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Obama's own former intel chief: John Kerry 'out of touch with reality' on terrorism

If you believe the administration (hint: you shouldn't) you're almost completely safe from the violent world around you. According to John Kerry, terrorism is a minor annoyance and Americans - along with the rest of the planet - are currently enjoying a tranquil period. There are "less violent deaths today" than there were during the last century. Of course, we still need gun control, jobs programs for jihadis, "strategic patience," and lots of caution at the mall, but ignore all of that. You, like the borders, are secure.
Unfortunately, Obama's own Director of National Intelligence thinks that's a bunch of B.S.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, testifying on Capitol Hill, catalogued the growing terror-fueled violence in stark terms. "When the final accounting is done, 2014 will have been the most lethal year for global terrorism in the 45 years such data has been compiled," Clapper told the Senate Armed Services Committee. He offered statistics that would appear to challenge other administration officials' claims that the country and world are safer today. A day earlier, Kerry testified at a separate hearing that, "Despite ISIL, despite the visible killings that you see and how horrific they are, we are actually living in a period of less daily threat to Americans and to people in the world than normally; less deaths, less violent deaths today, than through the last century."
Kerry, going strictly by the numbers, is absolutely right about this. The world is - overall - a less lethal place. However, it's completely idiotic to compare the current dangers posed by Islamic terrorists to the sum total of deaths caused over the course of a hundred years by Tojo, Stalin, Hitler, WWI, WWII, Viet Nam, and the Korean War. Thinking globally, Kerry's "the 20th Century was more dangerous" claim also includes 10 decades of horrific international conflicts, like the Russian Civil War, that had nothing to do with the United States.
In other words, he's comparing apples to elephants. Maybe that's why Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn , the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said this:
“Secretary Kerry is out of touch with reality, he clearly is not listening to the entire US intelligence community, he is not reading any of the intelligence or other things that have been written over the last few weeks / months / years. Talk about being out of touch… For him to make those statements is totally irresponsible, and he should be challenged by anyone who cares about the future of this country.”
As Brett Bair noted on his show, Flynn is the "former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency of this administration.” In other words, this isn't some GOP witch-hunt. Two of Obama's own people are claiming that our Secretary of State is either too blind to understand the threat, or he's willfully ignorant of it. Given the way the administration constantly tries to downplay the existence of radical Islam, that's not surprising. ...But it's disturbing nonetheless.

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