
Alabama's new immigration law

Not So Sweet Home Alabama

Last week, after a judge’s ruling upheld the majority of Alabama’s new immigration law, it was reported that hundreds of school children were withdrawing from or just not returning to school. Why? Because Alabama's new immigration law requires schools to document and verify each student's immigration status. In this case, the law effectively establishes a community policing program focused on immigration, similar to other community policing programs already employed in schools and hospitals across the country to identify possible child abuse.
Interestingly when questioned about why they were pulling their kids out of school, several Hispanic parents said they would be moving to neighboring “sanctuary” states. How about that? Alabama’s new immigration law is actually compelling illegal alien families to pull their kids out of school and move to neighboring “sanctuary” states. Why? Specifically because illegal aliens in Alabama now fear getting caught because the new immigration law employs proven community policing programs. In other words, Alabama’s new immigration law actually has teeth. It’s important to note that these illegal families aren’t moving from Alabama because they were identified by immigration authorities, they are moving from Alabama specifically because of the new immigration law.
Obviously, the new Alabama immigration law is proving effective enough to achieve immediate results; deterring illegal aliens from moving to Alabama, and in this case, persuading illegals already in Alabama to move out. We saw similar results in Arizona before the liberal courts removed the teeth from their immigration law. The interesting thing is that the results Alabama is getting aren’t coming from any increase in immigration program funding or by putting more boots on the ground or even training more immigration enforcement officials. The results Alabama is getting are coming specifically from something that didn’t cost the citizens of Alabama one red cent. The results are coming from a state legislature that passed effective immigration legislation and a Governor willing to sign it into law. So the practical point here is this: America’s illegal alien problem isn’t that we don’t have a secure enough border, it’s that there are millions of illegal aliens already living here and no one really knows how to deal with them. Really? Well it looks like Alabama just figured out how to deal with their illegal population, and the last time I checked, there weren’t any guards, fences or check points on their border. What would happen if every state in the union passed immigration laws like Alabama’s? Where would all those illegal families move to then? Odds are, without having any “sanctuary” states to move to, most illegal families just might decide to move back to their home country. And for all those who argue that it’s not feasible to have millions of illegal families move back to their home country, the fact is; millions upon millions of legal families in our country move from city to city and state to state every year. So that argument just doesn’t hold water. After all, the majority of illegal families living in the U.S. moved here from Mexico, and chances are, they probably have already moved their families several times since they came to this country. Moving is not a problem. So having illegals move back home where they probably already have family, and can live free and not feel like fugitives isn’t asking too much. It’s actually the most humane, responsible and expedient way for the United States to deal with the REAL immigration problem. The sooner every state, or the Federal Government, passes immigration laws similar to Alabama’s, the sooner America can take up the “Welcome” mat on our border and Mexico can put out a “Welcome Home” mat on theirs.

Neil Braithwaite -- Bio and Archives

Neil Braithwaite writes political commentary and satire.