
Tracking 'The Gore Effect'

Not again! Big DC Snowstorm to Greet ‘Largest public protest of global warming ever in U.S.!’

[Note: All I can say is: HA! HA! HA! - The 'Gore Effect' Strikes again - this time it impacts NASA's James Hansen! See also: GORE HEARING ON WARMING MAY BE PUT ON ICE - Jan. 26, 2009 ]

DC under 'Winter Storm Watch'...Snow and unseasonably cold temps!


'Largest public protest of global warming ever in U.S.' set for Monday March 2, 2009 at U.S. Capitol w/ NASA's James Hansen

- Fox News - Feb. 27, 2009 Excerpt: NASA's chief climate scientist is in hot water with colleagues and at least one lawmaker after calling on citizens to engage in civil disobedience at what is being billed as the largest public protest of global warming ever in the United States. In a video on capitolclimateaction.org, Dr. James Hansen is seen urging Americans to "take a stand on global warming" during the March 2 protest at the Capitol Power Plant in Southeast Washington, D.C. "We need to send a message to Congress and the president that we want them to take the actions that are needed to preserve climate for young people and future generations and all life on the planet," says Hansen, who has likened coal-fired power plants to "factories of death" and claims he was muzzled by the Bush administration when he warned of drastic climate changes. […] But critics say Hansen's latest call to action blurs the line between astronomer and activist and may violate the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from participating in partisan political activity. "Oh my goodness," one of Hansen's former supervisors, Dr. John Theon, told FOXNews.com when informed of the video. "I'm not surprised ... The fact that Jim Hansen has gone off the deep end here is sad because he's a good fellow." "Why he has not been fired I do not understand," Theon said.

Tracking 'The Gore Effect'

- Politico November , 2008 [Note: The "Gore Effect" has a long and storied history. What follows is a sampling of how Mother Nature enjoys mocking global warming fear promoters.]
  1. First October snow since 1922 blankets London as global warming bill debated - October 2008
  2. Global Warming Vote on Snowy Day in Washington - Senate committee debates expensive climate change bill snow blanket D.C. - December 2007
  4. NOT AGAIN! DC 'Snow Advisory' Issued on Day of Congressional Global Warming Hearing - March 2007
  5. Gore decries 'global warming' in bitterly cold NYC - December 2006
  6. Gore delivers environmental message at Harvard - ...with near 125-year record breaking low temps - October 2008
  7. Global warming activists urged to focus on Earth Day rallies and ignore snow as it 'piles up outside our windows' - April 17, 2007
  8. No Joke! Cyclists 'braved freezing cold temps' to promote global warming awareness in New York - October 22, 2008
  9. Global warming protest in Maryland frosted with snow - January 2008
  10. Global warming rally in the snow - April 2007
  11. Snow won't dampen global-warming rallies - April 2007
  12. Brrr. - Obama to global warming demonstrators: 'This is probably not the weather to hold up those signs...it's a little chilly today' - October 28,  2008
  13. Global Warming Awareness Walk Braves Snow Storm - March 2007
  14. The Gore Effect, Cont. - Gore speaks in Italy during 'rare' cold and snow
  15. Tracking 'The Gore Effect' - Politico November 26,6, 2008
  16. Climate protest cancelled 'due to rain and cold' - Nov. 23, 2008

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