
illegal immigrant problem bankrupts hospitals, schools, and public assistance programs

One Down, Three to Go

The passage and signing of SB1070, Arizona immigration enforcement law is a prime example what Joe and Jane Citizen can do. Fed up Arizonans banded together and legally took matters in their own hands. This was to the shock of the east coast D.C. establishment.
The boarder state citizens of Texas, New Mexico, and California must demand their states follow Arizona's lead or suffer the economic, social and criminal consequences. Attention boarder states. Here is how you can make your state house listen. It is up to you: Click the Arizona link. Next, click “show versions”. It contains the introduced version, senate version, and house version of SB1070. Mail one copy with a hand written letter to your state legislators demanding they follow the same law. Here is a strong comment I received from Mr. C. Toste on the recent acts in Arizona:
“Armand, these protesters complain about racial profiling. What about the using of refried beans to smear the ‘swastika’ symbol on Capitol windows? Who is racial profiling now? The federal government is not going to do anything than criticize and ridicule this move. Democrats’ have said there will be no immigration policy set anytime soon. It leaves the states to enforce federal law. Under the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution, and by acts of Congress, personable liberties of ‘U.S.’ citizens are protected. Illegal aliens should not be given special privileges undermining the rights of American citizens. These ‘protestors’ should be lucky they are not illegal aliens in Mexico. Mexican president Felipe Calderon forgets to mention when he is criticizing our immigration policies, his army is looking for illegal aliens. They look in trains, bus stations, wherever they can hide. They are rounded up, robbed, raped, abused and sent back to wherever they came from. His concern is not how ‘his’ citizens are treated, only the U.S. dollars not coming back into his country. The illegal immigrant problem bankrupts hospitals, schools, and public assistance programs set for U.S. citizens. States no longer can afford the financial burden illegal aliens place on their systems. The signing of the bill by Arizona’s Governor was a pre-emptive strike on the plans of Reid and company for the massive ‘amnesty’ program they are planning to execute under the guise of immigration reform.”

Armand C. Hale -- Bio and Archives

MSgt. Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force, has served his country for over 23 years,  His many tours of duty included Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. He has a degree in business & management, and has written a book about his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at Amazon and Lulu Books