
• Live Science sells out
• Antifa and BLM are not science
• They're not math except for $400,000,000 in damages

Live Science sells out

Live Science sells out, Antifa and BLMQuite frankly I am appalled at Live Science's recent and all too obvious jump on the political left's band wagon and their proselytizing the Antifa and Black Lives Matter propaganda hook line and sinker. For a brief few months, I felt at ease discussing cosmology and astrophysics--two hobbies which I enjoy in my retirement. I was able to profer a few of my limited but nevertheless scientific and mathematical insights I had gathered over a lifetime of reading, beginning with 'The Universe and Dr. Einstein' by Lincoln Barnett, © 1948, which my mother gave me when I was five or six years old in the mid 1950s.

Antifa is nothing but an anti-police, anti-democratic group of thugs

But I speak, in the foregoing paragraph, about science and math. Antifa is nothing but an anti-police, anti-democratic group of thugs whose whole mantra can be gathered from their literature and handbook. Those who believe that there is anything altruistic about this crowd of nihilistic hooligans should read their prose--knowledge is power. But Antifa has nothing to do with science or mathematics unless it is to total their damage thus far in their war against you and me: $400,000,000 and counting. Black Lives Matter has morphed far beyond its early concern for the .01 percent of people who are killed by the police. It has become centered on burning, looting, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at police, and cleaning out Nike stores. Spokespeople have even said it's time to kill the police. And, of course, new demands call for abolishing the police by defunding them in the face of nationwide riots. In Minneapolis, they say they will be offering counselors at robbery scenes in lieu of cops.

America is in a state of war

America is in a state of war. That war is financed and organized by the backers of one of the country’s major political parties and 521(c)3's pumped full of money by anti-democratic men like George Soros, who hate our current president and us. The goal of this violence is, besides destroying capitalism, to win the 2020 election. Their message is clear. Either they’re going to take over the country or they will burn it down. However, in cities across the country, small groups of men and women in blue or gray or tan and green stand between them and the apocalyptic terror they intend to inflict on all Americans, regardless of our race, class, or creed. This new civil war is not between the blue and the gray, but between the red and you and me. When 430 police officers have been wounded it has become a war against the police, against order, against our safety and against our ability to peaceably earn a living in America. But whatever it is, it is not science and it does not belong on a blog dedicated to the pursuit of science. If you are going to strike for Blacks and STEM, why not strike, then, for Asian-Americans, who are selected, not on merit at our best schools, in smaller numbers thanks to the same racial quota systems that select more Blacks and Hispanics to Harvard and your Ivies--regardless of their grades. But you won't, because it's not the THE thing right now. But it's still not science and its not rigorous. Good bye Live Science. I enjoyed you until you prostrated yourself out of fear or the need to be hip or climb on a band wagon. Had you been attacked, WE would have defended you. But you never gave us the chance.

John Burtis -- Bio and Archives

John Burtis is a former Broome County, NY firefighter, a retired Santa Monica, CA, police officer. He obtained his BA in European History at Boston University and is fluent in German. He resides in NH with his wife, Betsy.

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