
Our self-proclaimed morally superior purists declaim they cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump. They are delusional


“Never divide your forces in the face of a superior enemy.” This famous dictum has been a truism of war for 5,000 years. Heedless, our brothers and sisters in the Establishment, and in #NeverTrump, believe they can summon victory from the ashes of a conflagration of their own making. Worse, they continue to pursue their divisive actions despite their inability to define the victory they are pursuing. In a time of greatest peril for our nation, perhaps the last time Conservatives/Republicans will have access to national office, our #NeverTrump fellows, and their coconspirators, including Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and the National Review, etc., hollow out the only movement capable of defending us from the hideous consequences of a Hillary Presidency.
It is infuriating, disgusting, and so needless. For better or worse, America is comprised of a two-party system. After Party Conventions, we are presented with two choices, and only two choices: Candidate A or B. Consequently, the simplest logic dictates any action taken on behalf of or in opposition to either candidate, hinders or benefits the other candidate. No other result is possible. Simple logic also finds those who simply remain silent – especially members of our punditry – in the face of the profound danger we face - help or hinder either Candidate, not both, and in this risk dooming us all. It was Edmund Burke who said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” In our circumstance, our self-proclaimed morally superior purists declaim they cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump. They are delusional. They believe in the fantasy there remain options other than supporting Trump or supporting Hillary. Speaking faintly is just as bad, because anyone not cognitively impaired knows what is signified when supporters of a Candidate limit themselves to half-hearted support. What is needed, and now, is a profound awakening on the part of any remaining anti-Trump cognoscenti. They need to capture themselves in mid-vituperative oratory, and switch immediately to pro-Trump exposition. They need to support Trump and support him enthusiastically. In a time of great peril, and given the option of only two choices, what else can they do?

Not to decide is to decide

Not to decide is to decide. Not to act is to act and actions have consequences. Anyone remaining silent in this time of great peril is guilty out of hand. And, worst of all, anyone weakening the project of electing Donald Trump (in the instance one finds Hillary even more unsavory), or actively attacking the project of electing Donald Trump, is guilty not only of dividing our forces in the face of palpable evil. Worse, they are guilty of inveigling a stark betrayal of everything to which they’d committed themselves previously. This is a problem because it “virtue signals” two theses to our opposition: First, it encourages the enemy. Second, it is fodder for discrediting our work because the case can be made “if even Conservatives themselves are rejecting their elected Candidate, what could there be of value in the brand, and how could our (Democrat) Candidate be any worse – even if they put our nation at risk with email?” In the age of siege warfare, the citizen who secretly opened the secret access portal, allowing the invaders to overtake the citadel, was widely understood to be a traitor.

Confronting and defeating the evil besieging us

Our great country is horribly besieged. Our traitorous colleagues are horribly misguided. Their treason is horribly effective. And we, helpless to corral our deceivers, face a world likely to be horribly changed. Nevertheless, knowing the threat, we can yet defeat it. We can bind together what is left of Trump supporters to become a unified whole, capable of confronting and defeating the evil besieging us. Prayer helps too.

Dr. Brad Lyles -- Bio and Archives

Dr. Brad Lyles is an independent writer for the Tea Party.