
National Right to Life contacted more than 3.3 million identified, pro-life, registered voter households in key races

National Right To Life gets out the Pro-Life Vote

WASHINGTON –Through the work of the National Right to Life Political Action Committee and the National Right to Life Victory Fund, the right-to-life movement scored big gains in yesterday's mid-term elections. National Right to Life's political committees were actively involved in 74 races. As of this morning, 53 (72%) of the pro-life candidates in those races prevailed, including pro-life Senate candidates in Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia. Two of the Senate races in which National Right to Life was actively involved are still outstanding. In Alaska, pro-life Dan Sullivan has what appears to be an insurmountable lead over pro-abortion Sen. Mark Begich, and in Louisiana, pro-life Rep. Bill Cassidy is considered the frontrunner in a December run-off election against pro-abortion incumbent Sen. Mary Landrieu.
National Right to Life contacted more than 3.3 million identified, pro-life, registered voter households in key races with brochures detailing the positions of the candidates on issues of importance to the right-to-life movement. An additional 1.3 million pieces of literature were hand-distributed by National Right to Life's network of grassroots volunteers among its 3,000 local chapters. In addition, over 1.5 million pro-life households were called in the days leading up to the election with a reminder to vote for the pro-life candidate in their area. National Right to Life's political committees also aired more than 33,000 radio ads on over 1,200 stations in key states and congressional districts. "National Right to Life's political committees have been actively involved in every major election since 1980," said Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president. "Our more than three decades of experience getting out the pro-life vote, combined with the power of our grassroots pro-life volunteer base, means that not only will the life issues continue to play a significant role in our elections, but pro-life candidates will continue to enjoy a significant advantage over their pro-abortion opponents."

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The National Right to Life Committee NRLC, the federation of 50 state right-to-life organizations and more than 3,000 local chapters nationwide, is the nation’s largest pro-life group. National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.