
Americans can be grateful that the America-hating swell of progressive tyranny that infected our lives over the past eight years is ON THE WAY OUT!

Michelle Obama's Bitter Legacy: Sour Grapes!

After eight years of complaining about the stress and inconvenience of being forced to endure the "fish bowl" effect of privilege, power, and ultra-luxury that comes with being America's First Lady, Michelle Obama has made known her unambiguous feelings of hopelessness and despair regarding President-Elect Donald Trump and his policies.
As reported Mrs. Obama sees life under President Trump as hopeless:
With fewer than 40 days remaining as first lady, Michelle Obama is continuing to reflect on the legacy she and President Obama will leave after having occupied the White House for the last eight years. In a new interview with Oprah Winfrey, the first lady addressed the election outcome and suggested that the U.S. is entering a time of hopelessness. “We are feeling what not having hope feels like,” Obama told Winfrey in response to a question about whether President Obama had achieved the “hope and change” he promised while campaigning in 2008. As she often did while campaigning for Hillary Clinton, she didn’t mention President-elect Donald Trump by name. But she alluded to the contrast many in the country are feeling since he won the election last month. “We feel the difference now,” she said, noting that her husband had succeeded in keeping his campaign promise of fostering hope. “Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept,” she elaborated. “And Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was a nice slogan to get votes. He and I and so many believed that … what else do you have if you don’t have hope? What do you give your kids if you can’t give them hope?”
Last week, she reportedly left White House staffers in tears after a heartfelt thank you speech at a holiday party. And in an interview that appears in the December issue of Vogue, she expressed mixed feelings about leaving the White House, ultimately concluding, “I’m going to miss waking up to this, having access to this anytime I want. But on the flip side … it’s time.”
As one would naturally expect from the overly partisan wife of the president whose political legacy and values were thoroughly rejected by the American people on November 8, 2016, Michelle Obama sees nothing but doom and gloom in the wake of the successful Trump movement. In doing so, she deliberately overlooked the despair and hopelessness felt by tens of millions of patriotic Americans at the end of the Obama tyranny, and the truly horrifying prospects that the damage inflicted by Obama--- to the economy, Rule of Law, social values, US military might, and global standing---would be magnified by the election of a reckless, mindless "progressive" clone of the failed Obama presidency, in the personage of thoroughly Crooked Hillary Clinton! From the devastating decimation of the world's very best health care system, to the cowardly surrender to mullahs in the outrageous Iran nuclear "deal", to the refusal to recognize Islam as a major enemy of world peace, to downgrading of the US economy such that young people entering the job market no longer expect to do as well as previous generations, to the evil use of Executive Orders to undermine the US Constitution and elected members of Congress, to proliferation of the notion that American Exceptionalism is a myth.... Americans can be grateful that the America-hating swell of progressive tyranny that infected our lives over the past eight years is ON THE WAY OUT!

John Lillpop -- Bio and Archives

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. For years, John lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, the very liberal sanctuary city which protects, rather than prosecutes, certain favored criminals.  John escaped the Bay Area in May and now lives in Pine Grove California where conservative values are still in vogue.

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