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Nutrition and Health

Macular Degeneration

Chickens Decrease The Risk of Macular Degeneration

By Dr. W. Gifford Jones

September 4, 2004

Today seven million North Americans suffer from a devastating disease, macular degeneration. No longer can they enjoy the simple pleasures of reading or watching TV. These unfortunate people have lost their central vision. And although there's no cure for macular degeneration there are ways to reduce the risk of developing this disability.

The retina of the eye acts like the film of a camera conveying images to the brain. The big picture is sent by detectors present throughout the retina. The small picture, central vision, is sent by the macula. It's situated directly behind the lens, about the size of this "o".

If you stare someone in the eye at a distance of 20 feet you are seeing through the macula. All the background is seen with peripheral vision. It's impossible therefore, to drive a car or see your grandchildren smile with only peripheral vision.

People who begin to notice macular degeneration complain of blurred or fuzzy vision. They have the illusion that straight lines, such as sentences on a page, are waving. Patients also become aware of dark or empty areas in central vision.

Several risk factors have been linked to macular degeneration. Some people share a family history of this disorder. Excessive sunlight exposure, smoking, female gender and people with a light-coloured iris are at greater risk.

Dr. John Landrum, at Florida International University, Miami, Florida is a world expert on macular pigments. He reports that lutein and zeaxanthin, called carotenoids, are the two primary pigments present in the macula.

Dr. Landrum studied the concentrations of pigments in the eyes of those with and without macular disease. His study revealed that people with the highest intakes of lutein and zeaxanthin had 43 per cent less risk of macular degeneration.

This is not the first study that linked a lack of carotenoids to macular disease. A report from the National Institute of Health found that those with the lowest dietary intake of carotenoids showed a higher risk of macular degeneration.

Dr. Linda Nebeling of the National Cancer Institute recently presented data showing the overall decline of lutein intake. This was particularly striking in those groups at risk for macular degeneration. For instance, since 1987 lutein intake has decreased by 16 per cent in men and women aged 40 to 69.

Not known is how much lutein and zeaxanthin are needed to maintain good vision. Dr. Landrum and his colleagues have shown that 30 milligrams (mg) of carotenoids daily result in large increases of lutein and zeaxanthin in the blood and macula.

In another study subjects took only 2.4 mg of lutein daily for six months. But with even these low doses blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin increased significantly.

Researchers believe that lutein and zeaxanthin protect the macula by absorbing harmful blue light from the sun's rays. In addition, they act as antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.

Free radicals are harmful molecules, the end products of oxygen metabolism. In addition, free radicals are also triggered by tobacco smoke, air pollutants, certain drugs and environmental toxins.

So how can you reduce the risk of macular degeneration? The best way is to ensure that you have an adequate dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin. This means eating fruits and leafy vegetables that are rich in these carotenoids. And to take supplements of these carotenoids if you have a narrow diet.

But there is another way to obtain lutein of which most people are unaware. Several week ago I praised the benefits of Naturegg, the number one Omega-3 egg in Canada. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which helps to fight heart disease. The yolk of these eggs is also rich in lutein.

That is why I recently advised a patient with failing eyesight to eat omega-3 eggs. She quickly asked, "But won't it increase my cholesterol?" I reassured her that several studies show that enjoying eggs for breakfast does not increase blood cholesterol in most patients. That's why I've urged readers for years to trust farmers and cast a jaundiced eye at packaged supermarket foods.

W. Gifford-Jones M.D is the pen name of Dr. Ken Walker graduate of Harvard. Dr. Walker's website is:

My book, Ò90 + How I Got ThereÓ can be obtained by sending $19.95 to:

Giff Holdings, 525 Balliol St, Unit # 6,Toronto, Ontario, M4S 1E1

Pre-2008 articles by Gifford Jones
Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod