
It is you and your snooty, ill-informed ilk in the goose-stepping media who bootlick the oxfords of lib-left politicians the world over and not the supporters of Trump, Cruz and Rubio who are a few cards short of a full deck

Mainstream media: If you’re not a socialist, you must be a lunatic

It is not Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio supporters making the 2016 U.S. Presidential race look like a world suddenly gone crazy, but the low-information, miss-every-boat, Marxist boosting mainstream media. On this side of the pond, we have New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, tweeting out as a “supposed joke” that the best way to stop Donald Trump was to assassinate him: “Good news, I’ve figured out how the Trump campaign ends, he wrote, including a link to a scene from the 1983 movie, ‘The Dead Zone’, which featured an attempted assassination attempt on a deranged political candidate who had visions of running for president.” (Jeff Crouere, Canada Free Press, Feb. 27, 2016)
Quite easy to joke about assassination when you’ll never be its target. The joker journalists of the day, completely lacking the hard facts on anything new, like to cite old movies. Veteran journo Max Hastings, over at Britain’s Daily Mail, pulled the 1976 movie ‘Network‘ out of mothballs, in trying to make the point that frenzied American voters--”mad as hell”--are backing lunatics in the “most frightening” election he has covered. The “most frightening” would be Election 2008 and Re-election 2012, but Hastings missed that boat, too. As safely far away as Douthat is from any assassin’s bullet, is Hastings, from proximity to fact. The 2016 elections the “most frightening”?
Surely someone should be telling Hastings: “No need to hide.“You can come out now”. To media scribes like Douthat and Hastings, everyone who leans to the right, particularly during election campaigns, is a raving lunatic. While Hastings says Drama-Queen 2016 elections as the most frightening, he completely misses the fact that nothing much frightens Americans, who have withstood President Barack Obama’s Marxist Fundamental Transformation of America for almost eight years, but are still standing strong; still willing to fight him. Hastings writes this of Americans: “in their bitterness and frustration, many turn to Trump, who, of course, will never tell them that he can no more reverse historic industrial shift than turn back the ocean”, in his take on the election campaign. The “bitterness and frustration” for which which he accuses mainstreet Americans can be laid right on the doorstep of Mr. Max Hastings: “The faithful seem blind to their hero’s reckless deceits and policy U-turns. His tone is that of a Right-wing ‘rant radio’ jock — in the mould of lunatic commentators such as Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News crew, who treat the Obama presidency as if it were a criminal conspiracy against freedom and capitalism.” (Daily Mail, Feb. 27, 2016) This is where mainstream media scribes like Hastings can be accused of not recognizing truth or NEWS even if they run right over them like a freight train.
...”Lunatic commentators such as Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News crew, who treat the Obama presidency as if it were a criminal conspiracy against freedom and capitalism”?
Breaking News tip to Hastings: That’s exactly what the current presidency is. Don’t take our word for it but Obama’s, who not only vowed on Oct. 29, 2008, that he would “fundamentally change America”, but that’s exactly what he went into the Oval Office to do--and is still doing. According to Hastings, the sanity of all Republican front-runners is questionable and Americans who support them are just as crazy by backing these lunatics:
“Trump’s rival presidential Republican candidate Ted Cruz is no saner, and Marco Rubio not much better. Both speak like the Twitter army who insist that truth is not something we strive for by analysing facts, but is instead whatever anyone chooses it to be, with no argument and no compromise.”
With baseless smears, and ‘they’re-all-crazy’ innuendo, Hastings has just discounted not one but all three top Republican presidential hopefuls, leaving only the last two on the ladder’s bottom rungs. How crazy is that? Then in the very next breath, he writes:
“But somebody has to be the next president. Hillary Clinton has so many ugly flaws that even many Democrats are affronted by her apparent conviction that rules — for instance, about using private email while Secretary of State so as to avoid public scrutiny — do not apply to her, and by the Clinton family’s record of public grandeur and private squalor. But she seems the only candidate remotely fit for the responsibility of occupying the greatest office in world politics. She knows that government is about compromise, which no Republican front-runner dares to admit. My guess is that come November when America goes to the polls, and with the deepest reluctance, enough voters will decide likewise to put her into the White House. For all our sakes, we should hope they do, because the rest of the field properly belong in the funny farm.”
Mentally handicapped people go into care at staffed mental health centers, Mr. Hastings. ‘Funny farm’ is a pejorative term. Meanwhile, it is you and your snooty, ill-informed ilk in the goose-stepping media who bootlick the oxfords of lib-left politicians the world over and not the supporters of Trump, Cruz and Rubio who are a few cards short of a full deck. How’s that Brexit thing working out with your own wimpy Prime Minister, Mr. Hastings?

Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives -- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.