
Robert L. Rosebrock

Robert Rosebrock is a U.S. Army Veteran, Vietnam-era and Director of the Old Veterans Guard. He can be reached at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Most Recent Articles by Robert L. Rosebrock:

Disabled Veterans Locked Out From Their “Home”

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: Following is letter and photos sent to Secretary Shinseki regarding the incredible abusive treatment to Veterans, particularly Disabled American Veterans, at yesterday's scheduled Veterans Appreciation Day celebration of the 122nd Anniversary of the Land Grand Deed of 1888. This is inhuman what our government is doing to America's Veterans. Remember, there's a dog park on Veterans land, a playground for a wealthy private school, a storage lot for used cars, a proposed public park, etc., yet Veterans are locked out from an approved and scheduled event to honor the Land Grantors who gifted this property for Veterans use only.
- Monday, March 8, 2010

Veterans accuse the VA of Stolen Valor

imageAmerican Military Veterans in their 60s, 70s and 80s from World War II, Korean War and the Vietnam War are filing a formal complaint with the U.S. Attorneys Office of the Department of Justice requesting a full investigation into the Los Angeles VA, local politicians, and a neighboring homeowner group for desecrating and defaming their Honorable Duty to our Country and misappropriating billions of dollars of Veterans’ sacred land for non-Veteran use.
- Monday, February 1, 2010

Is it Torture When an American Veteran is Homeless?

imageDo Americans torture, or do we not! That's the big question in the ongoing debate regarding a waterboarding technique used by the military and CIA to interrogate a few suspected terrorists in order to obtain information that could prevent any future attacks on the United States.   This back and forth battle of partisan politics has itself become torturous. As a result, everyone seems to have their own head under water because nobody is asking the most important question of the day: Is it torture when an American Veteran is Homeless? The answer is unequivocal: Absolutely!

So why isn't this the paramount issue and concern of every American that appreciates his or her own freedom and safety? And why isn't our government protecting and defending those who have protected and defended America's citizenry instead of making it a priority of defending and protecting thug terrorists that would like to kill every American citizen?  
- Tuesday, November 17, 2009