
Future Children Project campaign video: Pawns in a political game

Obamie Zombies

Zombies do no confine themselves to Halloween. Then tend to show up in great numbers during election season and their numbers grow or shrink in direct proportion to the amount of desperation on the part of any particular candidate. I present to you a case in point: the re-election campaign of Barack Obama. Obama is running scared.
His re-election is not a foregone conclusion, particularly with Mitt Romney taking the lead with more than 50 percent in a number of national polls and Obama finding himself slipping below the 45 percent mark. His campaign has reacted like the Obamie Zombies they are. That is, they reacted without using the few brains they have in their pointy little heads. The Obama campaign with the Future Children Project recently released a campaign video with good-looking children singing about a terrible future under a Republican administration. According to the video, having a Republican in the White House will give us an America with dirty air, dirty water, a place where sick people just die, and in short, a place where the devil himself wouldn’t vacation, much less the elite of zombiedom. The Obama campaign people should be ashamed of themselves for subjecting these children to their abuse. Yes, this is clearly a case of mental abuse for scaring these children. If Romney is elected, which he very well can be, how do you think these kids might react to the news? Most likely they’ll react with a great deal of fear, thinking that Armageddon is upon us, simply because the adults in their lives, the people they trust most, have told them so. In addition, the criticism of this ad has reached a fever pitch, particularly on the Internet. Most likely these kids have Internet access. How do you think they’ll feel when they learn that so many people have panned their lovely little song? Talk about causing self-esteem problems and guilt. They’ll think they did something terrible, and they did, but through no fault of their own. I hold the adults in their lives as the responsible parties. These people, the Obamie Zombies, are guilty of using these kids for their own ends without a thought as to how it will affect them. They have made these kids pawns in a political game of fear that they have no way of dealing with. No child should be placed in this position and I blame not only Obama, but the zombie-like parents of these children for failing to see the detrimental effects their own children could suffer. Get a grip. This is an adult election—for adults—by adults. Keep the kids out of it. Don’t turn them into zombies like you.

Joan R. Neubauer -- Bio and Archives

Joan R. Neubauer, is an author, public speaker, and works as the Public Liaison Officer for the Davis Mountains Trans-Pecos Heritage Associationin Alpine, Texas.