
New Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement

Olympics, hockey... and a first step towards a more open border

Editor's note: What a fantastic month for this, the greatest country on earth!
You will always remember where you were when Crosby scored the goal in overtime. Our nation is swelling with justified pride at our Olympic performance... and not to be overshadowed - we've also taken a giant step forward with the new Canada -U.S. Trade Agreement. Congratulations to Canada. Congratulations to our Olympians. Congratulations to Prime Minister Harper, for winning a case of beer. MP's, MPPs, MLA's, Premiers, Mayors and Councillors across the country have been instrumental in securing this new Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement. Canada's athletic performance may have received gold medals - but your performance has helped move a nation. More details below... and the fight must go on... but in the meantime - THANK YOU.

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