
Rolf Yungclas

Rolf Yungclas is a recently retired newspaper editor from southwest Kansas who has been speaking out on the issues of the day in newspapers and online for over 15 years

Most Recent Articles by Rolf Yungclas:

Speakin’ Out

We are dealing with the consequences of what I believe is the greatest criminal act in American history. While it is clear who some of those most responsible for it are, it will take generations to unravel the tangle of perpetrators, willing accomplices, and didn't-have-a-clues who were involved.
- Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ending entitlements

This article is not at all, as some might think, about a process of removing all support to the needy people of this nation, rather it speaks about a way to turn this nation into a nation of charitable people who are willing to go out of their way to help a neighbor in distress, and not relying on an inept bureaucracy in Washington, D.C.
- Friday, December 9, 2011