
More Liberal la-la land looneyness

More Pop-Psychology Pap

Well, well, what a timely surprise. In my last little tome on White Privilege I mentioned a number of leftist delusions and mistakes that they are forever trying to pass off as reality. Well, there's more, I just ran into another one today. The left seems absolutely incapable of ever getting even one thing right. Another group of liberal masterminds supposedly did some "research" in science. With liberals it's never from the hard sciences (real science), no, it's always something like sociology, humanities or psychology-make that pop psychology.
They conducted a fairly widely known and published study in 2012 called (are you ready?) Correlation not Causation: The relationship between personality traits and political ideologies. It was first published in the "American Journal of Political Science. It was either this, or a study of the mating habits of Bolivian fruit flies. They flipped a coin and this is what we got. Like all of the liberal la-la land looneyness, it turned out to be a hit piece on those nasty, evil conservatives. So, the piece continued on in publication, was cited numerous times and the liberals were very giddy in their usual state of delusion. Now, either its authors lied outright or they were in fact just too non compos mentis to actually follow their own study and arrive at the proper, logical and sane conclusions. (I'd say it's a toss up). These liberals are like the owners of an apple orchard who, after harvesting the fruit, begin selling it at roadside stops out of trucks as watermelons. Very small watermelons. When the buyers complain their answer is always "no, we're liberals and these are watermelons. We're on the right side of history, so, it must be so." So, what the study actually said was that conservatives displayed psychoticism (Not psychosis itself, but having psychotic like traits.) What were the traits? Being uncooperative, hostile, troublesome, socially withdrawn and lacking feelings of anxiety or feelings of inferiority which translates to authoritarian. The terms neuroticism and socially desirable were ascribed to, you guessed it, liberals. Then finally after all this time, a group known as the "Retraction Watch," got a hold of a retraction to this scholarship. The liberal scholars who made up this report got it all wrong. No, wait a minute, that doesn't really cover it, they got it all #-backwards wrong. Turns out the authors were part of the "watermelon squad." All of those negative qualities, first and foremost authoritarianism (you know, the jack-booted kind), and all the rest of the negative qualities were really the traits of the liberals. The conservatives were found to be higher in what they deemed neuroticism and social desirability. So were these simple-minded "watermelon farmers" or did they lie? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know.

However, I must give credit where credit is due. The liberals involved did show their usual caring and sense of contrition when confronted with their falsehoods. Said one of the authors, mastermind Pete Hatemi of Penn State, who is described as a "scientist" the mistake didn't affect the outcome of the question regarding Correlation or Causation. The direction of the relationships wasn't all that important. He went on to say that "none of our papers actually give a damn about whether it's a plus or minus." (For any particular side, I'm assuming). Wow, if Obama can win a Nobel for absolutely nothing why can't this guy? Pete Hatemi, Penn State. Of course all of this "scholarship" was really quite unnecessary. Want to know which side is which? Just check out the Internet, social media. What is the group that is always nastier, meaner, always whining, complaining, narcissistic, self-righteous and most importantly self-deluded? Hmm? Need a hint? Well next time you're out for a long drive in the country, don't buy any watermelons from them.

Chris Volkay -- Bio and Archives

Mr. Volkay (volkaysvolcano.com) writes for a number of sites, on a number of issues. He has been published in many national magazines and papers. He is a former liberal who one day fell on his head and miraculously came to his senses.