
Misprinted tickets invite guests to Trump's 'State of the Uniom' address

Re: Misprinted tickets invite guests to Trump's 'State of the Uniom' address As the President said "It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word." (President Andrew Jackson). Spelling is a dying art - mostly due to spellcheckers and a lack of ability by its users to spot obvious errors. The example of the moment, uniom rather than union, is more likely poor typing than spelling. Does it really matter if we think Crocodile Dundee came from Austria rather than Australia? Not really, although since there are no crocodiles there Squirrel Dundee may have lacked some drama. However, if it was a matter of bombing runs, "Iraq or Iran?" may have caused some political tensions to rise. Typing errors may excuse many concerns although the differences between the recovery is slow/low are significant. Perhaps the President or Resident in the White House needs to double check everything he sends out - this could be extended to his tweets as well. As we peel away the layers of how this mistake occurred it may be like the onion - a source of many tears.

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