while attending Wellesley College for years it had been kept secret. Hillary, what are you hiding?
- Monday, April 13, 2015

California's Crippling Environmental Monolith

Greetings enlightened ones. Most of us admire the practical thinker. Often I have attended meetings or rallies where conservative Californians reveal their practical solutions to the state’s problems and guarantee if they regain control of the state they will implement them.
- Sunday, April 12, 2015

Iraqi minister reveals mass murder burial sites located

Whether we’re a believer or unbeliever or not, most of us would like to think that as human beings we all exist to improve our surroundings, enrich the lives of those around us, and together leave the world a better place than we found it.
- Friday, April 3, 2015

When Ideology collides with Ego

When Ideology collides with Ego
When Ideology collides with ego, and the result is considered to be a policy that allows the importation of a very deadly pathogen from one continent with stronger immunities into another continent - gene pool with weaker immunities, bringing it here on humanitarian progressive ideological grounds, then the common sense electorate, will reject not only that policy but the party that implemented it, too.
- Saturday, November 1, 2014