
The 30 wounded denied the Purple Heart have been buried in the same gaping hole as the hidden Benghazi survivors

Obama’s No Purple Heart for Wounded Fort Hood Survivors Easter

A polluting-the-culture President Barack Hussein Obama, who has trademarked the American presidency as one dominated by golfing and holidaying, continues down the destructive path of gutting the American military. While the mainstream media will show the simpering Obamas during an ‘Easter Egg’ roll featuring lessons in a White House ‘Yoga Garden’ this year, Obama has laid a deceit-laden egg on the military in time for Easter:
“Pentagon says survivors of the Fort Hood attack should not be eligible for the Purple Heart, arguing it would adversely affect the trial of Maj. Nidal Hasan by labeling the attack terrorism, a claim an attorney for the families called an “utter outrage”. (Fox News, March 30, 2013). Americans waiting for the brutal kick that usually comes from the Commander in Chief during every national holiday, just got it through the country’s most precious resource next to its children. (The nation’s children having been kidnapped by Obama’s Common Core is another story). Living under an administration too cowardly and sissified to identify terrorism as terrorism, Americans will also now see an end to military funeral honors for vets to cut costs from a president so holiday crazed, his daughters have been Secret-Service babysat during two holidays in one week.
Nowhere does the hypocrisy of the Obamas shine more brightly than it does on the military. It was only last month when Michelle Obama used the military as Oscar props, some called “human wallpaper” on Oscar night. Before a television viewing audience estimated somewhere in the hundreds of millions, Obama made no mention of the group of young military surrounding her as she addressed Hollywood’s most influential films this year. Critics slammed the appearance, saying she used the military personnel as “props”. “So...today you young men and women of the US military are to stand looking interested whilst Michelle Obama presents Best Picture #Ofcourse!” one user posted on Twitter. Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin tweeted a similar sentiment: “Why was Michelle O at the Oscars and why did she use service personnel as props but not thank the military?” Indeed, in her brief speech about the best picture award, Obama failed to make mention of the men and women standing behind her, leaving many wondering what they were doing there. There were to be no shame or apologies forthcoming. “It was a thrill to announce the #Oscars2013 best picture winner from the @WhiteHouse! Congratulations Argo! –mo,” she wrote early Monday morning. An academy award is what the Obamas should be given for their ongoing blatant hypocrisy when it comes to the U.S. military. Thirteen people were killed by the administration-protected, “allahu Akbar”-shouting Maj. Nidal Hassan, and 30 wounded at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009. Hassan still not brought to justice some three years later, whose court date has been pushed back while he hid behind a beard, and plays musical chairs with lawyers, has had his feelings spared while Purple Hearts are held back from the wounded on the basis it would adversely affect his trial by labeling the Fort Hood attack as terrorism? The 30 wounded denied the Purple Heart have been buried in the same gaping hole as the hidden Benghazi survivors. Meanwhile, thank God that medals for courage don’t follow the same trajectory as Nobel Peace Prizes.

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.