
General Services Agency spend-fest orgy in Las Vegas

Make them pay the $$ back!

Did you read about Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) expressing his righteous indignation by the wanton and obscene spending by the General Services Agency? This latest scandal in the Obama House is an $822,000 spend-fest orgy masquerading as a “training exercise” in Las Vegas?
My first instinct was to check the upcoming election cycle to see when the senior senator from the Land of Lincoln was up for re-election. Why else would he rail against fellow Democrats? It turns out he’s not due to run until 2014. This must be serious for the Senate Whip to wade into this swamp. It turns out I can actually agree with Durbin on this. It’s bad. Durbin, Reid, and the whole Obama machine are in a hissey fit how the GSA has displayed such callous indifference for the taxpayer. What can you expect when the Obama Administration has racked up $5 trillion in new debt during his tenure? I am not certain the generals of the Left are so concerned with the waste of public funds or the blatant flaunting of a certain released video showing outright contempt for the beleaguered taxpayer who ultimately pays the bill. So, here’s a thought; Make those responsible pay back the squandered funds. You bet. If you really want to put a stop to this immoral behavior at any Federal, agency, make these employees, including fired GSA director Martha N. Johnson pay the tax payers back. Here’s a partial breakdown on the $822,000 in squanders’ funds:
  • $147,000 for airfare / lodging in Las Vegas for 300 employees.
  • $3,200 spent to hire a mind reader (Obama will lose in 2012)
  • $6,300 for commemorative Recovery Act coin sets (that sounds like a real collector’s item).
  • $6,000 for canteens, key chains, and t-shirts
  • $75,000 for a team training exercise to build bicycles.
  • $1,800 for 19 vests for regional GSA ambassadors.
  • ? Hiring of a clown (maybe that came with the mind reader)
  • $ 30,000 for dinner for 300 where the awards were given for the video.
If Durbin is really upset by the behavior of these irresponsible Federal employees, then hold them responsible, financially. And then dismiss them from their cushy federal jobs. I would wager if the Government did that, one would not see any more stupid videos and the contempt these employees have for the tax payer would disappear in a New York second. Will that happen? I doubt it. The problem with the Regime and its lieutenants is they all live in a bubble on non-responsibility. Further, if you think this contemptuous behavior exhibited by these ingrates is unique to the GSA, think, again. I would venture to say, nary an agency, commission, or board which derives a federal paycheck is immune from the virus of corruption. After all, it’s not their money. It’s your money. The public will just have to wait for the Inspector-General and the House Committee of Oversight and Government Reform uncover another disgrace. Let’s put a flashlight on the following GSA parasites: Director Johnson, film rapper and “Commissioner of the Day” Hank Terlaje, Regional Commissioner Jeff Neely and Deputy Commissioner David Foley should be handed a bill for $822,000 and told to make restitution. And don’t think for a micro second new acting Commissioner Daniel Tangherlini has clean hands on this scandal. He’s just as corrupt. Fire ‘em and attach their assets until they reimburse the Treasury. I suspect this entire “disgraced” responsible have landed on their feet within other Federal departments. There is no personal responsibility attached to the aberrant behavior so there are no real consequences. The other inconvenience posed to these scum buckets is their already-sullied reputations have been additionally blemished… but make no mistake, their paychecks will continue at your expense. It’s time to hold these criminals responsible for their behavior.

Roger Gitlin -- Bio and Archives

Roger Gitlin is a California-credentialed teacher and sits on the steering committee for the Del Norte Tea Party Patriots in Crescent City, California. Roger also founded the Santa Clarita Valley Independent Minutemen. Roger Gitlin is running for Del Norte County, Supervisor District I in Crescent City, California.