
Fredy Lowe

[em]Fredy Lowe served proudly in the United States Marine Corps and the New York City Police Department (NYPD). He has been a citizen journalist for over twelve (12) years writing for Canada Free Press, Before It’s News, Conservative News & Views, Ammoland, The Post & Mail, and others. He and his wife Pat, now of 53 years, are the proud parents of two grown children and six grandchildren. Fredy prays daily for the safety of our Armed Forces, for our Police Officers, but especially now for our country during this extremely volatile period of time in our nation’s history, and wants you to know that Jesus is Real! And, that your prayers to Him can make all the difference in the world. Thank you.[/em]

Most Recent Articles by Fredy Lowe:

There's Something Happening Here

Have you ever had a song or maybe just a few lines from an old song pop into your head seemingly out of nowhere, but then wouldn't go away? Crazy as this sounds, I can't seem to shake the lead lines of a 1966 song written by Steven Stills for his group at the time, Buffalo Springfield, with its haunting melody:
- Sunday, November 17, 2013

You're On The Wrong Side

(Author’s note: Although this current event thesis may be considered by some a black vs. white and/or being white is somehow good and therefore being black must be bad, nothing could be further from the truth. It is offered to highlight how the corrupt and divisive use of racism can be used as the instrument of destruction to overthrow the once God-fearing Nation, the once thriving Constitutional Republic, the once dominant economic world power, by the devastative-tactic fashioned by Julius Caesar to Divide and Conquer.)
- Wednesday, November 13, 2013