
The debt is going up again. The deficit is increasing to over $11 Billion next year

Ontario Budget: Another Lost Opportunity

It was budget time again in Ontario, and once again, the Liberal Party decided to play politics rather than deal with the financial realities of the have not province that they have created. But with a massive debt, staggering deficits and out of control unemployment, could we really expect any less?
The Ontario Liberal budget, projects spending for 2013 to be increased to a ludicrous $127 Billion. This amount yet again, sets a record, for the most amount of money pilfered from the back pockets of the Private Sector in this province. The amount of spending is so high that the Ontario budget is almost half of what the Federal government has budgeted for the entire country! This madness needs to stop before we end up bankrupting this province. Even the fiscal laughing stock of the United States, California, which has seen a number of cities declare bankruptcy, is in a far better financial situation than Ontario. The debt is going up again. The deficit is increasing to over $11 Billion next year and making interest payments on our debt has now become the third largest ministry in the government. In fact, our deficit is larger than all of the other provinces deficits combined. There is nothing in this budget to address the massive unfunded liabilities in the provinces pension plans. There is no plan to lower the cost of our Public Service and there is certainly no plan to shelve the massively destructive Green Energy Act. As shameful as all of this may be, the question is: Why won’t the Liberals table a budget that will help get this province back on the right track? The answer is simple: Politics. The Liberals are the masters of political budgets. They pit one group against another for political gain. This time their target is the NDP and the bulls-eye is squarely pointed at Andrea Horwath. Ms. Horwath has already lost most of the Public Sector support that she acquired last year. But then again, a few million here and there of Private Sector money, tends to get the Public Sector back in the voting line. Now, the Premier has recognized that she has a wounded leader to target; and she has. Ms. Horwath is now in an unenviable position. She can support the budget, and be seen propping up a government who she has called “liars”. Or, she can bring down the government, on a budget that is so anti-business and pro-union that she could have written it herself. It’s not really a tough choice Ms. Horwath. If you care about the fiscal sustainability of this province you will do the right thing and vote against this horrendous budget.

Bill Tufts -- Bio and Archives

Bill Tufts, Fair Pensions For All, founded in January 2009, our goal is to promote an honest and fair analysis of our pension system; to expose abuse and waste within the system; to develops and promote new ideas and concepts on pensions based on fairness for all.

We maintain that it is every Canadian’s right to receive sufficient income in retirement to afford an acceptable quality of life.