
As we head into the 2012 cycle, let us all remember: we are not electing a Pope, we are electing a President. We do not need Bush III, we need Reagan II

Newt 2012 – Remembering What America Needs

Since inauguration day January 20th, 2009 – when the appalling efforts of this nation’s liberal media succeeded in handing the presidency over to the most anti-American, Constitution-despising elected official in history – Conservative-voting Americans have awakened to numerous cold, hard facts. George H.W. Bush marked the end of Conservatism’s ascendency via a disastrous term riddled with tax increases – counter to now-infamous campaign promises – as well as deals with the Soviets that reversed decades of gains by Reagan. These disasters, among others, led to two terms of progressive liberalism, massive spending, and runaway entitlements.
Luckily for the nation, The Republican Revolution of 1994 came along to save the citizenry from certain ruin under Clinton – the first socialist-liberal president determined to make state-run health-care a reality. One of the most important figures during the Republican Revolution of 1994, Newt Gingrich, co-authored the “Contract With America”, a promise from the Conservatives to – in part – balance the federal budget and end liberal, run-away spending. So determined was Newt to end more than 3 decades of federal red ink that in 1995 he would rally the entire GOP by vowing to completely eliminate the debt within seven years. Newt Gingrich and the rest of the Republicans faced a daunting task after winning the majority and regaining control of Congress in 1994. Clinton had won the presidency in 1992, and by 1993 had enacted a massive tax increase. Adding insult to injury, Clinton’s budget requests invariably called for hundreds of billions of dollars (in those days unheard of – much like the modern day trillions routinely reported on) in additional social spending. Moreover, Clinton battled Newt and the Conservatives at every turn, vowing to veto balanced budget amendment attempts or rejecting GOP budgets all together. Newt Gingrich – as the leader of the Revolution of 1994 – was not to be deterred from the Contract With America. This Contract, co-written with some of the most important Conservative leaders of the time, was based in part on the words of Ronald Reagan – and as such was a Contract NOT to be entered into lightly. Once in control of Congress, the Contract was seen as a symbol of the re-birth of the Conservative movement. For Newt, the failure of the Contract was not an option. Newt would balance the budget – at all costs. It was his promise to the nation.
Clinton, calling the Contract a “Contract ON America”, had established that Newt and the Conservatives would face substantial challenges in their attempts to pass every part of the Contract – especially when it came to a balanced budget amendment. Clinton waged a shameless “Medi-scare” campaign in 1995 (a trend that continues today) towards dismantling Newt’s balanced budget plans. So disturbingly false were the Clinton claims in this campaign that the media dubbed the efforts pure demagoguery. Continuing in his efforts to side-line Newt, Clinton would counter the GOP budget FIVE TIMES in 1995 before finally matching the efforts of the Conservatives. Thanks to a thriving economy during the days of Newt and the Republican Revolution, tax revenues would increase greatly – resulting in a federal surplus for the first time in decades. But the continued spending by the liberal-run White House simply HAD to be dealt with before the gains were threatened by the spending. Further, the GOP demanded that Clinton submit a plan – to be approved by the CBO – for a balanced budget. As is common with the liberals in office today, Clinton – in 1995 – refused to finalize a budget with the Republicans. Clinton sought to increase spending (on the heels of one of the most massive tax hikes in history, the Clinton hike of 1993) and Newt refused to budge. Seeking to adhere to the promises as written in the Contract With America – to reform welfare, balance the budget, and more – Newt vowed to block a debt limit increase, which would halt Clinton from spending or borrowing beyond the nation’s already established credit limit. Newt wasn’t bluffing – and the government was shut down. Pundits and speculators from both sides of the aisles have argued for decades the pros and cons of the government shut downs as witnessed during the days of Newt vs. Clinton. Clinton’s popularity dropped significantly during the first shutdown, as the public generally considered the situation to be a result of his mis-handling of government. And while Newt would suffer, too, few can argue with the fact that it was Newt, not the liberals, who would cease government spending and work towards balancing the budget – a task they accomplished IN FOUR YEARS! Today, as the election cycle of 2012 approaches, Americans are once again faced with run-away spending in the White House, coupled with socialist agendas, the threat of state-run health-care, $5 gas and far worse. America as the shining city on the hill is virtually unrecognizable. And we have a set of candidates before us, as Conservatives, to select from who are – quite possibly – this nation’s last best hope. This article is not about vetting each of the remaining candidates standing. Each has issues, each has attributes. But there is one who daily recalls Reagan, and has the right to. There is one who has written the Contract, based on Reagan’s words. There is one who has worked with Reagan, side by side. And there is one who has had his concepts adopted by Ronald Reagan. That one is Newt Gingrich. Newt is not a perfect man, he is not a perfect human being – none of us are. He is a human being, one who has been forgiven by God and one who loves his country. He has suffered greatly for the cause of American Exceptionalism and he will lead this country from its darkness. As we head into the 2012 cycle, let us all remember: we are not electing a Pope, we are electing a President. We do not need Bush III, we need Reagan II.

Christopher Massie -- Bio and Archives

Christopher Massie, BS, CS, Founder & Patriot of Drain The Swamp 2010,
Critical Reading for the Conservative American